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Snow Fall in Dixie


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Years ago, my aunt was transferred from Illinois to Atlanta. The first winter there they had 1" of snow. It absolutely shut the town down. I cannot believe with this kind of snow would make Atlantans do. Slit their wrists, I guess [crying] as it is surely a sign of the Apocalypse.


This kind of snow, here is routine, but I understand you folks don't have the infrastructure to handle/move/store the snow. I feel for you guys.


Above all, take your time shoveling the stuff. If it is heavy snow (packs well), we call it Heart Attack snow.

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Years ago, my aunt was transferred from Illinois to Atlanta. The first winter there they had 1" of snow. It absolutely shut the town down. I cannot believe with this kind of snow would make Atlantans do. Slit their wrists, I guess [crying] as it is surely a sign of the Apocalypse.

I lived in 'Lanter for 18 months, over two winters in the late '90's. Whadda bunch of pu$$y's when it comes to snow! (Then again, I grew up in upstate NY, where 12-15ft/yr was the norm). I remember those days well and can sympathize with those not used to the white stuff!

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You wouldn't love it if you had it six months of the year, every year, year after year after year. [blink][crying]


I was laughing today because on the horse forum I frequent, some girl from Georgia posted they'd just experienced "a blizzard". So she posts pictures. There's a light frosting of slushy melting snow [laugh][lol]

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5" here (mostly shaved ice) with no melt today in the N.E. Bama foothills.....every interstate and state highway closed North of Montgomery, most county roads closed statewide.

I was stuck at work for 3 days during the blizzard of '93....the entire state shut down for a week....my area got 26" of snow overnight.

this little snow is just a "teaser".


and as for "global warming" that's a misnomer that has the 99% of the world thats only read a magazine article or 2 about it, if THAT much, totally confused......"polar warming" is whats actually going on, and it WILL eventually send us into our next ice-age.

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You wouldn't love it if you had it six months of the year, every year, year after year after year. [blink][crying]


I was laughing today because on the horse forum I frequent, some girl from Georgia posted they'd just experienced "a blizzard". So she posts pictures. There's a light frosting of slushy melting snow [laugh][lol]

You are so right. Snow was fun 40 years ago...now it's just a pain in the arse. [cursing]

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I lived in 'Lanter for 18 months, over two winters in the late '90's. Whadda bunch of pu$$y's when it comes to snow! (Then again, I grew up in upstate NY, where 12-15ft/yr was the norm). I remember those days well and can sympathize with those not used to the white stuff!


Well, this is the type of weather, we down here in the backwards south just aint accustomed to, thats all. See, we don't call our northern brethern a " bunch of pu$$y's ", when they come down here in the summer and whine like mules about the heat and humidity, we have more dignity and class than that.[flapper]

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You wouldn't love it if you had it six months of the year, every year, year after year after year. [blink][crying]


I was laughing today because on the horse forum I frequent, some girl from Georgia posted they'd just experienced "a blizzard". So she posts pictures. There's a light frosting of slushy melting snow [laugh][lol]


I've always said if it weren't for my family I'd be in Alaska, if that ever happens I guess I'll find out how much I like it! I did some arctic training in the Navy and that didn't change my mind.

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Well, this is the type of weather, we down here in the backwards south just aint accustomed to, thats all. See, we don't call our northern brethern a " bunch of pu$$y's ", when they come down here in the summer and whine like mules about the heat and humidity, we have more dignity and class than that.[flapper]


So true.

Anyway, it's not really the snow that's trouble. Georgia "snow" is nothing more than ICE. It's not "powder" that you can go ski on.

Then it warms up just enough to melt, then refreezes into sheets of black ice. That's what shuts down ATL.

I guess you northerners have magic cars that don't slide on ice. [laugh]

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So true.

Anyway, it's not really the snow that's trouble. Georgia "snow" is nothing more than ICE. It's not "powder" that you can go ski on.

Then it warms up just enough to melt, then refreezes into sheets of black ice. That's what shuts down ATL.

I guess you northerners have magic cars that don't slide on ice. [laugh]


Yep, that is the kind of snow we get here but folks from the north don't realize it.


This is the first "normal" snowfall in Nashville in a while, meaning 4 - 5" of flaky "dryer" snow, it gets nicely compacted to drive on and temperatures have not gone up and down so there is no ice forming.


This is not too bad at all, you can actually shovel this snow off.

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I don't really have a good concept of snow in the north. I know they are much better prepared for it, because it's more of a fact of life than it is here.


I have a really good friend who grew up in Chicago, but moved to Nashville for the music biz. He used to laugh and poke fun at the locals who closed schools and got worked up at a couple of inches of snow. He talked about how they'd get a foot of snow back home and it was nothing.


Then, he got caught one night on one of those classic Tennessee blacktop back roads. The kind that's about wide enough for one car and half another, with no guard rail, and miles of winding hills and curves. It had an inch or two of snow packed down on top of the black ice.


After the wrecker pulled him out of the ditch, and said, "I will NEVER laugh at Tennessee snow again." [scared]

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I don't really have a good concept of snow in the north. I know they are much better prepared for it, because it's more of a fact of life than it is here.


I have a really good friend who grew up in Chicago, but moved to Nashville for the music biz. He used to laugh and poke fun at the locals who closed schools and got worked up at a couple of inches of snow. He talked about how they'd get a foot of snow back home and it was nothing.


Then, he got caught one night on one of those classic Tennessee blacktop back roads. The kind that's about wide enough for one car and half another, with no guard rail, and miles of winding hills and curves. It had an inch or two of snow packed down on top of the black ice.


After the wrecker pulled him out of the ditch, and said, "I will NEVER laugh at Tennessee snow again." [scared]


Once is usually all it takes!

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You it if you had it six months of the year, every year, year after year after year. [blink][crying]


I was laughing today because on the horse forum I frequent, some girl from Georgia posted they'd just experienced "a blizzard". So she posts pictures. There's a light frosting of slushy melting snow [laugh][lol]


I know, I thought that was cute and funny the way the southern's look at it...emoticon-south-park-003.gif

" Their snow is different ""... Hahaha... They don't even have a clue what snow really is.. smiley-scared003.gif

Whether it is a greasy snow, a dusting of snow, black ice.. We Northerner's forgot more than they will ever know about snow!!smiley-scared002.gif

so wether it's 20" overnight, or 300" inches a year... Geezzz.... If we had to shut down every time we got more than 10" of snow, we would be living in a cave like a bear from mid Sept. - thru Mid of May or longer either way....

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I know, I thought that was cute and funny the way the southern's look at it...emoticon-south-park-003.gif

" Their snow is different ""... Hahaha... They don't even have a clue what snow really is.. smiley-scared003.gif

Whether it is a greasy snow, a dusting of snow, black ice.. We Northerner's forgot more than they will ever know about snow!!smiley-scared002.gif

so wether it's 20" overnight, or 300" inches a year... Geezzz.... If we had to shut down every time we got more than 10" of snow, we would be living in a cave like a bear from mid Sept. - thru Mid of May or longer either way....


Well, when you northern "snow pros" give up your salt/sand trucks, snow plows and all the other DOT equipment your states have for keeping your

roads open so you can keep from shutting down, then you can cluck all you want.

We don't have that kind of equipment, we have some, but not enough to do much good. Why? We normally don't get this kind of weather so our DOT isn't equipped for it.

I was born in Staten Island, New York. My family all from Brooklyn. Don't try and BS a BS'er. I know snow very well.

I like the way you guys poop your pants when you get a "heat wave" of 95-100 degrees. "Where's my air conditioner! I'm melting!" All your homeless and elderly dieing in their apartments from the heaT and you don't even get our humidity. [flapper][laugh] bunch of manginas. [lol] Northerners may be winter tuff but super wimpy in the summer. BTW hot weather starts here in April and ends just after Thanksgiving. LOL!

You can't shovel yourself out of heat. [laugh]

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So true.

Anyway, it's not really the snow that's trouble. Georgia "snow" is nothing more than ICE. It's not "powder" that you can go ski on.

Then it warms up just enough to melt, then refreezes into sheets of black ice. That's what shuts down ATL.

I guess you northerners have magic cars that don't slide on ice. [laugh]



No magic cars, just more experience on these kind of conditions...

No, we just adapt... Comes with the territory I guess..

Brooklyn? Snow??? Ya right... Those guys are lucky if they se 75" inches a year....Hahaha...

Yesterday, I talked to a guy, in Queens, actually instant messaging, he said the temp. was 31 degrees....

I looked over at the temp here, it was already -7 below and that was 9:00 P.M....

The last 6-7 nights have been at least -10 below here, but on the good side it warmed up nicely to a balmy 21 degrees... Heat wave for us this time of year..

I'm NOT trying to poke fun, smiley-taunt003.gif, Well maybe a little, But in all seriousness all that matters is you are happy with where you live.

You are 100 % correct about the heat... Can't stand it above 75 degrees... When I head down to Seymour Tn. to see a buddy a few times a year, I make sure it's not during July or August...

It's like sticking your head into a microwave oven there...He says it's not that bad, you get use to it... Does a turkey get use to being in an oven??

He's use to it alright, he goes from an air conditioned home to an a/c car, to a/c at work, then repeat process al over the next day...I don't know why you guys even have windows that open up in your home or car, they are always closed...

If the south liked the weather so hot, lose the a/c and then report back...you'll have a different story then I bet...

But, hey, it's cool, no pun intended, just ruffling up some feathers trying to make some humor out of all this, that's all...Nothing personal whatsoever... msp_tongue.gif

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No magic cars, just more experience on these kind of conditions...

No, we just adapt... Comes with the territory I guess..

Brooklyn? Snow??? Ya right... Those guys are lucky if they se 75" inches a year....Hahaha...

Yesterday, I talked to a guy, in Queens, actually instant messaging, he said the temp. was 31 degrees....

I looked over at the temp here, it was already -7 below and that was 9:00 P.M....

The last 6-7 nights have been at least -10 below here, but on the good side it warmed up nicely to a balmy 21 degrees... Heat wave for us this time of year..

I'm NOT trying to poke fun, smiley-taunt003.gif, Well maybe a little, But in all seriousness all that matters is you are happy with where you live.

You are 100 % correct about the heat... Can't stand it above 75 degrees... When I head down to Seymour Tn. to see a buddy a few times a year, I make sure it's not during July or August...

It's like sticking your head into a microwave oven there...He says it's not that bad, you get use to it... Does a turkey get use to being in an oven??

He's use to it alright, he goes from an air conditioned home to an a/c car, to a/c at work, then repeat process al over the next day...I don't know why you guys even have windows that open up in your home or car, they are always closed...

If the south liked the weather so hot, lose the a/c and then report back...you'll have a different story then I bet...

But, hey, it's cool, no pun intended, just ruffling up some feathers trying to make some humor out of all this, that's all...Nothing personal whatsoever... msp_tongue.gif


LOL - nothing personal taken. It's all good fun. [smile]

For the longest time, my office was the outdoors. (Landscape Business)

No AC to AC for me. It keeps you lean and mean. Now I'm older and fatter and I like my AC. [laugh]

Truthfully, the heat isn't really the issue, it's the humidity. You open your door in August and it's 102 with 100% humidity and

it's like you put on a thousand pound suit of hot sticky unforgiving hell! You gotta love it!

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Well, this is the type of weather, we down here in the backwards south just aint accustomed to, thats all. See, we don't call our northern brethern a " bunch of pu$$y's ", when they come down here in the summer and whine like mules about the heat and humidity, we have more dignity and class than that.[flapper]

Well, first off, I was just spoofin' on y'all! [biggrin] And as for humididididity, I've also spent a lot of years in Wash DC and Phila PA, and 'Lanter got 'nothin on them! You can pretty much plan on the humidity matching the temp, especially as it gets hotter. Then there are those late afternoon thunderstorms that either 1) cool things off or 2) make things much worse.


I'm pretty much thinking that's part of the reason I don't live in any of those places anymore! Now I just put up with earthquakes, mudslides, fires, etc.... [scared]

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