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What!! I don't believe this was able to leave the factory


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Glad I checked back' date=' this has become a fun thread after all.


Fidel should be your hero. He did exactly what most of you know in fairness is the right thing to do. He battled corporate greed and won.

Or in the words of Mr. Nelson:

[i']"...rid his country of vermin..., and kicked out the greedy U.S. corporations who were exploiting the country and the rich Americans who used its casinos as a playground while on the other side of the walls people starved."[/i]


But in this mean ol' world it's what comes next that counts --- who fills the vacuum when the all-powerful boogie man is destroyed? Another boogie man? Worse? Humans have not yet solved that conundrum.


BTW Nelson & CB you've likely just forgotten -- Howard Beales was shot "on air" by the Ecuminical Liberation Army -- "the 1st known person to be assassinated for bad ratings." Terrific movie and cast.

Hit every BLUE NOTE baaaby..., I'm going to play on:-"


YES, YES!...LOL....that's Absolutely right!=D> My God, how could I have forgotten That?!!#-o](*,) Maybe it is, indeed,

time for the "home?!" LOL! Thanks, Steven...for correcting/reminding me. Been too long, since I've seen that film....need to get myself a DVD of it! Speaking of the "home," I need to get a copy of "One Flew Over the

Cuckoo's Nest," as well. Hilarious, and biting, too...and, absolutely nothing to do with Epiphones...oops! ;>)



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Really feel for you guy.

It looks like its only good for firewood.


But I have to say,if this came from an online store,it reinforces the mantra of

visit your local dealer.


You get the chance to try lots of guitars,you can check them all out and hopefully

they,ll be a fantastic bunch of folks there too.

Heads up for Crossplay Music,Beeston,Nottingham UK as ALL of the above.


Looks like you,ve been stiffed but I would still diplomatically contact the vendor and explain your issues.


You might not get the best price from a dealer but if you,re lucky,you buying expierience will me made

a lot more pleasant by good ,helpful staff.




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It's not a fluke, the (lack of) quality and workmanship inside the cavities is just the same on my 2008 EE Custom. It's well below the quality of the 3 Samick Epis I owned in the past, dating from 1999-2001.


To the Americans out there criticising Chinese workmanship, I say consider this :


1. This is an American (Gibson) owned and run factory.

2. The Chinese workforce will work to the quality standards set by the owners and their management team.

3. Chinese workers are capable of producing good guitars with nice workmanship - if instructed to. But it costs more.

4. If this is what the Chinese factory is turning out, it's being done with full knowledge of Gibson, presumably on their instructions. I don't know if they have USA-trained quality managers there; they could if they want. That's what Japanese manufacturing companies usually do with their offshore factories.

5. The problem is not poor ex-communist regime labour standards. These low standards are down to good old-fashioned capitalism and the pursuit of maximum profit - by Gibson.


To balance that, I have to say the same as Sinster; mine sounds and plays fine.

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Wish I could but it's past the 45 days.. that's a draw back for being on the road for work' date=' I'm never home. I was alright with the crappy paint job.. but really didn't take it apart until I wanted to change the PUPS this week. I wonder if I can shim that gap.


Well if you check this link out http://www.mylespaul.com/forums/epiphone-les-pauls/28373-top-black-custom.html[/quote']


"Your new Epiphone instrument is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the life of the original retail purchaser, subject to the limitations contained in this warranty. "


Click support on the home page to see the limited lifetime warranty. I would say that your guitar suffers from defects under the above clause. The 45 day replacement guarantee applies to the dealer. After that, you deal with Epiphone directly. I'd give it a shot.

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This is a 2008 Custom that was ordered off Musicians Friend. My Agile and my 2005 Standard has better workmanship than this. These are just a few issues. I'm not bashing just find it that this was able to leave the factory with the gap and the poor paint job.


The gap is to allow any excess glue to squeeze out! =D>

..or to align the center portion of the neck with the center of the guitar.

These are factory made at high production rates to allow them to be

sold at the lowest price possible...why should they spend time cleaning

out the cavities, when they aren't going to show?

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"Your new Epiphone instrument is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the life of the original retail purchaser' date=' subject to the limitations contained in this warranty. "[/b']


Click support on the home page to see the limited lifetime warranty. I would say that your guitar suffers from defects under the above clause. The 45 day replacement guarantee applies to the dealer. After that, you deal with Epiphone directly. I'd give it a shot.


This is the course of action you should take. And when you contact Epiphone, make sure you mention this thread and the fact that many Epiphone Forum members are now waiting to see if they honor their warranty, which they really should in this case.


Good luck!

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I would stay away from all the Chinese models, at least without being able to play them first. There is no excuse for that. What happened to Epis being a bargain ? At the new price points I don't see them as such a bargain anymore when for $100 more than a Epi Custom you can get a lower end Gibson.

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I bought an epiphone So Cal 50h amp from Musicians Friend, and the amp fizzled about two days after I got it. They (MF) replaced it right away. But, when that second amp fizzled, two months later, I had to send to to an Epiphone Authorized repair center. The repair center could not get the parts to fix the amp, so Epiphone sent me a new one. The third amp fizzled within two weeks. Again, Epiphone sent me a new amp, but it took them six months to get it to me. In speaking with the customer service department, I learned that the factory was making QC upgrades, and the delay was caused by me having to wait for my replacement to arrive from China.


I am on my fourth amp, and this fourth unit is still going strong for over a year now. So, I think Epiphone will raise the bar on their QC, but only if we consumers tell them they need to. If we consumers don't make the effort to complain about the problems, nothing will be fixed, and the managers will continue to make their salary for a "job well done". It was upsetting to be left without equipment I paid for, for six months, but I am over it now. And the newest amp works fine. In fact, I have had many compliments on the tone.


The problem is not MF, if your issue falls within their policy, then you get a replacement. If not, it is up to the manufacturer. If MF get enough returns during their policy period, they will deal with the manufacturer.


My Epiphone has a sticker right on it that says "life time warranty" against manufacturer defects. I assume yours does/did?


Your picture clearly shows a manufacturer defect. I strongly encourage you to contact Epiphone directly and ask for a replacement. Your guitar obviously cannot be repaired satisfactorily, and a replacement is in order.


This is only speculation, but my guess is the factory had a machine fall out of adjustment and it routed the neck pocket too big. The guy gluing the parts was too afraid to say anything about it, or didn't know the joint should be snug.


Do not blame the workers who made it, they are doing what they are told. I am not in the import business, but a relative of mine is, and he told me they (the chinese) will do what is required. If Epiphone requires the level of quality evidenced in your photo, that is what we the consumer will get. If we the consumer accept that level of quality, that is what will be made available.


So, my advice is call Epiphone. Tell them your guitar is nn number of days old, and you discovered an unacceptable level of quality and workmanship, and you would like a replacement unit.


Good Luck.

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I'd return it.


It obviously got past the inspector.


Anybody can have a bad day and release a bad product, whether in China, USA, or B.F.Egypt.


I've purchased shoddy USA products, shoddy Japanese products, shoddy Mexican products, etc., and sent them back for replacement.


I've also purchased fine products from USA, China, Japan, Mexico, Canada and a number of other countries. I really can't blame the country, but I do blame the business. If Epiphone or anyone else is building lousy guitars in China (or anywhere else) and/or employing "slave labor", it isn't the country's fault, it is the company's fault. Do you think the US contracting company didn't know about the lead paints? Child labor? or whatever? It's easy to blame another country for what a US country contracts out to them, but remember, the US (or whatever) company contracting the work is an equal partner, sets up the standards for the products they purchase, specifies the materials to be used, often provides materials and in the case of big companies, usually has on-site supervision by direct employees of the company.


How MF and/or Epi handle the problem defines whether the companies are good ones or not.


A good company will immediately send a new one, reimburse your shipping, and throw in something extra for your troubles.


A mediocre company will immediately send you a new one, and reimburse your shipping.


A poor company will do anything less.


And (excuse the rant) what's worse than shoddy hardware? Software. I haven't gotten a single piece of software from Apple, Microsoft, or quite a few other companies that arrived bug-free.


Why aren't we outraged by all shoddy products? Why aren't we returning everything that is defective, hardware and software alike?


Expect quality, and don't accept less.


And in return, whatever job you do for yourself or an employer, do the best you can and don't be part of the problem.


Insights and incites by Notes

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.. unless of course consumers are paying for that name and Gibson knows they can get away with scrimping on actual quality it because they know that the name sells itself...whether it's Gibson or Epiphone..



So you're admitting Gibson is guilty of that practice with their flagship brand.....selling shat with that nancy-boy name on it ???? Hmmmmmm :-k I thought you adored Gibson and Epiphone wasn't fit for burning...oh, wait, maybe that's the Marx-brother-from-another-planet..... never mind - it's hard to tell one big painful arse pimple from another....

why don't you 2 go hang out at the Gibson forum....or any other forum - it's odd that y'all make such an effort to come here and be negative. Humorous, at times, perhaps .... but y'all are sad, really.

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So you're admitting Gibson is guilty of that practice with their flagship brand.....selling shat with that nancy-boy name on it ???? Hmmmmmm :-k I thought you adored Gibson and Epiphone wasn't fit for burning...oh' date=' wait, maybe that's the Marx-brother-from-another-planet..... never mind - it's hard to tell one big painful arse pimple from another....

why don't you 2 go hang out at the Gibson forum....or any other forum - it's odd that y'all make such an effort to come here and be negative. Humorous, at times, perhaps .... but y'all are sad, really.[/quote']


That reading comprehension thing really challenges you doesn't it? Are they all as bright as you in east Texas or just the ones conceived in the back of a pickup in a puddle of Lone Star?..I criticize any and all guitars and their manufacturers who exploit their customers by using the brand name perception rather than the intrinsic and inherent quality of their product if those words are too big check out Dictionary.com)(..I know people like Marx and myself prove to be a challenge to you because we haven't fallen for the hype and our lives are defined by or limited to any one particular brand of guitar so we can therefore look at these things objectively rather than gather together with like-minded lemmings and pat each other on the back because we bought a good brand name like Epiphone...as far as arse pimples...if you don't like it you can also go check out Harmony Central...it's full of clueless children and you'd fit in real well ...I know you'd like it if we did disappear though...you could enjoy your delusions and wallow in your ignorance... but I don't think we're going anywhere soon...sorry



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For years that's what I've been saying...not that Epiphone sucks but that Gibson takes advantage of people with their crap quality on both of their guitars lines while the prices continue into the sky...yes' date=' that name on the headstock does mean something whether it's Epiphone or Gibson...and it isn't unreasonable for a consumer to not be treated like a clueless rube just because there is a name on that headstock...but it requires consumer awareness and objectivity...look how clean that '05 looks and look how horrible the new one looks...and that new one costs more than that '05 did but where did the quality go?...into Jim Rosenberg's corporate bonus no doubt...




Mr Nelson! You're bashing Epiphone and therefore Gibson, on this fine establishment. What's wrong with

that guitar on the surface..not a hellava lot. Ok, so the cavities are not finished to

everyone's satisfaction and maybe the wires a tiny bit too long..but the factory

is trying to get out as many as they can to satisfy the demand. You are the people

that created the demand for these Asian made instruments by not paying the more

expensives prices for American made quality instruments, so you have no-one

but yourselves to blame. It's similar to the auto industry...people started to

buy Japanese cars instead of good Detroit iron, lovingly handcrafted by the

American worker..same deal there.


Speaking of quality..what happened to your good ole American peanut butter and peanut products?

Salmonella recalls? Many factories, whether it's food products or consumer goods have quality

control issues, and eventually they get corrected.

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That reading comprehension thing really challenges you doesn't it? Are they all as bright as you in east Texas or just the ones conceived in the back of a pickup in a puddle of Lone Star?.

Just who's the bright one ??? TN = Tennessee, not Texas, dumbarse. :-k I have no delusions about what guitar(s) I play and where they may fall in the scheme of "quality" ...... you have delusions of some sort.... grandeur ???... glandular ???? Perhaps you're in need of a med adjustment ??? You're just a miserable prick, I am done with this stupid BS. Guess you'll be happy when you're the only member left here and you'll be logging on and off and on as your other and talking to yourself. Who are you gonna belittle then, big man ??? Jitbag.....
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Mr Nelson! You're bashing Epiphone and therefore Gibson' date=' on this fine establishment. What's wrong with

that guitar on the surface..not a hellava lot. Ok, so the cavities are not finished to

everyone's satisfaction and maybe the wires a tiny bit too long..but the factory

is trying to get out as many as they can to satisfy the demand. You are the people

that created the demand for these Asian made instruments by not paying the more

expensives prices for American made quality instruments, so you have no-one

but yourselves to blame. It's similar to the auto industry...people started to

buy Japanese cars instead of good Detroit iron, lovingly handcrafted by the

American worker..same deal there.


Speaking of quality..what happened to your good ole American peanut butter and peanut products?

Salmonella recalls? Many factories, whether it's food products or consumer goods have quality

control issues, and eventually they get corrected. [/quote']


Dan...you're really sounding kinda silly...and Japanese cars were never inherently superior...I worked in reliability engineering for GM from 1976 until 1981...the Japanese cars we tested NEVER had the published quality index (mid 70's at best on a 1-100 scale. while our cars tested in the high 70's.. superior Japanese quality of the 70's was the biggest lie ever told...secret recalls..inflated customer surveys...that line of crap might have worked if I hadn't been there..that guitar the OP posted is crap...cheap Chinese crap and completely indicative of the Chinese way of doing business..nice and shiny on the outside slipshod and disgraceful on the inside...it's all about the shine with the Chinese...but I wouldn't worry about it...Chinese epiphones have maybe another year of existence remaining...and then it's on to Viet Nam or somewhere else cheap...You seemed relatively intelligent but I can't believe you'd defend that piece of crap as being acceptable...and those factories? demand is now reduced to near zero...no one has money to buy even the crap..so everything goes because they can't afford to have any product not sold regardless of quality..Peanut butter...within twelve hours the FDA was on the trail...in China they'd just ship it somewhere where there wasn't an FDA...kiss China's butt all you want but their game is over and the fools who bought that crap will some day awaken to see exactly what they bought...there's absolutely no connection between China and quality..China and cheap as we can get but quality never enters into it...China and profit margin yes,,China and quality , no...but don't let reality stand in the way of a good day dream....and don't put Asian demand on me I wouldn't have a Chinese guitar as a gift..



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Just who's the bright one ??? TN = Tennessee' date=' not Texas, dumbarse. '](*,) I have no delusions about what guitar(s) I play and where they may fall in the scheme of "quality" ...... you have delusions of some sort.... grandeur ???... glandular ???? Perhaps you're in need of a med adjustment ??? You're just a miserable prick, I am done with this stupid BS. Guess you'll be happy when you're the only member left here and you'll be logging on and off and on as your other and talking to yourself. Who are you gonna belittle then, big man ??? Jitbag.....


Tennessee...Texas...not much difference really...your parents were just more-closely related in that case..you like that name calling don't you?...but how much can you take in return before you go whining like a little baby that you're being picked on...no one is stopping you from leaving...there will be someone equally ignorant to take your place if you decide to go...it is not my intention to belittle anyone...I would like to believe that someone comes away informed...unless the person is resistant to that information because it interferes with their self-validating delusions...when that happens the delusional do feel belittled as their personally-held fallacies are dissolved in the fact of facts...truth can be painful...but it's always necessary...have a great day in Tennessee or where ever..




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MF Said it will be a warranty issue. I found even more crap wrong with it.. Paint / Wood Chip under the knobs. The Cavity for the pots look like a 2 year routed it out. Now here comes the fight with Warranty.. .. Who do I need to fire an e-mail off to? Gibson or Epiphone? The cost to ship it out isn't worth the f***** hassle.

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You need to take it to an authorized Gibson/Epiphone service center with a copy of the bill of sale. Tell them what your complaint is and they they are supposed to deal with Gibson directly. You would probably have to pay any shipping charges to get your guitar to Gibson. They then have the option to repair or replace you guitar as they see fit (read the warranty). From there I'm not sure whether they send the guitar directly to you or to the service center.


Your first step is to find out where the closest authorized service center is to you. That in fo is available on Gibson's website.

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I have one about 10 miles up the road from me.


I want to e-mail whomever the pictures to see what kind of craps coming out of the factory. I also want to confirm that it's an warranty issue. Are they going plug it in play and say it's good to go.. and is warranty cosmetic? It's not defective workmanship just crappy workmanship. I've deal with warranty people a lot through out my career and they reject warranty claims a lot. I'm not holding my breath on the warranty.


I also don't want them blaming me for the paint/wood at the knob either.

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After seeing Sinster's photos, I thought it prudent I check my SG Custom, it came from the same factory after all and I have noticed the neck doesn't need much help to change the pitch (through flexing).


Just pulling the pickguard of deposited half a forest of wood chips and sawdust. Then I removed all the pups and found the other half of that forest. I cleaned all the cavities out with a toothbrush, and, apart from poor machining, everything else looked to be in order. Best of all the neck joint seemed to be a snug fit, visually at least, so I think I can breath a sigh of relief as far as that guitar is concerned.


Tomorrow I'll attack my Ultra II, and, be crossing my fingers until I do.

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BTW: Doesn't any employees of Epiphone actually frequent these forums, seems strange to me that they wouldn't be worried about their customer's opinions enough to appoint some kind of representative to overlook such valuable customer feedback.


Shows where their priorities lie it seems.

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BTW: Doesn't any employees of Epiphone actually frequent these forums' date=' seems strange to me that they wouldn't be worried about their customer's opinions enough to appoint some kind of representative to overlook such valuable customer feedback.


Shows where their priorities lie it seems.



I didn't know that 6 year old Chinese kids had computers in their sweatshops.

I'd laugh, but i'm probably right.

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