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What are some things you will never understand?


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Waldorf Salad


Nuts in Brownies or Cookies


Pork Rinds


The Disco Craze


Why isn't Oingo Boingo more popular than they are?


What Happened to show like Playhouse 90, Zane Grey Theater, and Alfred Hitchcock Presents?


Why are there so many damned Reality Shows?


Why Isn't there a music video channel that has new stuff from old artists? Like one that will play the latest ZZ Top or Pat Benatar stuff. It'll make money, trust me.


How come Gibson put a Les Paul Bridge Pickup, a stop tailpiece, and a 24 3/4 inch scale on the new Nighthawk. That's not a Nighthawk, it's a shaved down Les Paul (which Ironically is the what the original Nighthawk was accused of being, which couldn't be farther from the truth).

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Light and low carb beer - wtf?


Steely Dan - It's the Bush Light of rock.


Strats - I love Hendrix, but making this guitar cool so every rich, suburban band sports one is unforgivable. Bad tone and bad feel.


Cilantro - Tastes like a mix of soap and a musty, old dish rag. And now it's cool to use it in everything. Went to a "modern" Korean restaurant and they put cilantro in their kimchi. wtf?

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Oh' date=' and Karen... were you speaking metaphorically? <grin>




LOL No, I meant that literally. It drives me InSaNe when people are driving down the on-ramp toward a major freeway, and the freeway they are merging onto has a speed average of 110 km/hr, and they slow down!!! Or worse, they stop!!! Huh??!! Ahhhhhh!


Merge = speed up to meet the speed of the road you're merging onto

Yield = slow down or stop if necessary to yield to oncoming traffic.


There's a difference between those two.[confused] Why don't people get that? Oh, and if you're afraid to go 110 km/hr, then don't take Deerfoot Trail!!! (or whatever freeway)


Now I'm all wound up :-k

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One might hope that somewhat greater maturity might be accompanied by a degree of both greater honesty and a humility given that one's ego most likely has been clobbered sufficiently to bring a degree of realism.


But... we tend to be creatures of habit, and that includes, I think, a degree of attempting to maintain a degree of bravado that results in interesting ... discussion ... whether one is male or female.


Which of us truly wants to be seen as J. Alfred Prufrock or a feminine equivalent?



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I'll be sure and pass that compliment to my girlfriend. Aren't we all so perfect here?




Ain't getting in on this one man. No way.


If you were smart Rocky' date='I'd take a step back fer the girls' sake - and yer own. :)


Respect's the key word mate...not ta mention manners[wink']


I looove stirring it up,but there is a line__________________[blink]

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I looove stirring it up' date='but there is a line__________________ [/quote']

Okay' date=' howz about this to take things in a little different direction?





You're most welcome Karen.




Apologies to Duane....

Kill it if you must.


(Ya gotta admit it's a keeper!)



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Why a woman would want to receive a "pearl necklace."

Mrs. Neo always liked that ZZ Top song.

We were driving along one day' date=' it came on the radio and she was cheerily humming along to it.

I mentioned something about a "vague double meaning in that one, wonder what it's [i']really[/i] about...."


She stopped humming and gave me The Look.


I gave her my 'look' in return.


(The dumb one.) --> [blink]



Seriously, it's kinda obvious, eh?




So I had to explain it.






"Great!" she says.

"Another damned song you've ruined for me!"








Why people would want to take a bath in a hotel room.

After sleeping in those hotel room linens?

Gimme a HOT shower with my own soap!!!


Mrs. Neo insists on traveling with her own pillows...

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People that turn EVERY aspect of their lives into a competition..........I work with sooo many guys that are so hung up on being "better/stronger/faster/smarter/wealthier/etc.etc" than everyone else they know, that they never seem satisfied.......never happy.........and always upset about something.

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They don't. If they tell you they do' date=' they're lying. Or their self-esteem is in the toilet.



You don't get out of the house much, do you? There is a whole world of kinkiness out there. Pearl necklaces are an afternoon in the park compared to what turns some people on (or what some people will do for their partners' kinks).

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