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I just sold my "INVESTMENT"p93 for $510.00. Could have gotten more.


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And another ebay guy sold his with a BUY IT NOW of $695.00.




I guess he ripped off his buyer like some of you guys said I was doing.


I will never part with my other p93, but some of you know it alls who raked me across the coals for

wanting to sell my guitar for my cost, or a trade were really off base.

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And another ebay guy sold his with a BUY IT NOW of $695.00.




I guess he ripped off his buyer like some of you guys said I was doing.


I will never part with my other p93' date=' but some of you know it alls who raked me across the coals for

wanting to sell my guitar for my cost, or a trade were really off base.







Wow! I guess you were right after all for selling it above street prices! Wall Street needs more dudes like you!!

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Guest alanhindle
I will never part with my other p93' date=' but some of you know it alls who raked me across the coals for

wanting to sell my guitar for my cost, or a trade were really off base.[/quote']


Yep, I was one of those people who went a bit OTT because I thought it all looked a bit too suspicious.


I apologise for that and it least you've proved it didn't depreciate, which ain't bad for a far eastern guitar.


Can we see photos of those other Epi electrics you have?


How about wiping the slate clean (on both sides) by posting 'em up on a new thread to get our salivary glands flowing?



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And another ebay guy sold his with a BUY IT NOW of $695.00.




I guess he ripped off his buyer like some of you guys said I was doing.


I will never part with my other p93' date=' but some of you know it alls who raked me across the coals for

wanting to sell my guitar for my cost, or a trade were really off base.


Hey Chris...whatever the market will bear! Basic economics "Supply and Demand!" You had it,

they wanted it/bought it! Totally OK to make a profit, if you can. Good for you!



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What is the street price on a p93? Heck if I know. I received what I paid for it originally' date=' and had 10 bucks to buy 2 packs of strings.

The guy who made 200 bucks on his was a good business man, and did noone any harm.[/quote']


$499 at MF. That's the price people pay for not snapping one (or two) up when they were in stock a few months ago. I was amazed that they "lingered" on MF for as long as they did. Now, people will have to wait until March to get one for $499.

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Yep' date=' I was one of those people who went a bit OTT because I thought it all looked a bit too suspicious.


I apologise for that and it least you've proved it didn't depreciate, which ain't bad for a far eastern guitar.


Can we see photos of those other Epi electrics you have?


How about wiping the slate clean (on both sides) by posting 'em up on a new thread to get our salivary glands flowing?



I think everyone who joins this forum to sell something get the same sort of welcome that a door-to-door solicitor does, especially if they pop in to find potential bidders on ebay. In every case except this one, they sell their guitar and are never heard from again on the forum. I'm one of those grumps who doesn't like telephone solicitors. Until recently, I didn't like forum solicitors. However, Nelson and Marx have redefined what it is to be a troll on the forum, and solicitors seem downright nice by comparison.

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I bought MF stupid deal stuff and made a profit on it.

I upgraded it though.. amps and guitars and sold well under the usual asking price.

supply/demand--I find no fault in that.


by the way here's some spam.

I just ordered a schaller roller bridge in chrome for epis.. by mistake. should have been gold.

so.. you get the point.. roller bridge for sale!




bad day for me all around..

colonoscopy coming up. oh boy cable up the butt. anyone for polyps and tea? I think that's tea. well.. whatever.

and another mole to come off, skin cancer is so much fun.


still--- chrome for a sheraton when I own one myself.. that was pretty stupid.

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chirs, i for one will say, welcome to the forum (again) and most of us are pretty nice. yes, you were raked over the coals. but, others have been too. I am glad you got what you paid for plus alittle extra, but, cb is correct supply and damand.


one good thing, you still are apart of a great forum and , the other is, hold on to the other p-93. It is proving to be a great guitar to keep for more than the great price we got it for, or the great playability of it and it's great features, but for the investment we hope all our guitars will garnish in the future.:D

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I bought MF stupid deal stuff and made a profit on it.

I upgraded it though.. amps and guitars and sold well under the usual asking price.

supply/demand--I find no fault in that.


by the way here's some spam.

I just ordered a schaller roller bridge in chrome for epis.. by mistake. should have been gold.

so.. you get the point.. roller bridge for sale!




bad day for me all around..

colonoscopy coming up. oh boy cable up the butt. anyone for polyps and tea? I think that's tea. well.. whatever.

and another mole to come off' date=' skin cancer is so much fun.


still--- chrome for a sheraton when I own one myself.. that was pretty stupid.




Hey Twang....let me get up with you on that roller bridge....see if it will fit my WildKat. I am not having troubles...just the original was flipped and I need a bit more room between the strings and the saddle screws.


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Maybe I can shed some light on this subject. I bought the Riviera after looking through ebay for a Sheraton or Riviera. I really liked the Riviera and when I checked back on a Sheraton II that I had also been looking at, which had a buy it now price of 500 or so dollars, it had been snapped up.


I misread the description and thought the Riviera came with a case, soooo I bought it. I knew the retail price was $500, the ad stated the guitar was new - the paperwork in the box is dated 10/2008. I figured $100 - $150 for a case so I would be spending about $100 more and wouldn't have to wait until the end of March.


I must also restate my advice from an earlier post concerning the cold weather delivery here in Seattle - don't browse ebay while enjoying a couple of glasses of wine. I had some buyers remorse after the guitar arrived, sans case, but I have since gotten over it. Let the buyer beware. I knew what I was doing and I should have read the ad a little closer and waited. I am very pleased with my purchase and if the statements made by the seller are true I hope my money helped a little.


Merry Christmas to all




The cabrenet was awesome though!

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I am so gratified that you deigned to re-visit our humble forum to enlighten us of our folly.

We have so missed your presence and your sage wisdom and feel blessed by your return. We

have learned our lesson and will never doubt such a stellar intellect. The huge ten dollar

profit you reaped is a testament of what we are missing due to our ignorance. Please forgive

us for our lack of imagination and cunning.

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.... However' date=' Nelson and Marx have redefined what it is to be a troll on the forum, and solicitors seem downright nice by comparison. [/quote']


While you, time and time again, define through example what it means to be a forum jerk off...



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See Chris ? We don't even get along with people we "know"(as it were), much less people we don't.


This is like a large dysfunctional family here, just because we're squabbling, doesn't mean there's a reason behind it.


Please post some pics of your other guitars/amps/etc.


Oh yeah, Welcome to the forum.

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Chris, it's not a rip-off unless you misrepresent the product. I think your initial post was due to the fact that you came on and immediately was offering to sell something, it's not an uncommon reaction in any of the guitar forums I have been in.


Glad you sold your guitar and hope that you stick around.

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I don't understand the feeling against folks joining a forum to sell a gtr. I understand there may be common-sense caution about unknown quantities. But I would prefer to know that if someone has an instrument that is of interest to a particular group i.e. us, then we might get to see it.


And Jeffrey, if that person then leaves the epiforum after selling their Epiphone, maybe it's because they don't own an Epiphone...=D>

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There isn't anything in the forum rules that says you can't post with the intent to sell. Since I am sure that few read the rules, here they are (that big sticky up there has them too). I put one line in bold


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Re: Nelson and Smith - are you SURE you aren't married or related????? LOL.[-X


Re: The topic at hand. Something is worth exactly what someone will pay for it. =D> I see no harm in asking what you want, the market will establish the true value of the product at that specific time.

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Re: Nelson and Smith - are you SURE you aren't married or related????? LOL.[-X


Re: The topic at hand. Something is worth exactly what someone will pay for it. =D> I see no harm in asking what you want' date=' the market will establish the true value of the product at that specific time.[/quote]

I vow to behave myself.

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bad day for me all around..

colonoscopy coming up. oh boy cable up the butt. anyone for polyps and tea? I think that's tea. well.. whatever.

and another mole to come off' date=' skin cancer is so much fun.


still--- chrome for a sheraton when I own one myself.. that was pretty stupid.




Colonoscopy -- what a pain in the ... well, you know.


Actually, the procedure itself is a piece of cake for most people. You really won't remember it in all probability. I guess I have a high tolerance for anesthesia or pain killers because my Doctor has a reputation for using a lot of drugs to keep us under and I still woke up in the middle of the procedure with a hose up somewhere I really didn't want it. Semi-coherent, I am not a small man and I was described by staff to others as a "wild man."


Don't worry about the other. These things happen!

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I went thru one of those things without drugs - as a single parent, I had to drive to get my kid afterwards, so could not do the drug thing. =D>


It wasn't all that bad (although not my favourite pastime! lol), so with drugs - should not be rough at all ...... They gave me a piece of rawhide to bite down on. lol ](*,) :D

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I bought MF stupid deal stuff and made a profit on it.

I upgraded it though.. amps and guitars and sold well under the usual asking price.

supply/demand--I find no fault in that.


by the way here's some spam.

I just ordered a schaller roller bridge in chrome for epis.. by mistake. should have been gold.

so.. you get the point.. roller bridge for sale!




bad day for me all around..

colonoscopy coming up. oh boy cable up the butt. anyone for polyps and tea? I think that's tea. well.. whatever.

and another mole to come off' date=' skin cancer is so much fun.


still--- chrome for a sheraton when I own one myself.. that was pretty stupid.




information overload8-[

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