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Wall hangers


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I have a question for everyone. Do any of you hang your guitars on wall mounted hangers and if so, has it ever had any effect on the neck of your guitar? The reason I'm asking is because I currently have 6 guitars hanging on the wall of my studio and the other day my one buddy came over to do some recording. He said he was surprised that I would do that to my guitars because it could eventually ruin the neck. I've only ever had one guitar that really needed a neck adjustment and that was my Martin acoustic. For some reason, it really stressed him that they were hanging on the wall.


Long story short, we never did come to an agreement on whether it was a good or bad practice. I'm out of floor space and it's the only place to put them that's out of the way. Just wondering if anyone has had any trouble with hanging their guitar?

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Nope it's fine the strength of the tension the strings place on a guitar are so far in excess of the weight of the hanging guitar it won't cause a issue. The only concern is location there subject to drafts and heat etc so watch placement, and i case my good acoustics but hang most electrics as is clearly visible here in my avatar picture



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I once saw a PRS at Steve's Music in Toronto that had been hanging for a while --- it was covered in dust.


But the hanger had also slightly eaten through the finish on the bottom of the headstock.


That's more of a concern than a possible neck issue.

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There's nothing wrong with hanging them' date=' but I tend towards caution.


I keep them in their cases.[/quote']




Great minds think alike, I keep mine in their cases as well. I respect my guitars enough to keep them out of the elements.

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Mine hang on the wall as their home.

I take off the hnagers and play them ,which is much more convienent than when they are cased.Looks nice on the wall as well.

I have one off the wall right now as i am using it,but come sundown I will hang it by its neck.

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I always use the cases for my guitars when I am not using them-I paid good money for the Gibson cases, so I use them-accidents will happen.


I have seen guitars in guitar shops that hang on the wall and the first thing I look at is the area where the wall hanger touches the headstock-neck-its indicative of the treatment these spendy guitars get while on display. Most shops now have the premium models either locked away or higher on the wall so every wannabe cant get to them.


To be a stocking Gibson dealer is a spendy proposition for inventory and I dont blame them.


If your gonna play....you gotta pay....

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The only space I have to store my guitars/ cases is in my basement. Mine gets a little too damp at times to trust my babies down there. So the cases stay down there lined against one wall tagged for the guitar it matches and the guitars hang like beautiful paintings through out the house.

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I've never heard anything about any problems specific to wall hangers.


Just be cautious about what wall you are hanging them on. I'd recommend hanging guitars on a wall between two rooms rathen than one of the walls that face the outdoors. (there's probably better words for these walls, but hopefully you know what I mean) A wall facing the outdoors can be pretty cold, especially in a brick/stone type of house, but the air in the room is warm. The changes in temperature could probably crack the back on an acoustic and it's probably not great for a solid body guitar either.

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The strings themselves put many times over tension on the neck than the guitar weight would.


I keep my Gobsons on their case but that is mainly because I have 5 wall hangers and 8 guitars, if I end up adding 3 more wall hangers my 3 Gibbies are going on them.

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Ive eight guitars on swing string wall hangers[ no silly bits of cotton] and they have been like that for years with no probs what so ever and that includes two 11Ib les pauls. These things are to be seen and played not put away in cases. I like it so I can just grab what ever guitar I like, ive got my studio so its all just plug and play. I did leave a les paul on a guitar stand for a week last year while I was away with no effect and not a daft bit of cotton cloth to be seen, saying that im not a guitar hypochondriac.

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Interesting post with the usual opposite sides that differ completely, and think they can prove they are right. So just a few comments/questions on some of what I read.


1. If great minds think alike - then wouldn't the reverse be true also that the less than great or even weak minds would also think alike? [blink]


2. Hanging a guitar on a hook isn't exposing it to the elements unless you hang it in the back yard. I hang my guitars in a climate and humidity controlled studio I'm guessing that's probably a better environment climate wise than then a 1/4 of velour, foam rubber and 1/8 inch thick wood?


3. For those that use a case to protect their guitar from all evil? well I have a good friend that works as a luthier doing mostly major repairs and refinishes on high end guitars, in talking to him the number one cause of damage to guitars is dropping them and knocking over stands there in. The second biggest cause of damage is cases, he spends on average a day a week doing repairs on damage to guitars where people drop the lid of the case into the top doing major cosmetic damages and even worse on high end acoustics [cool]


I'm guessing like always there isn't a right or wrong here if you like looking at your guitars and control your surroundings hang them - If you have little kids at home or roommates you can't control or if your a Klutz maybe the case is best for you. Either way there gonna get scratched so relax and enjoy them.

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