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A very sobering list


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I came across this list while trying to find out if any official cause of death has been released for Gary Moore. First let me make clear that it seems Gary Moore died in bed of a heart attack and most likely will be considered natural causes.


A very sobering list This list contains some details I never knew about some of the famous people on it and how they died. I.E. I never knew that John Bonham died after chocking on his own vomit after drinking 40 shots of Vodka... Very sad.

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I'll open up a bit here. My son's do drugs. I've had problems with them for 15 years now. Cocaine is the main culprit.

My youngest (27) comes home like a zombie of a Sunday morning. I love them as my son's, but I hate them as people. It's peer pressure

and the 'in' thing to do it. I believe drug dealers thould have a mandatory death sentence. The only way to end it is a massive crackdown.

Forget 'human rights'. Put them to death. I could go on all day about it. But I'm worn down by it.

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I'll open up a bit here. My son's do drugs. I've had problems with them for 15 years now. Cocaine is the main culprit.

My youngest (27) comes home like a zombie of a Sunday morning. I love them as my son's, but I hate them as people. It's peer pressure

and the 'in' thing to do it. I believe drug dealers thould have a mandatory death sentence. The only way to end it is a massive crackdown.

Forget 'human rights'. Put them to death. I could go on all day about it. But I'm worn down by it.


Sorry to hear that lashurst. We have similar problems with our 19 year old son. When I was a teenager (I'm 51 now) cocaine etc was around and easy to get but it had the aura of being a bit exotic, out of the ordinary and certainly 'naughty'. A few dabbled, but nobody I knew 'jumped in'. These days so many people defend cocaine use and view it as a perfectly valid way to enjoy themselves - "no worse than beer", they say. Beer doesn't generally lead to theft from family members, selling posessions, loans from loan sharks, psychotic behaviour (to list just a few of our son's more choice recent habits).


What to do though?


Stay strong and keep loving them. Hopefully one day they'll grow up a bit and see what they're really doing to themselves and people around them.



PS I'm a newbie on here. I've been following the threads for ages and joined just recently - it's a great community. I never thought in a million years that my first post would be on a subject like this. Life, eh? I'll get some pics up of my 2007 LP Standard soon.


PPS - Not too difficult to spot that this is my first post - I hadn't realised that my guitar's visible in the thumbnail (even though I put it there :unsure: )

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PPS - Not too difficult to spot that this is my first post - I hadn't realised that my guitar's visible in the thumbnail (even though I put it there :unsure: )



Hey proparch, welcome to the forum... You'll find all kinds of intersting stuff here... BTW we would love to see a good pic of your LP, looks killer in your avatar [drool] but way too small....

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Thanks for the welcome! Here's a bigger pic (hopefully). As you can see it's made from light pine with woven rafia seat and back. Very comfortable. Pity some idiot put a guitar on it and spoiled the view.


(Actually it's a 2007 guitar of the week #34, antique vintage sunburst, chambered with BB Pros. The '57s didn't make it into UK guitars. The sound those pups make is amazing! A real complex sound with the lows, mids & highs all playing their part beautifully. I got it as a once in a lifetime thing. My wife decided that after years and years of pouring all my salary into home & family, I needed something special just for me. She has a big birthday next year, must think of something equally excellent for her.)



post-29918-048879000 1297342689_thumb.jpg

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Looking through that list, I learned at least one thing I never knew. Who Lester Bangs was. I've heard that name in the lyrics to "The End of The World" by REM and always kinda wondered who that is. i actually thought he was singing "Lester Banks" #-o


Also interesting is that Kurt Cobain is listed as suicide but also "questionable murder" :-k I've never heard that theory.

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It was clearly a suicide for everybody outside of the Tin Foil Hat world...




Our 21 year-old has straightened up enough to keep a job for several months now.

The smaller, daily choices he makes are still unhealthy and counter-productive.


There's hope - it hasn't completely disappeared - but he's not allowed inside the NeoCon Compound but for visits.

Can't trust him to feed the dogs if we're outta town, let alone to have a key to the place.

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Also interesting is that Kurt Cobain is listed as suicide but also "questionable murder" :-k I've never heard that theory.


You haven't?


All these people say he was killed because he would never have killed himself, or he was too messed up on drugs to be able to actually pull a trigger.


However, I found an interesting book that covered Nirvana and had a whole bunch of interviews with Kurt and towards the end, he was so sick and in pain that the drugs were really the only thing that kept him going and throughout the book, multiple, multiple times he had a quote that said "If it wasn't for all the drugs I'm taking that could kill off some of the pain, I would blow my ****ing brains out."


Very sad to hear about that, and I do miss him and I enjoyed Nirvana a ton. However, there is no doubt in my mind that it was suicide.

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You haven't?


All these people say he was killed because he would never have killed himself, or he was too messed up on drugs to be able to actually pull a trigger.


However, I found an interesting book that covered Nirvana and had a whole bunch of interviews with Kurt and towards the end, he was so sick and in pain that the drugs were really the only thing that kept him going and throughout the book, multiple, multiple times he had a quote that said "If it wasn't for all the drugs I'm taking that could kill off some of the pain, I would blow my ****ing brains out."


Very sad to hear about that, and I do miss him and I enjoyed Nirvana a ton. However, there is no doubt in my mind that it was suicide.


Why was he in so much pain?

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Why was he in so much pain?


I forget what it was, but he had some serious illness since he was a child and it just got progressively worse. He got hooked on opium during a tour because he needed some meds, and what he got contained a decent amount of opium in it and got hooked. He tried to detox multiple times, but the pain became too overwhelming. Before the book, I knew he killed himself, but had no idea as to how sick he was. I couldn't even imagine it.


He also said a lot of the times when he would knock stuff over on stage or stuff like that was because of the pain he got in and he was trying to cope with it on stage.

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It was clearly a suicide for everybody outside of the Tin Foil Hat world...




Our 21 year-old has straightened up enough to keep a job for several months now.

The smaller, daily choices he makes are still unhealthy and counter-productive.


There's hope - it hasn't completely disappeared - but he's not allowed inside the NeoCon Compound but for visits.

Can't trust him to feed the dogs if we're outta town, let alone to have a key to the place.


Dave I'm glad to hear that! Hopefully it won't be long before he is trusted enough to be a full time member of the Neocon Compound. [thumbup]

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Why was he in so much pain?


He had two types of pain.


1. Physical. Supposedly it was bend over and lay in a fetal position stomach pain and heroin was the only painkiller that allowed him to get through it. They never did find the cause although a pinched nerve or two in his back is suspected. Cobain also came from poor white trash and lived on a diet of $.99 gas station junk food. Although you could not tell from the massive layers of sweaters he wore, the guy was rail thin and malnourished. So diet + poor genes + life style = one broken down body.


2. Emotional. He suffered from sever depression. If you don't have it, you won't understand it. This goes way beyond being sad because your girlfriend dumped you or you're grieving because your pet died. This is life long up and and down feelings of worthlessness and sadness.

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We've a family near where I live whose daughter was living in a meth culture. A brutal murder... she may or may not have known much about it, although it was in the garage of the house where she lived but she's in the pen for life, seldom to see a child she had after the incidents...


Old bandmates are gone, not just because of booze and drugs but also because of not generally caring for themselves. That's not a matter of being a health freak, but just doing sensible things like eating "real food" occasionally and if diabetic, actually taking the insulin.


I think it's not just "music," but since musicians are in public, even the small town weekend warriors are "known" more in a general community - and also tend to be labeled as "musicians" if they have something sad happen to them.


As for one's offspring... I have none, but I'll say this: At a point parents cannot be held responsible for their childrens' behavior. I didn't do anything particularly nasty, but I'm not sure I'd have cared to have my Dad looking over my shoulder all the time, either.


Also... especially with prescription-type drugs... I think physicians can draw themselves into being "enablers" of folks like Elvis and some others of that era...



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I've never understood the whole "tortured arteest" thing.


Guess I'm not talented enough. [rolleyes]



Whatever the cause, when you finally set your mind on an exit of ANY kind there's little others can do.


I've seen the downward spiral in people I knew very well.

Had very lucid, articulate conversations with them about it.

Still, logic was somehow excluded from the equation in the long run - until THEY turned it around.


It's still a choice.

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Here is a weird one for you that I learned from the list. Gary Moore died on my father's birthday, Phil Lynott died on my mother's birthday.... What are the chances????


I'd say the chances are about 1 in 365. [biggrin]


Interesting list for sure, Dave

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I don't think it's so much about "tortured artiste" syndrome as the general lifestyle.


I've had acquaintances who were "straight arrow" classical pros and some others who traveled teaching various seminars who had the same physical exhaustion issues and... how does one cope when there's always someone or something pushing you to go with them to supper at the wonderful restaurant or drinks at a club or...


Even music "weekend warriors" and those doing some sports type stuff "on weekends" run into a "wall" and have to learn to make some life adjustments or quit playing whatever it is they do.


I personally ran into one of those adjustments when I was a kid of 28-30. I was working 60 hour work weeks, playing music two nights a week on Friday-Saturday and training and teaching martial arts two nights and training any weekend daytime hours I had available since I "owned" the training facility.


Girlfriend at the time told me to quit the band or she was gone. Frankly I told her "good bye" because ultimatums like that could get to be a habit. Two weeks later I gave notice to the band. I just couldn't keep up that pace in that way. I don't think, by the way, the ex girlfriend ever understood why I'd told her "bye bye" and then quit the band anyway. I actually would have done things a bit more quickly had she said something like, "you're killing yourself with this schedule and you've gotta let go of something and..."



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Frankly I told her "good bye" because ultimatums like that could get to be a habit.


I LOVE ultimatums - makes my decision a no-brainer... [-(


But yes, the decision is still made by only one person.

You finally made it, and on your own terms.

There's something to be said for that, whether people approve of it or not.


I can make a decision.

And I can live with the consequences if it turns out to be a bad one.

No victims - just people who will take control of their lives and those who will not.

Wait too long, the decision is no longer an option, eh?

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I think its too easy to blame peer pressure on an individuals choice, especially where drugs are concerned. The bottom line is that we all have the ability to say no. I think its fairly safe to suggest that pretty much everyone in the last 30 years or so has been exposed to the just say no campaigns and drug awareness. Even common sense would suggest putting crap into your body cant be good for you.

I have been around bands and bikers since my teens, with drugs of all types readily available but they held no interest for me and my friends never pushed them. I have seen what they do to people and its not pretty. I'm no angel and enjoy a drink sometimes. I tried smoking cigarettes and didnt like it. tried weed as a cure for insomnia but i never got into the habbit of it. actually i could probably count on my hands how many times. I dont have a problem with folks going herbal but as soon as its chemical i think its stupid.

Like i said, bottom line, we all know the dangers so we really cant be surprised if things go bad when taking drugs or drink to excess.

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