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The 3 Guitar Gods


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Well, I'm 41 and I have to say the all three of these guys blow my mind when they came out. Saw them all on a G3 tour a few years back. Anyone who thinks their music is just blind, emotionless speed hasn't listened to very much of it.

That said, none of them would be at the top of my list today.

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And don't feel bad Dem00n your opinion was valid here and he only has 99 posts so even if you disagreed with him on every post so far you can't have picked on him all that much.

Thats to true. [lol]

Eh, i respsect these guys for there speed and skills on guitar, but thas it. . But no one is a god.

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Well... from an old guy's perspective, including knowledge of, and performance of music overall...



Joe Pass

Chet Atkins


Note that none of the three needed a band behind them, each was exceptionally versatile and each did what their heads led them to do - Segovia "classical," Pass jazz/standards, Atkins whatever happened to trip his trigger and then whatever was needed.



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Chet did what he did how he did it in public because it was expected. He could flatpick whatever quite well too.


After I made my post on that, I got to thinking about how unique the guitar really is in that it can be played strictly as a rhythm chording instrument, as a piano (e.g. Segovia, Pass, Atkins) or as a fiddle, trumpet or sax as more of a "line" instrument. Even the Carter Family Scratch sorta playing is a variation of what piano players had done for ages with bass runs and rhythm chords above that.


I tend to care more for, and do more of the piano version of pickin', hence my choices above.


OTOH, there are hundreds of super-pickers in all sorts of styles and frankly, without the versatility of the instrument, it's likely neither of us would be "here." <grin>



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I vote Yngwie, but that's just me select your favorite and add a link of your favorite song of them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNOuOwu5sug



Maybe best Shred or Technical player maybe even "who do you like best" would have been a better way to get people to choose who you listed. In that regards I like Joe the best as an overall player, Yngwie is probably the best at neo-classical shred and Vai is just something of his own.... Also got rid of your -1 for you...





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Well, I'm 41 and I have to say the all three of these guys blow my mind when they came out. Saw them all on a G3 tour a few years back. Anyone why thinks their music is just blind, emotionless speed hasn't listened to very much of it.

That said, none of them would be at the top of my list today.

I have to agree HEAVILY with this.


NOT the kind of music I listen to, but I still know good music and talent when I hear it. And these 3 guys CAN and HAVE played some GREAT stuff.

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I'll play: For me, probly JOE.


I think Vai and Joe are problably real close in what they do or their abilities and music making, but Vai has a soul that is a little more toward twisting my senses and making me hear things I maybe didn't think was an option, where Joe appeals more to "normal" human emotions. Get past the "shred", and BOTH do AMAZING things with command of notes to bring out emotion and feeling.


Speaking of SHRED, obviously one would HAVE to stand in awe of Yngwie's skill and speed, but as useless as that may be to some, I think when you get past that, musically, he has a talent and command of classical music that can truly convey the beauty and musicality of it.

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Maybe best Shred or Technical player maybe even "who do you like best" would have been a better way to get people to choose who you listed. In that regards I like Joe the best as an overall player, Yngwie is probably the best at neo-classical shred and Vai is just something of his own.... Also got rid of your -1 for you...





LOL..I think I just said that in reverse.


Maybe you said it better.

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Here's two pretty good pickers. Pass' single string work is as fast when he wants as anybody's. But when a picker like Roy Clark basically says what he does on the front end of the first vid... that sez something.


The second is one of my favorites that I play a bit - about 10 percent of what Pass does, if I'm lucky.





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Current... Petrucci, Vai, Satriani


Recent past... Lynch, Malmsteen, Eric Johnson, Young.


All Time... SRV, Clapton, Paige, Roeser (Dharma), Blackmore, Rhodes, Lifeson, Howe, Beck.

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Tommy Emmanuel C.G.P



The Original c.g.p. C. G. P.


The initials in the title refer to the Atkins-coined title "Certified Guitar Player", a moniker he assigned not only to himself but other guitarists he admired and felt contributed to the legacy of guitar playing.


C.G.P. was awarded at Chet's discretion. Including him, there are only five gentlemen that have been granted the title. The estate of Chet Atkins that has trademarked the designation has made it clear that there will be no other c.g.p. distinctions awarded.

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From the list...


Because my wife loves him and also because he always thinks in melodies first and foremost, Joe Satriani

Off the list, way too many 'guitar gods' that I love from all different genres to list! msp_scared.gif None of them would be rock guitarists anymore I don't think though (yep shock horror even including Randy Rhoads LOL).



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