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Sooo i've been working out for 3 months now...


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Not a ton of weight loss (only 10lbs total) but a lot of muscle gain. I joked with my dad last night that I actually see that I have muscles now.


I'm 6 ft tall and I started at 236lbs with very little muscle....so weak. I'm now 226lbs and my goal is to hit 199lbs. I'm in no rush as I want to do it right and get my body in decent shape.


But i'm exercising 4 times/week at least (working out) and that doesn't include walking the dogs daily etc.


My body shape has changed quite a bit...i still have a bit of a gut but my shoulders are broader and my legs are getting huge. (lunges and squats ouch!!!!)


I've never been committed to working out for more than 3-4 weeks...The only problem is that it actually makes my headaches worse rather than relieves them. Typical headaches can he helped with exercise...not mine!


Anyone else gettin in shape these days?

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We bought a professional grade tread mill about 2 weeks ago and I must admit that I haven't stepped on it for more than a couple of minutes. I look really funny on it. All off balance. My wife and step daughter get on it and look like they've been doing it all their lives.

I'm about 6 ft 1" and weigh in at about 215 so I could drop 15 pounds or so and feel better for it. Especially with the golf season coming.

A little discipline is required.

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That's my goal for the summer. After eight plus years of working out three times a week, the past year I haven't done **** all. Went from lean (I have a small frame so I'll never be Lou Ferrigno without some serious 'roids) to skinny little puke. And a lot of my old health aliments are starting to come back.


The one saving grace is that I live in a large city and have two dogs so I average just under two miles of walking per day.

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As one who used to train more than a few young folks like you, I have kinda mixed emotions.


First, if you don't know what causes the headaches and working out seems to make them worse, for heaven's sake, go to a physician. It may be an indication of a physical condition you should know more about.


Second, you've almost certainly lost more than 10 pounds of stuff you don't want because muscle tissue weighs more than the other stuff.


Also, remember that strength can be increased quite rapidly at your age and the condition you state that you've been in. BUT... Connective tissue can take much, much longer to strengthen to match the new muscle strength. That means you've gotta be rather careful not to overdo and damage that connective tissue. There's a different kind of pain when you start damaging stuff compared to the burn of building muscle that unfortunately is often learned the hard way.


So... Good on you, but take care. That carcass has to last quite a while. But again, if exercise makes bad headaches worse, find out why. Please.



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First, if you don't know what causes the headaches and working out seems to make them worse, for heaven's sake, go to a physician. It may be an indication of a physical condition you should know more about.



Milod, thanks for the concern. I actually know whats causing the headaches and the exercise is not making it worse (the condition anyway). I have a condition called a "Chiari Malformation Type 1"....my cerebellum is malformed and its causing some issues. Pretty messed up but not fatal or anything! :) I forgot I didn't say anything here about that when mentioning the headaches.


Seeing a neurosurgeon and all that so everything will be ok....been having the headaches for 3-4 years now. Nice to know why i get them and starting to develop a treatment plan.


I feel good though...i'm letting my body rest and i'm not overdoing it with weight...most of my workout is isometric...just using my body weight.


I appreciate the notes! :)

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We bought a professional grade tread mill about 2 weeks ago and I must admit that I haven't stepped on it for more than a couple of minutes. I look really funny on it. All off balance. My wife and step daughter get on it and look like they've been doing it all their lives.

I'm about 6 ft 1" and weigh in at about 215 so I could drop 15 pounds or so and feel better for it. Especially with the golf season coming.

A little discipline is required.


Same problem here David, me and the wife bought a Bowflex and a Treadmill about 6 months ago and we just found out you actually have to use the damn equipment to get ANY benefits at all!!! WTF Why wasn't we told that before we bought.

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Same problem here David, me and the wife bought a Bowflex and a Treadmill about 6 months ago and we just found out you actually have to use the damn equipment to get ANY benefits at all!!! WTF Why wasn't we told that before we bought.


In winter of 8th grade I was 6ft and weighed 220lb's...by the summer of the same year i weighed 150lbs....I didnt eat at all, and when I did, it was only milk and soup...My body is still paying for it today, and while I still may be skinny my weight fluxuates all the time due to my digestive system..When I graduated highschool, I was working out everyday of the week, had a solid six pack, and god did I look great (6'2 170lbs), two years later, I lost my six pack and most of all of my muscle gain...Now it's hard for me to work out, and I have some extreme back and tail bone pain.. I also have two-three huge stretch marks on my stomach that look like darkened tan lines, that will forever be there..Again I might still be skinny, but was it worth it??? I dont think so...My point being if anyone is trying to lose weight, eat RIGHT and exercise RIGHT...dont take the easy or bad way out..


Goodluck Shred, sounds like you've been doing a great job!, and as Milod pointed alot, you lost alot more fat then 10lbs...you gained alotta muscle boy!! Thats the right way!

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....I didnt eat at all, and when I did, it was only milk and soup...


Yikes! Milk will wreck your system. One of the worst alleged health foods. No one beyond infancy should drink that gunk.

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I've been itchin to get on the bike, but a chest cold has kept me off. Once, that starts, the weight usually drops off quite rapidly ( Hopefully)


As far as hitting the gym, I go a couple times a week, but past workout routines have wrecked my shoulders and elbows. I just do what I can.

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I keep warning people how their muscle tissue can increase, and gain strength increases quite quickly but that their connective tissue doesn't keep up.


Actually it sound to me as if Shred has something pretty good going for him, whatever his plan. One of the advantages of the real old days in most martial arts training is that it was not, as that stuff is today, directed toward winning tournament trophies and was more directed to defense and lifelong fitness. I just finished a little talk with the male half of a coaching couple at a local high school and he was joking about how that stuff was so good for lifetime overall fitness...


Some 50 years ago I would have generally agreed, depending on the school. Nowadays I'm not sure.



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I've been itchin to get on the bike, but a chest cold has kept me off. Once, that starts, the weight usually drops off quite rapidly ( Hopefully)


As far as hitting the gym, I go a couple times a week, but past workout routines have wrecked my shoulders and elbows. I just do what I can.


maybe you should spend less time in the gym and more time practicing that C chord! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

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I'm 6 2 210, and I've been working out for a long while, feels damned good. Squatting is my thing, genetically my legs are strong.


Running is a fantastic way to do it, I went all last summer doing a 10K a day, while that has lowered, it is still a great great workout.

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Well done Shred


I have enjoyed the gym now for two years. I still eat fries, ice cream and have beer when I want, but I also eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day and walk everywhere as I don't drive.


I lost about 25 lbs since two years ago and it came off gradually but I am confident I can keep the blubber at bay!



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One of the advantages of the real old days in most martial arts training is that it was not, as that stuff is today, directed toward winning tournament trophies and was more directed to defense and lifelong fitness. I just finished a little talk with the male half of a coaching couple at a local high school and he was joking about how that stuff was so good for lifetime overall fitness...


Some 50 years ago I would have generally agreed, depending on the school. Nowadays I'm not sure.



It depends on the instructor. My teacher is 69 this year and is adamant there's no point doing the training unless we take the lessons learned and use them outside the dojo. He tells us karate is physical meditation and we should have long term goals for our training (that don't include gradings or tournament placings).


My point for mentioning it is that I also get headaches. Mine are caused by my hamstrings and back muscles tightening up. The stretching we do at training helps so I do it after training and after cycling to work.

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Same problem here David, me and the wife bought a Bowflex and a Treadmill about 6 months ago and we just found out you actually have to use the damn equipment to get ANY benefits at all!!! WTF Why wasn't we told that before we bought.


The wife and I bought a Total Gym about two years ago. I thought it came with Chuck Norris and Ms. Brinkley... [unsure]

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