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Guess who's about to find out exactly what it means to be "a man" and be on the receiving end?[cool]


If there is one thing besides cruelty to kids and animals I Despise - it's this filth.


Don't care for the story behind it - walk away.

I was brought up to respect women (no matter how evil they can get:-" ).

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Mmm. I work in psych and see all manner of ugliness there. Mostly now to do with drugs and no,not chemicals,but pot. True.


Most of these scum(a la the link I posted)end up blaming mental instability etc. and join the que in the forensics ward playing the game. We know it,they know that we know it and laugh at the knee jerk reactionary system. We're talking murderers etc. here who have us all bent over and shafted. Frustrating to say the least.

Oh the stories...and 99% have children - don't get me started on that.[wink]


And in the meanwhile...those with the "real" problems and need immediate help,love and attention are living in your nearest park,street getting set on fire,bashed and forgotten about.


Sure is a funny old world we live in...[cool]

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Not much can be said except "Disgusting". Hope that guy gets the same treatment in prison.


+1. Anyone who would ever hurt a woman (no matter what she did to them) deserves to get the sh*t beaten outta him every day in prison. you NEVER hit a woman, under ANY circumstances. Period.

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+1. Anyone who would ever hurt a woman (no matter what she did to them) deserves to get the sh*t beaten outta him every day in prison. you NEVER hit a woman' date=' under ANY circumstances. Period. [/quote']


Never say never. Woman pulls a gun on you, what are you gonna do? I would sure as hell hit her. In general life, it would take a lot for me to hit a girl, woman, female, whatever.

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Never say never. Woman pulls a gun on you' date=' what are you gonna do? I would sure as hell hit her. In general life, it would take a lot for me to hit a girl, woman, female, whatever.



Youngbloods have a caution with your chivalry. You save a woman from an axxwhippin' only to find her pouring boiling water over you or bashing your brains out with a poker for messin' with her man. And don't ever fool yourself into believing there aren't downright mean, dangerous women out there. Character isn't related to genitalia.

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+1. Anyone who would ever hurt a woman (no matter what she did to them) deserves to get the sh*t beaten outta him every day in prison. you NEVER hit a woman' date=' under ANY circumstances. Period. [/quote']









Imagine all the husbands in Jail.


If it came to a situation like that I would try to block her blows and then subdue her. If your not strong enough to physically control a woman, you need your man card revoked.

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Youngbloods have a caution with your chivalry. You save a woman from an axxwhippin' only to find her pouring boiling water over you or bashing your brains out with a poker for messin' with her man. And don't ever fool yourself into believing there aren't downright mean' date=' dangerous women out there. Character isn't related to genitalia.[/quote']


A friend of mine "did the right thing" by stepping between his step-sister and her abusive father one night............

he was shot directly in the heart, and was dead before he hit the ground.

He left a wife and daughter behind.

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Youngbloods have a caution with your chivalry. You save a woman from an axxwhippin' only to find her pouring boiling water over you or bashing your brains out with a poker for messin' with her man. And don't ever fool yourself into believing there aren't downright mean' date=' dangerous women out there. Character isn't related to genitalia.[/quote']Truth here. Years ago when i was a doorman at club, there was an altercation in the line up. my partner and I went over to deal with it. There was a guy hitting his girlfriend. She had a bloody nose. I pulled him off her, and we started to subdue him when she jumped on my back and started hitting me with her purse and other fist.


Both he and she were small, and easy for us to deal with but it was crazy.

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Imagine all the husbands in Jail.


If it came to a situation like that I would try to block her blows and then subdue her. If your not strong enough to physically control a woman' date=' you need your man card revoked.






You should do whatever it takes to get yourself past this attitude about manhood. If you really believe there are no women stronger (and meaner) than their ol' man, you need to look around. Plus the fact that some men are small, some men are disabled, some men are elderly, some men go to sleep...


Your manhood has nothing to do with your ability to physically control ANYONE...other than yourself.

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Imagine all the husbands in Jail.


If it came to a situation like that I would try to block her blows and then subdue her. If your not strong enough to physically control a woman' date=' you need your man card revoked.





F*#k that. I NEVER start physical confrontations with anyone because I have zero interest in it. But I dont care if you are male or female, if you physically assault me (in anger I mean, naturally) you better get ready for whats coming. I have always had a problem with all this graphic and (more or less) glorified physical abuse by women on men that you see on TV and movies. As if women just have free reign to do whatever they like. It has caused it to become an acceptable social norm. Thats horsecrap, if you ask me.

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F*#k that. I NEVER start physical confrontations with anyone because I have zero interest in it. But I dont care if you are male or female' date=' if you physically assault me you better get ready for whats coming. I have always had a problem with all this graphic and (more or less) glorified physical abuse by women on men that you see on TV and movies. As if women just have free reign to do whatever they like. It has caused it to become an acceptable social norm. Thats horsecrap, if you ask me.





Story my father told me, a friend of his was a police officer, went to a call of a trucker beating a hooker. He shows up to the scene and sees the man beating the bloody p¡ss out of a woman, he almost pulled the trigger on the man, but for some reason he stopped. Turns out the "trucker" was an undercover cop who was stabbed by said "innocent" woman.


females can be cruel, just ask 'em.

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Imagine all the husbands in Jail.

If it came to a situation like that I would try to block her blows and then subdue her. If your not strong enough to physically control a woman' date=' you need your man card revoked.[/b']


You should do whatever it takes to get yourself past this attitude about manhood. If you really believe there are no women stronger (and meaner) than their ol' man' date=' you need to look around. Plus the fact that some men are small, some men are disabled, some men are elderly, some men go to sleep...


Your manhood has nothing to do with your ability to physically control ANYONE.


Cruz I think thats youth speaking don't you? My first wife gave me the only black eye I've ever had! Mean little b1tch! She ended up committing suicide in prison. She went to prison for killing her second husband. Like I said, mean little b1tch.

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Cruz I think thats youth speaking don't you? My first wife gave me the only black eye I've ever had! Mean little b1tch! She ended up committing suicide in prison. She went to prison for killing her second husband. Like I said' date=' mean little b1tch.[/quote']


Yes, to a great extent it is youth. Uncorrected it becomes an adult attitude. I'm afraid I know of a lot of men of greater years and experience than Ba$$hole who, to some degree, share his point of view. My older Son, now 40, is one of them.

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Im never getting married becuase of this topic.


You'll never get married because you're concerned about violence in relationships? I would hope most manage without ever resorting to getting physical. There's no violence in my home. There was none when I was raising my kids. There was none in my Parents home. I would have considered violence to be a very notable exception to the norm among my own acquaintances, friends and family. There's a lot of it out there, no doubt, but you can have relationships that eschew violence. It's never been a problem for me.

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Yes' date=' to a great extent it is youth. Uncorrected it becomes an adult attitude. I'm afraid I know of a lot of men of greater years and experience than Ba$$hole who, to some degree, share his point of view. My older Son, now 40, is one of them.







Cruz, I am 6'4 240Lbs. Football Player, I have NEVER touched a woman in harmful way.


I'm sorry if you think I'm some punk who thinks it's cool to shove around a woman.

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Cruz' date=' I am 6'4 240Lbs. Football Player, I have NEVER touched a woman in harmful way.


I'm sorry if you think I'm some punk who thinks it's cool to shove around a woman.[/quote']


No, no, no, a thousand times no, Ba$$hole. Never! And I'm very sorry to have given that impression. I have no reservations about your integrity or gentility towards women. It is only your thought that manhood is somehow connected to one's ability to physically control someone else. Had nothing to do with your attitude towards women.

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No' date=' no, no, a thousand times no, Ba$$hole. Never! And I'm very sorry to have given that impression. I have no reservations about your integrity or gentility towards women. It is only your thought that manhood is somehow connected to one's ability to physically control someone else. Had nothing to do with your attitude towards women. [/quote']


Manhood is serving others before you serve yourself...

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I was 28 years old, getting divorced from my first wife before I figured out what is being discussed here.

Always treated them as my folks taught me, Gentlemanly, always deferring to the Ladies, always chivalrous.

As a kid, we NEVER roughed up the girls, and rarely were they allowed to play any sort of contact sport with us.

Sugar & spice, and everything nice....


My meek & mild ex turned out to be just as evil, mean and nasty as those "other" women I had heard about.

The spector of physical violence is what made me decide to get divorced.


At 5'2" and barely 100 pounds, she decided to confront me and block my passage down the hall to go to bed.

I was very tired (working 100 hour weeks) and was gonna get only a couple hours of sleep anyway.


I finally told her out of desperation to "Shut the fxck up and leave me alone" and she took offense.

I offered to get dressed, leave, and sleep at work for a few hours.

She wanted a showdown, and would NOT back off.

There was no fixing the issues, and she finally dared me to hit her, while holding my baby daughter.


She had finally lost it, and I was done.

I'm well over 6' and well over 200 pounds, if I hit her I'd be in jail.


The next day, I left work early and filed for divorce.



Anybody is capable of most anything if they are desperate enough, gender is no indicator.

Being smaller, weaker, and more vulnerable, my experience is women try to hit really hard the first time.

They know they won't get a second chance.

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