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Hot Enough For You?


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What about the beach in Chicago that was closed because of fog yet it was still 90 degrees. And swimming pools getting too hot and having ice tossed in them. All this is Al Gore's fault and his self-fulfilling prophesy.

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Its the third or fourth day now that its been overcast/raining here and about I dunno 16 degrees C errr about 60 degrees F for you guys down across the line! I stopped thinking about it cause its so depressing.

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It's been in the 90's with triple digit heat index for several weeks now here in St. Louis. Working outside is the pits. We have a lot of roofers working in our neighborhood because of the hail storm that hit a couple months ago. Don't know how they can stand working in this heat. My roof will be one of them to be worked on soon.

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Its gonna be 118 F here with the Humidex tomorrow... yikes.


What area are you in Shred?

They're predicting the hottest day in Canada since 1956 tomorrow in my area. Gonna feel like 120 F.

How hot is it? Its so hot that my butt cheeks squeek like fresh cheese curds. (Curds are used in poutine. (Cheese, fries and gravy))



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While were on the subject of heat..It's over 100 degrees in Omaha, and it can get up to 85 to 90 degrees in my room WITH the air conditioner running at max....How bad is it for my guitars? Is it the humidity that kills em or the heat?

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What area are you in Shred?

They're predicting the hottest day in Canada since 1956 tomorrow in my area. Gonna feel like 120 F.

How hot is it? Its so hot that my butt cheeks squeek like fresh cheese curds. (Curds are used in poutine. (Cheese, fries and gravy))




In Toronto bud! :) We'll see what its like tomorrow. Thank goodness for air conditioning I tells ya!

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I've never lived anywhere else, so this Tennessee humidity is nothing I'm not used to. But you can sit dead still under a shade tree, and start making your own gravy in NO time!


That's nothing! Here in Texas you can walk outside and spontaneously catch on fire. You can barbecue steaks on the concrete too. msp_biggrin.gif

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While were on the subject of heat..It's over 100 degrees in Omaha, and it can get up to 85 to 90 degrees in my room WITH the air conditioner running at max....How bad is it for my guitars? Is it the humidity that kills em or the heat?


Both. Welp, if you have any bound necks, you might see some binding cracks where the fret ends are. To minimize the impact of temperature/humidity change, put your guitars in their cases to slow down the heat up and cool down times. You could also tune down a half to whole step. Good luck Chase.

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Both. Welp, if you have any bound necks, you might see some binding cracks where the fret ends are. To minimize the impact of temperature/humidity change, put your guitars in their cases to slow down the heat up and cool down times. You could also tune down a half to whole step. Good luck Chase.

Yikes, the only thing I'm worried about is the heat, as the humidity in my house is controlled, but my air conditioner just can't handle the upstairs heat..I haven't noticed any finish issues, and keep my Trad, Tele, and Explorer in there case's under my bed..I'm trying to figure out a solution but not quite sure what to do about this ridiculous heat! [crying][confused]

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I just read that Seattle has had 78 minutes of temps over 80 F. Mostly it has been in the 60s. And they are complaining. Like they said in the old West: " Whiskey's for drinkin', water's for fightin' over and the weather's for complainin' about."

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Here in "Ole Wyo" it's been hotter than a "ole" deer rifle on opening day.

Still I knew this was coming so I shoveled some snow from last winter into

a trash bag, threw it into the freezer. pulled it out yesterday....awwwwwwwe

Life is goooood, ..... except for the puddle in the front room. (not the dog this time)

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