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President Kennedy shooting programme


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I watched a programme about Oswald getting shot by Ruby last night. It was excellent. It proved that there was no conspiracy in the Oswald shooting. It re-enacted the scene at the police station and took the original police officer and the press officers there . I didn't know it was on and just found it enthralling.

A bit like real 'CSI'.

I'm not starting a 'who done it' here. Just saying. Good programme.

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I dunno, kinda funny how when his "brains are departing his head", he's moving back, and to the left, when if he was shot from behind, and up, he would have went forward and down, just from the momentum of the bullet. And everything's coming out the back of his head, not the front, which would be consistent with being shot from behind (watch the McGruder footage). Even with a small calibre gun, the momentum would cause anything you hit to follow the direction of the bullet (anyone that owns a gun knows this). So, this would kinda be consistent with a shot from the grassy knoll, based on physics, and momentum. Not saying anything one way or another, but there are a few things to consider, that a few "experts" always seem to overlook. The First would be both Jack AND Bobby Kennedy's stance on Organised Crime, Organised Labor being the 2 most important points, and the fact they were Catholic, which was a pretty big controversy when Jack was running for office. There were some pretty pissed off people besides Oswald here, and I'm NOT saying he didn't act alone, I'm sure he did, but there have been stranger coincidences, just saying. One more point to consider, the first shot through his neck didn't do NEARLY the damage the shot through his head did...seems that headshot was just a tad closer and did FAR more damage than Oswald's shot from quite a distance away at that point. Something else to consider. Oswald acted alone, but I think, based on what I know about guns (been around 'em my whole life), there was more than one killer. Who? Probably never know, but there was more than one killer, I don't care what all these "experts" say.

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Oswald said that he was just a patsy and that no one would ever know the truth- just the rantings of of a guilty, deranged man? I don't know.


And the Zapruder film does raise a number of questions. In 1986, Showtime did a mock trial with Gerry Spence as the defense attourney and Vincent Bugliosi as the prosecuting attourney. The trial was to prosecute Oswald, but also to address the conspiracy issue. It was pretty cool because the program lasted for 5 hours (though the trial lasted for 21 hours), most of the evidence was presented, actual witnesses testified, and a jury of Dallas citizens was used. Afterwards, the TV audience was asked to vote along with the jury. The TV audience overwhelmingly voted conspiracy while the mock jury voted Oswald the lone assassin. I thought Spence did a good job of presenting the case for a conspiracy.


Review of On Trial with video

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Of course, we'll never know how close the 'official story' is to the actual events, but conspiracy or not, the U.S. government sure makes some questionable decisions in times of crisis. After the Kennedy assassination, they had the limo cleaned, which you'd never do in a real murder investigation. The day after Martin Luther King was killed, the brush behind the rooming house, where some witnesses say they saw someone, was cleared away. The list goes on and on.


I'm not saying we don't get the whole story, but they sure create a lot more questions than answers. But, then again, that's what we pay them for, right? [flapper]

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Of course, we'll never know how close the 'official story' is to the actual events, but conspiracy or not, the U.S. government sure makes some questionable decisions in times of crisis. After the Kennedy assassination, they had the limo cleaned, which you'd never do in a real murder investigation. The day after Martin Luther King was killed, the brush behind the rooming house, where some witnesses say they saw someone, was cleared away. The list goes on and on.


I'm not saying we don't get the whole story, but they sure create a lot more questions than answers. But, then again, that's what we pay them for, right? [flapper]



i agree here. it's difficult to get a room of people to agree on one thing: imagine how difficult getting a whole government to? :)


there may or may not have been other small factions involved, and personally i believe there were, but conspiracy by the government to cover it up? not very likely. they are just not that organized. [biggrin]

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Did I say McGruder? I was close, but the film of him being killed...too many obvious points about the actual killing that kind of lend credence to another killer. The first shot wounded him, and he leaned over, then the second shot blew the front of his head to bits, and what was left went behind him, which would be impossible if he were shot from behind, the bullet that actually killed him came from the right, and at that point would have been the area of the "grassy knoll" which was just before the underpass they immediately went through, so the shooter was either on the overpass, or on that hill in the trees.

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There are plenty of nauseating frame by frame examples out there that to me, shows he was clearly shot from behind. True, his head does fall backwards after being shot, but not as sharply as the initial jerk forward after being hit.


I don't think you can apply the same physics of shooting a watermelon here. It's a little more complex than that. We are talking about a human body with nerves and muscles. You also have to remember that the car was moving forward at about 11 mph, that will have an effect on where debris lands.


Anyway, I feel it's a little inappropriate to discuss in detail here... Look up the frame by frame analysis if you can stomach it.

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There are plenty of nauseating frame by frame examples out there that to me, shows he was clearly shot from behind. True, his head does fall backwards after being shot, but not as sharply as the initial jerk forward after being hit.


I don't think you can apply the same physics of shooting a watermelon here. It's a little more complex than that. We are talking about a human body with nerves and muscles. You also have to remember that the car was moving forward at about 11 mph, that will have an effect on where debris lands.


From On Trial:


MR. BUGLIOSI -- "What was the conclusion your panel came to as to how

many bullets struck the President, their point of entry, and the path

they took through the President's body?"


DR. CHARLES PETTY (one of 9 forensic pathologists who served on the

autopsy panel {aka the "FPP"} for the HSCA) -- "My conclusion, and the

conclusion of the panel, was that the President was struck by two

bullets -- one entering the right-upper back and exiting in the front

of the neck; the other entering the right back of the head, and

exiting what we call the right-frontal area, that is the front and

side of the head."


MR. BUGLIOSI -- "Is there any doubt in your mind, Doctor, whatsoever

that both bullets that struck the President came from the rear and no

bullets struck him from the front?"


DR. PETTY -- "None whatsoever."


MR. BUGLIOSI -- "Let me ask you this, Dr. Petty .... assuming the

President HAD been struck by a bullet from the front -- make that

assumption -- could the transference of momentum from that bullet have

thrown the President backward as is shown in frames 315 to 320 of the

Zapruder Film?"


DR. PETTY -- "No sir, not in my opinion."


MR. BUGLIOSI -- "And why is that?"


DR. PETTY -- "Because the head is too heavy. There's too much muscular

resistance to movement."

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The day after Martin Luther King was killed, the brush behind the rooming house, where some witnesses say they saw someone, was cleared away.


That 'someone' was probably the chick he was banging GTFO of there. MLK & Jesse Jackson (to this day) were notorious womanizing dogs. Not saying that to diminish their life's work, just they're a couple of squirrels forever trying to get a nut.


I didn't know MacGruber had footage of JFK. That's awesome.


Jackie O thought LBJ had JFK DOA'd, FWIW.

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I watched a programme about Oswald getting shot by Ruby last night. It was excellent. It proved that there was no conspiracy in the Oswald shooting. It re-enacted the scene at the police station and took the original police officer and the press officers there . I didn't know it was on and just found it enthralling.

A bit like real 'CSI'.

I'm not starting a 'who done it' here. Just saying. Good programme.


I was in Dallas a couple of years ago and stopped at Dealy Plaza. The building from which Oswald fire the shots is now a museum. They have all the consiracy theories listed on a board. Oddly enough the one thing I remember is looking at the pictorial mural on the wall. It was in chronilogical order. Toward the end of the mural was a picture of Jack Ruby with his arm around Little Jimmy Dickens (Tater) of the Grand Ole Opry.

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Guest farnsbarns

Just like the Moon Landing!!! Its all a load of Bollocks!!!!! [flapper]


I've got to tell you, I have seen, first hand, absolutely unequivocal proof that humans have walked on the moon. Without any doubt. So could you, there's one little thing the conspiracy theorists always neglect to talk about when the spout kak about it.

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I've got to tell you, I have seen, first hand, absolutely unequivocal proof that humans have walked on the moon. Without any doubt. So could you, there's one little thing the conspiracy theorists always neglect to talk about when the spout kak about it.

What is it? Come and tell.

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