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Cool pedals?

Silenced Fred

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Fulltone OCD pedal is the best overdrive pedal out there...Im bout to get the MXR carbon copy witch ive heard is incredible....ProCo Rat2 is a good distortion pedal


I can confirm the greatness of the OCD and the MXR CC! Fantastic pedals. If I could recommend one on top of those 2, it would definitely be the Blackstar HT-dual!

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MXR carbon copy witch ive heard is incredible....


Yes, its a great pedal. I picked one up yesterday as a matter of fact.

When it comes to delay, I feel analog is the way to go....its got a mod button to add

a small dash of a chorus like effect, if desired.

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I have a Wah' date=' a fuzz, an overdrive, and a distortion (which I might be looking for a replacement one). Any suggestions on cool effects pedals, or types?[/quote']


BK butler tube overdrive.




The Digitech Bad Monkey is pretty awesome for the price...very articulate sounding.


The Way Huge Pork Loin is very cool, I set up mine for a......rhythm overdrive type tone....it doesn't cut through like the lead overdrive tone would....thats why I use the Bad Monkey


delay and chorus are useful too because they add depth and texture to your tone.


I use the Boss dd-3 and onboard amp chorus mixed with reverb.

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Are they as expensive?



Can't get them anymore except on Ebay.... long, convoluted and old story, but Butler designed the pedal and Chandler Electronics used the design without permission...


Last time I checked a new and functional unit was around the same price... $300. Used and functional units were going for around $100.

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I think Voodoolab's Sparkle Drive is really cool. There's probably other brands making similar pedals. What it is is basically a tube screamer type pedal but with a twist. It splits the signal in two, and one signal goes through the overdrive circuit and the other through a clean boost, then you can mix them together at the end. So you can have an overdriven sound and mix in the clean sound to get some clarity and dynamics back. Or set up a clean sound with just a bit of overdrive added to it. I guess you could say it is a bit like playing a two amp set-up with one clean and one overdriven.


I really want one myself, but I hear they have a new version comming out soon so I might wait a bit longer for that one.

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I like the EHX Memory Man for delay. T.C. Electronics also makes a sweet delay pedal.


I really want a Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai. It's digital but it has really cool features that I'm looking for in a delay. I love how you can loop with it and still play with other delay settings over the loop.


The T.C.E pedal can play some cool rythyms which is really cool. Look them up on YouTube.

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Envelope Filters are always fun to play with too, has that "auto-wah" sound, good every once in a while but not something you would want on all the time though.

I have one of the DOD versions:


but if you can find an older Mutron III:


thats the way to go, but good luck finding one.

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Fulltone OCD pedal is the best overdrive pedal out there...Im bout to get the MXR carbon copy witch ive heard is incredible...



+1. The OCD and Carbon Copy are great.. definately check them out!

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Digitech Space Station, probably one of the wierdest sounding pedals i've ever owned. just a mixture of pixellators, resonators, ring mods, synth generators, whammy, time warp, sample&hold, octabass, etc. It would be nice if they ever improved upon this pedal like they did with the whammy, but they didn't.


Not really a pedal I would say anyone needs to go out and buy, just something that can give you some cool sounds. I used it for awhile and then started having problems with the expression pedal, and basically the whole design was kinda flawed and not very user friendly.




Does anyone know if there are any pedals out there that do what this does? Think like a Radiohead O.K. Computer sound. Or is that strictly Preamp/Processor territory now.

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