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interesting thoughts for a wed

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I do not own a cell phone

I once owned a cell phone, and made 1 phone call on it

I have never been intoxicated, high, stoned, drunk, or in a airplane

I drove a train engine before I ever drove a regular car

I do not own any amps with built in reverb

I use a push lawn mower to mow the lawn

I carry no cash on me, just my bank card

I have 4 harmonicas, built by 4 different companies

None of my lounging shows have laces, all of my sports shoes are black

I prefer wood floors to carpet

Both of the calenders in my room are still set to Feb. oh'10

I love to play video games, but never have the time

The radio station I listen to the most, is the last preset on my radio

All of my guitars have cases/gigbags, but none of my guitars have a bone nut

All 4 of my 4x12 guitar cabs have less then 4 speakers in them

Someone once told me I have hair like Eddie VanHalen, I responded by saying to them, you have hair like Mr Clean






just thought I would share some totally useless facts with you guys


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I do not own a cell phone

I once owned a cell phone' date=' and made 1 phone call on it

I have never been intoxicated, high, stoned, drunk, or in a airplane

I drove a train engine before I ever drove a regular car




I flew a Cessna 172 before I could drive...

come to think of it I still can't drive till June

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I own a cell phone

an iPhone and I love it

I've never been intoxicated, high, drunk, but have been on an airplane

I've only been on a train once, but have driven many vehicles before a car

All my amps have built in reverb

I used to have a push mower, but no longer

I carry no cash on me, because I don't have it to spend [biggrin]

I have 1 harmonica, which I bought for 5 bucks and play a little bit

I tie my shoes up (for the most part) and knot them so I don't have to actually tie them up, except for running shoes.

I prefer wood floors as well

I have a calendar still set to 09

I play video games but don't have the time either

Radio station I listen to the most is number 2, but I wish I could get pandora radio in my car

All of my guitars have hardshell cases, but no bone nuts

I have no amp cabinets, only one combo, but hope to fix that soon


On that topic.... :)



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I do own a cell phone and it's my only phone

My cell phone is around five years old as I don't like talking on the phone and that's all I use it for.

I have been intoxicated, high, stoned, drunk, and in an airplane

I've never driven a train engine but learned to drive with a standard transmission

I do own one amp with built in reverb

My landlord mows the lawn but I worked many summers as a landscaper

I always carry cash on me and use my bank card only to get more cash

Nobody sucks worse at harmonica than I do

I lounge in my socks and suck at any sport that involves a ball

I prefer carpet to wood floors but have hardwood floors

My one calendar at work has been flipped to March (Fender Custom Shop calendar: new month = new guitar pic)

I love to play video games, but never have the time

The radio station I listen to the most, is the last preset on my radio (Why do we set our radios like that?)

All but one of my guitars have cases/gigbags and I have no idea if any of my guitars have a bone nut

I own no 4x12 cabs but have a 4x10 with all four speakers loaded

When I had long hair, everyone told me I looked like Randy Rhoads, Vince Neil, Bon Jovi and on and on. Now they say I look like Andy Garcia, Gary Oldman, Micky Rourke (previously) or anyone else who uses copious amounts of hair gel.

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This is all good stuff' date=' but wouldn't it fit better in the member highlight area?

You might have to cut the list to ten.[/quote']


no, it is so we can all share random, useless information!






rich, arnt you in the new TV show, jersey boys or whatever?

I dont watch it, but doesent it star all of the italian american population?:)






hooray for stupid stereotyping humor, if it is good enough for george lopez and chris rock, it is good enough for everyone!

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OK, I'll play...


I own a megaphone.

I'm high right now.

I used to drive a riding lawn mower.

I'm really nervous, so I don't need reverb.

So you're the guy that's taking so long at the cash register.

I have a harmonica, but I don't know where it is.

I don't lounge in shoes, if I did, they'd be green.

I not only like floors, I need them. I wish they weren't so far away.

What day is it?

I gave my Wii game to my daughter.

The only radio station I listen to is a little college station right down the road.

I have a gig bag, but don't gig.

I have two amps with two speakers each.

I have hair like Bozo.

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I don't have a cell phone.


I dont have facebook myspace etc


I have never been drunk, high etc...


I have had one sip of beer or any alcohol in my life and do not plan to ever again.


I dont' understand the huge deal weith getting a drivers lisence... I have a bike (It's 30 yrs old and rides like it's new) and the physical capability to get where I need to be.


I run 6 miles a day


I there are 5 fours in my birthdate and time.


There are three calendars in my room, none of which I look at. They always seem to get themselves on the right month.


I'm a history nerd.


I may be getting a blues junior soon.

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I do not own a cell phone

I once owned a cell phone' date=' and made 1 phone call on it

I have never been intoxicated, high, stoned, drunk, or in a airplane...[/quote']


so, you're a luddite teetotaler?

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we need a get together down south so we can see...........Jesse get all drunk for the first time and then trick him into seeing

if a guitar will put out a signal while played in the pool.............

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I don't have a cell phone.


I dont have facebook myspace etc


I have never been drunk' date=' high etc...


I have had one sip of beer or any alcohol in my life and do not plan to ever again.


I dont' understand the huge deal weith getting a drivers lisence... I have a bike (It's 30 yrs old and rides like it's new) and the physical capability to get where I need to be.


I run 6 miles a day


I there are 5 fours in my birthdate and time.


There are three calendars in my room, none of which I look at.[b'] They always seem to get themselves on the right month.[/b]


I'm a history nerd.


I may be getting a blues junior soon.

That's your Mom changing the calenders [cool]

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I have had many cell phones including several at the same time and always use them.

I have tried just about everything there is to get high on except anything that involved needles, I grew up in the 70's

I used to have a go-kart when I was a kid and learned to drive a car by using the spare keys to my brothers car when he wasn't around, until he caught me.

I don't have any amps with built in reverb but I have a Yamaha digital mixer with great built in FX including reverb and lots of outboard gear as well in my studio.

I used to mow my mother's lawn with a gas mower after that I had gardeners.

I always carry cash and credit cards.

I used to have a harmonica but I don't remember what happened to it.

I use Harley boots for lounging shoes, what can I say they're comfortable.

I like wood, carpet and granite floors, no marble floors.

I only use digital calenders and they are alway correctly set.

I don't listen to radio anymore.

All my guitars have cases but the only guitar I have with a bone nut is an acoustic.

My amp has two 1 x 12 speaker cabinets fully loaded and sounds great.

When I had my long hair people said I looked like Barry Gibb.

When I joined the Gibson Forum I didn't know how to play guitar, I'm in a band now.

Why did I spend so much time doing this?



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rich' date=' arnt you in the new TV show, jersey boys or whatever?

I dont watch it, but doesent it star all of the italian american population?[blush


lol! What's especially funny is that I live a half a block from the ocean at the Jersey shore and we make fun of that show, especially since like only two of the people on that show even live in the state, the rest live in NY or thereabouts.

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I have a cell phone which I rarely use

I'm not here to talk about drugs or alcohol

I'm currently in a Driver's Ed course as a preliminary to earning a license

The only amp I own is a tiny solid state practice amp, and no, it doesn't have reverb [crying]

I don't have a lawn to mow

I always have cash on hand, but seldom make impulse/discretionary purchases

My brother plays harmonica, but not I

I have a pair of sneakers that I've been wearing down and repairing again since 2006--by now, I don't think there are actually any original parts left

I prefer carpet to bare wood

I have the same calendar that Rich has, and yes it's on the correct month

I used to play a lot of video games, then went a year without playing any (practically,) and now I'm playing again

One of my guitars doesn't have a case. The other two have hard cases

I don't listen to radio

Forget 4x12 cabs, I'm GASsing for a CRATE 16x12 cab...yeah [blush]

I've been compared to Jim Morrison, but only after he got all fat and weird

I'm in the middle of cultivating a fine mustache

I lost my job last week and I still feel completely worthless and depressed because of it

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Well... Okay, from an old guy...


I have had more alcohol than I should have, but not until my first week in college when I determined one should know one's limits along those lines. To this day there is a brand of alcoholic beverage I can't stand the smell or thought of. I may have a half dozen beers and a dozen "drinks" a year. I love OJ or grapefruit juice during a gig.


Drugs? Aspirin although I've been told not to use the stuff; motrin, caffeine (3-4 pots of coffee a day); I smoke tobacco and have for years although, until I had all my teeth pulled in two days last summer, I hadn't taken a "sick day" for roughly 44 years even with a shattered left leg. Some antibiotics for standard sorts of infections such as an infected spider bite or a few cuts or chops and stuff like that.


I haven't the slightest idea what the nut on any of my guitars is made of, and don't particularly care. Unless it were a "steal," such as about a half dozen have been, I'd never buy a guitar with any sort of whammy bar - although I wish I'd kept that Gretsch some 35 years ago.


I have a cell phone and even use it for texting - but I prefer voice to text. I love using computers for a lotta stuff, built my own 8-bit machine before either PC or Mac (I admit, more or less from "kit" sorts of stuff) and taught myself enough programming to write a word processor and database.


History "nerd?" Hey, ever do first person from the 1860s-90s? My saber is in the Jeep. I lettered in fencing. If you check state agencies you'd see I was born July 15, 1842, in Vermont and joined the 112th Illinois in 1862.


Both my amps have reverb built in.


I can't really remember not driving a motor vehicle. I'm no horseman at all, and have evaded riding horseback as much as possible even though I prefer wearing boots to shoes and have done so for well over half a century. I have a motorcycle license, but I'm no good at it.


I'm happy I have hair on top of my head. Well, on most of the top of my head. I ran a lot when I was a kid. Where I live, even a lotta 14-year-olds drive to school because there's no way they could take a bicycle or walk - and they might die if they tried to get to school self-powered in some weather. At one point in life I was training 6-8 hours a day on average. I like floors other than dirt. I love sailing but don't swim. I used to travel a lot; not now.


I take pix for money; have a bad habit of having functionally no "personal" photos.


Hmmmm. Worst habit? Hmmmm. Probably playing guitar. <grin>


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I do not own a cell phone

I once owned a cell phone' date=' and made 1 phone call on it

I have never been intoxicated, high, stoned, drunk, or in a airplane

I drove a train engine before I ever drove a regular car

I do not own any amps with built in reverb

I use a push lawn mower to mow the lawn

I carry no cash on me, just my bank card

I have 4 harmonicas, built by 4 different companies

None of my lounging shows have laces, all of my sports shoes are black

I prefer wood floors to carpet

Both of the calenders in my room are still set to Feb. oh'10

I love to play video games, but never have the time

The radio station I listen to the most, is the last preset on my radio

All of my guitars have cases/gigbags, but none of my guitars have a bone nut

All 4 of my 4x12 guitar cabs have less then 4 speakers in them

Someone once told me I have hair like Eddie VanHalen, I responded by saying to them, you have hair like Mr Clean






just thought I would share some totally useless facts with you guys



I own a cell phone and I am using it to type this in right now

I have been drunk and high in many different ways and often at the same time but I've never been in a plane. I'm afraid of heights.

I don't mow my lawn

I drive a car.

I have one amp with reverb.

I like the floor but not to sleep on.

I don't have a guitar with a bone nut.

I don't listen to the radio much.

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