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Best time you have ever had playing some where

Steven Tari

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DANG, It's sad when you get old and all you perten well have left are your memories.// Well I have two. My first was when I was learning how to play guitar. I went over to one of my crews house to jam at a sleep over. There were three in the crew and we got together somtimes to learn what the others had learned. Well this one weekend his sister had her friends over. We were in junior high and his sister was in high school. Well my thing at the time was CCR. So were in his room learnen and jammen. When one of the girl's show's up at the door wanten us to leave the door open so she could hear. We had no problem with that , His sister was in charge. Their Mom and Dad had split for the night..... So now fast foward. We ended playing in her room with about 8 girls. Plus his sister was real heavy into CCR.[biggrin][flapper] . So on to the second best time. I had been liven in Virginia for a couple years and hooked up with a Country band. WE were playing bars out near Bowers Hill and towards Franklen. Well one Saturday night we were playing,(Since we were so close to the interstate we had a lot of Trucker traffic). WE were playing a song that I had written. When it was over, we took a break .Well theseTruckers came over with the wierdest looks on there faces. Dang I thought we had pissed them off in some way and they were about to stomp us a new -ss hole. WE read them wrong , They were crying over the song and wanted us to play it again. Now I've Heard about rednecks crying in their beers, But DANG it's not a pretty thing. WE ended up playing the song half dozen times and twice by myself. The bar ended up closeing with a private party, The truckers and our band. Open bar, The owners wife cooked up Some of her Jalapeno Poppers. WE played untill we passed out.[thumbup]

Well whats yours?

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I have a few, but I guess my overall favorite was Houston, TX 2007.

We were playing with Helstar & Solitude Aeturnus, 2 bands I've been a fan of forever.

It was great, made some new friends and as this was our first time ever playing in Texas we had a good turnout of fans that had never had the chance to see us before.

It was the first time I ever got to see Helstar, so I was happy to get to see them yet alone share the stage with them.

All these years, it was worth the wait - they were awesome! On another plus, I got to speak with Robert Lowe(of SA)about joining Candlemass.

I've been a long time fan of Candlemass as well and think Robert is the better of the post Messiah Marcolin vocalists Candlemass has had.

Overall, it was great. Texas Metal fans are some of the best metal fans I've gotten to play for.

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my fave was a few months ago at a rehersal studio, great music, loads of beer and a few women turned up to watch...use your imagination [biggrin]







i'm the large folicly challenged one, my brother is playing my lp and my mate callum is playing his fender jag? i think it's called :-k

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For me, some of my fondest memories are the times that weren't really planned as a big deal, but just turn out cool. It's hard to narrow down, but 2 kinda stick out in my memory.


1. We used to have this basement band in the 90s. It was a core of 4 of us, but different people used to pop in and jam with us too. Most of us worked at the airport at that time, and it was like a huge social club with many of the employees. We were jamming one night and the drummers roommate's hot girlfriend (who also worked with us) was there. Well they got into an argument and he went out and left her there. She came down in a skimpy negligee and pole danced for us as we were playing all night. Talk about inspiration [thumbup]


2. One of my airport buddies had a party and asked us to play. Only the drummer and I were available so this guy Freddy (who is now with the Kelly Bell Blues Band)sat in on bass with us. Freddy was, and is, miles above me as a player, but he's so cool to play with. It was a huge party and everyone was having a blast. At one point Freddy asked if we knew Let Her Be by Hootie and the Blowfish. I said we'd give it a try so we did it. Freddy was nailing the vocals and sounded just like Darius Rucker. As we were playing someone turned the lights down and out came the lighters! It started as a joke but it was so cool, the whole party just stood there in silence with their lighters and swayed back and forth for the whole song. One lady who had a few drinks, was trying to take the drummers shirt off during the song (remember the Hootie video with the shirtless drummer?) anyway that was a surreal moment.

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Two really stand out but for odd reasons;


1) As a duet with my harmonica-playing; acoustic-strumming; speech-impediment-singing; wisecracking buddy as an opener doing lots of Rory Gallagher-flavoured blues at a fairly posh bash who'se owner turned white when he saw the number of guitars/amps that were lined up for the evening's entertainment......


2) It wasn't even a gig. RogerGLewis' bash last winter. All the 'real' bands had finished. I'd brought my R0 along having been promised a jam with a great bunch of lads who some of you here knew back then. When the stage finally cleared at around 01.30am I got up and started noodling away at some B.B. King (I think). After a couple of minutes we had amassed a saxophonist, bassist, drummer, singer, rhythm player and played - pretty much just for ourselves - until 03.30. Bliss.

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I was in college and it was just an odd kind of throw together deal. Some acqaintances/friends got involved in a sing and dance competition and were looking for a backup band. They contacted my buddy Steve, who was a bassist for the college jazz band (Michigan State). He pulled in me on guitar, a trumpet player from the jazz band and a drummer from the marching band. The singers and dancers had picked out some forties music - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and that kind of stuff - like a four song medley. We were all like "really?" I was thinking, so what if it bombs. But Steve worked up some arrangements and we rehearsed the stuff two and three times and another four times or so with the singers and dancers. I had my doubts. But on the night of the competition show, everything clicked like I couldn't believe. We were really feeding off each other and the large crowd got into it big time (we were in a good sized auditorium). College students. Who woulda thought they would appreciate forties music that much. The performance got a standing-O. It was really a blast, and so unexpected - snd that's why it was such a good time - unexpected appreciation. Of course, the party afterward wasn't too bad either. B)

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I've had some great times Gigging, especially this last year. But I have to say the most "Fun" I ever had was playing guitar for Open Mic Night way back in '94 at a little place called The Tail of the Whale. Always something different every week, sometimes we were backing band, sometimes sitting and watching acoustic performers, sometimes we were the show.


Didn't make a dime, but drank all the beer I could handle....ah the good ol' days.


Of course some of the Best Times I've had playing were in Garages and Living Room just Jamming. I mean true Free Form Rock and Blues Improv in the vein of Little Feet or Traffic, those were the "Fun" times.

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Private Party, Condo rooftop,next door to Buds Oyster Bar, Panama City Beach Fl. Sept.2002.


Buds had a live band going("pop" music), and we were rocking so hard that Buds customers started coming out into the parking lot to listen to/see us.....

after about 45 minutes, with his(and our) parking lot full and his bar probably empty, the manager came out and threatened to call the cops.......I'd been drinking so I told him what to do with his cops, his bar, and his self......then offered to help him make it all fit.

10 minutes later the local PD explained to me that BUD was a local taxpayer, and I was hurting his business, a.k.a. their tax revenue for the night....then offered to NOT arrest ME (hey, there were 3 of us playing to about 30 of OUR partiers, but not a soul would back me) if we took it all inside and kept it quiet.

That was my next to the last time to ever play in public.

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