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i blame the parents...

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An interesting and worthy post....


How difficult is it to raise children when born into a hugely wealthy family?


Particularly the hysterical, off kilter rock type....


Dave Gilmour seems to be a sensible hard working fellow, albeit from a 'public school' background


I think it would be difficult for any child to rationalise and live up to that level of success and hype....





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He asked his Mom, " Mother, will they tear your little boy apart ????? "



Trial Transcript....


Good morning, Worm your honor.

The crown will plainly show

The prisoner who now stands before you

Was caught red-handed showing feelings,

Showing feelings of an almost human nature.

This will not do.

Call the schoolmaster!


I always said he'd come to no good

In the end your honor.

If they'd let me have my way I could

Have flayed him into shape.

But my hands were tied,

The bleeding hearts and artists

Let him get away with laughter.

Let me hammer him today?


Crazy, toys in the attic I am crazy,

Truly gone fishing

They must have taken my marbles away

(Crazy, toys in the attic he's crazy)


You little **** you're in it, now

I hope they throw away the key.

Yer should have talked to me more often

Than you did, but no! You had to go

Your own way, have you broken any

Homes up lately?

Just five minutes, Worm your honor,

Him and me, alone.



Come to mother baby,

Let me hold you in my arms.

M'lud I never wanted him ta

Get in any trouble.

Why'd he ever have to leave me?

Worm, your honor, let me take him home.



Over the rainbow, I am crazy,

Bars in the window.

There must have been a door there in the wall when I came in.

(Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy)


The evidence before the court is

Incontrovertible, there's no need for the jury to retire.

In all my years of judging

I have never heard before

Of someone more deserving a

The full penalty of law.

The way you made them suffer,

Your exquisite wife and mother,

Fills me with the urge to defecate!


"Go on Judge, **** on him!"

Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear,

I sentence you to be exposed before

Your peers.

Tear down the wall!

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Guest farnsbarns

Bloody hell I am amazed he went down. I think an unknown person would have got community service or something. I went to school with the gilmours. I'm too old to have known him but I knew his sisters quite well.

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Guest farnsbarns

oh REALLY? how well? :)




Not THAT well, but well enough, they were nice kids but about three years younger than me at an age when that was too young.


Mad school actually, one of my best friends, band mate and in my class was a Master Parsons, the son of one Alan Parsons.

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Trial Transcript....


Good morning, Worm your honor.

The crown will plainly show

The prisoner who now stands before you

Was caught red-handed showing feelings,

Showing feelings of an almost human nature.

This will not do.

Call the schoolmaster!


I always said he'd come to no good

In the end your honor.

If they'd let me have my way I could

Have flayed him into shape.

But my hands were tied,

The bleeding hearts and artists

Let him get away with laughter.

Let me hammer him today?


Crazy, toys in the attic I am crazy,

Truly gone fishing

They must have taken my marbles away

(Crazy, toys in the attic he's crazy)


You little **** you're in it, now

I hope they throw away the key.

Yer should have talked to me more often

Than you did, but no! You had to go

Your own way, have you broken any

Homes up lately?

Just five minutes, Worm your honor,

Him and me, alone.



Come to mother baby,

Let me hold you in my arms.

M'lud I never wanted him ta

Get in any trouble.

Why'd he ever have to leave me?

Worm, your honor, let me take him home.



Over the rainbow, I am crazy,

Bars in the window.

There must have been a door there in the wall when I came in.

(Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy)


The evidence before the court is

Incontrovertible, there's no need for the jury to retire.

In all my years of judging

I have never heard before

Of someone more deserving a

The full penalty of law.

The way you made them suffer,

Your exquisite wife and mother,

Fills me with the urge to defecate!


"Go on Judge, **** on him!"

Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear,

I sentence you to be exposed before

Your peers.

Tear down the wall!

roger wrote it

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This case is a cause for concern...


The lad seems to be hugely troubled


He ran amuck damaging a car etc under the influence of LSD


Pity he didn't have friends with him to moderate the madness


Dave and wife have stood by him in public...which is good


Now he has a criminal record and jail sentence


The tabloid press will no doubt have a field day


Hope he sorts himself out pronto....





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Total socialist scumbag. Read about him a bit over the past few months. He rails against capitalism a good bit. Funny, a very wealthy kid, whose dad made his money via capitalism, and he rails against it.


He deserves some jail time for all the destruction.

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An interesting and worthy post....


How difficult is it to raise children when born into a hugely wealthy family?


Particularly the hysterical, off kilter rock type....


Dave Gilmour seems to be a sensible hard working fellow, albeit from a 'public school' background


I think it would be difficult for any child to rationalise and live up to that level of success and hype....






Hence, his son don't need no education. [biggrin]

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For what it's worth, we're all individuals.


It sounds like this young man was doing what adolescents throughout history have tended to do, and that's to rebel against perceived "status quo."


Yeah, a lotta rich kids do that. But so do a lotta kids from medium to horrid economic backgrounds. We all make our own choices. When it's a rich kid there's a tendency to blame the parents, when it's a poor kid we tend to blame the neighborhood or poverty in general. Interesting, eh?


I'm assuming by "public school" in the Brit sense, you mean a boarding school. That can be an interesting experience. OTOH, you can make a case that all of us absorb incredibly amounts of information and perspectives in today's extended adolescence that truly are a mind altering experience without drugs. Each of us has our own internal dark side in that time period.


I think it's harder for kids today not so much because of the economy or even our increasing tradition of extending adolescence into the mid 20s. I think it's likely because there's so much more input from gadgets of various sorts that seem as normal and natural as an electric guitar. Yet both of those evolved almost during my own lifetime and I'm not at all ready to give up either the gadgets or electric guitars. I think society at large will cope with it as it has other huge social changes.


I don't like to blame parents. There's enough hard-wiring in our heads that nobody controls, even the one who possesses it. I think if it goes anti-social... it's gonna. Environment may affect how, and it may not put one in jail for hurting other people and property, but not the inner "what."



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Guest farnsbarns

Assuming he went to the same school as the rest if the family it's actualy a Rudolph Steiner school and he didn't board because it's a few miles from the family home. It is a private school (strangely almost the same thing as a public school) but it's a very different way of teaching favouring arts, life skill and creativity over academia. I bet M knows all about it, knowledgable chap and into philosophy, Rudolph Steiner was a philosopher of sorts.

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He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself! Nice to see he had the book thrown at him!!


Anyone that does what he did to the cenotaph deserves what's coming to them!


I agree....


What really annoys me, as always is that the taxpayer will foot all the bills...criminal damage to public and private property


And board and lodging for 8 months


And all prosecution costs, lawyers fees etc....





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In some places there's a movement to have prisoners pay their own way. I doubt it's going to catch on anywhere in the Anglophone world, though.




Yeah, a philosopher "of sorts." I doubt, though, that such behavior as exhibited by this young man was part of the curriculum although some of Steiner's views on culture and race might have had some degree of impact.


My own secondary education was such that few Americans and perhaps fewer folk in the UK might catch on. First two years in our American "public" high school in a small Northern Plains town, yet I had excellent training that included two years of Latin in a relatively traditional sort of training where we read Caesar and Virgil as well as some Livy.


Then the last two years while my father took a graduate degree in Cambridge, Mass., I was at a boarding school in New England with classes six days a week, study halls seven days, etc., etc. I was personally too stupid to finish any uni degree, something I now rather regret.



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That happens to a lot of kids who come from priveleged upbringings.They develop a sense of entitlement from their parents fame or infaminy and therefore come to believe that they are above reproach and punishment.A famous case was the rich kid from the U.S. that spray painted cars while vacationing in Singapore.When he was sentenced to so many lashes he and his parents pleaded for a reduced sentence but thankfully the courts in Singapore would have none of it and tanned the young snot's arse for him.I imagine to this day he probably get the shakes when he sees a spray can of any kind.

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Guest farnsbarns



In some places there's a movement to have prisoners pay their own way. I doubt it's going to catch on anywhere in the Anglophone world, though.




Yeah, a philosopher "of sorts." I doubt, though, that such behavior as exhibited by this young man was part of the curriculum although some of Steiner's views on culture and race might have had some degree of impact.


My own secondary education was such that few Americans and perhaps fewer folk in the UK might catch on. First two years in our American "public" high school in a small Northern Plains town, yet I had excellent training that included two years of Latin in a relatively traditional sort of training where we read Caesar and Virgil as well as some Livy.


Then the last two years while my father took a graduate degree in Cambridge, Mass., I was at a boarding school in New England with classes six days a week, study halls seven days, etc., etc. I was personally too stupid to finish any uni degree, something I now rather regret.




As an advocate of steiner schools I've always found the race thing as a thorn in my side. Obviously there is no room for racism in the current steiner education system. My parents took the decision, having carefuly investigated, that Steiner's race issues were long since purged from the steiner education system. And they were.


You are quite right too, about this behaviour not being part of the curriculum although most Steiner kids are more prepared than most to question establishment and the status quo. Question being the operative word.


My own experience in a Steiner school was that it was an incredibly fruitful and generaly speaking, the kids were far more switched on to the world and people arround them. For example, in all my years at the school I never whitnessed a single fight or any form if bullying at all. I subsequently went to a UK state school and culture shock doesn't cover it, all of a sudden I was expected to fight with anyone I disagreed with, bullying was rife and I met the most appaulingly inadequate, ill equiped, narrow minded and actually poorly educated teachers. I never once had a single new fact imparted to me and regularly found myself explaining the intracacies of a subject to my teachers.


One particular event springs to mind when a physics teacher had misunderstood the principle of a block and tackle and had taught the entire class that a single pully with a rope over it gave a 2:1 reduction. I got into trouble for explaining that a single pully with a rope gave a 1:1 ratio and no reduction was felt until another pully was introduced. I believe I git a detention for insubordination!


As I write another thing comes to mind. On my first day at the state school I was met at the gate by the headmaster who had read some bad press about another odd ball school near my Steiner school and had mixed them up. He was under the impression that lessons were optional. He was surprised when I explained that missing a lesson would result in a 4 hour detention on Saturday morning doing manual tasks, the only one I had involved chopping logs in the snow. I asked him why, since he had taken the time to wait for me and identify me out of 1800 pupils to make these points but he hadn't taken time to research properly. He had the good grace to acknowledge the error and apologise. Not something that I experienced from any other teacher there.

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