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Amanda Knox


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That is so judgmental, to say that somehow looks have something to do with being crazy or not.


They are all crazy.


To be human means to be crazy.......


Having said that, from our perspective, they're all crazy...............They think men are crazy................


Yes, she's hot........So what ????? Women and grains of salt go together......Moderation..........................



( I keep a spice rack handy )..........My current gal will die for me, and vice versa.......Crazy is good as it is human nature..............

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Yet another case where ego got in the way of police work and the evidence was destroyed beyond use so she walks. Doesn't her that she's an attractive girl next door type, It's mostly the news channels that have made her out to be some kind a a pychopath who killed her roommate in some kind of kinky sex misunderstanding. But will never really know now that the police blew the case. So she goes free


Hell she'll probably write a book, pose for playboy, become famous and then end up on Dancing with the Stars.

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I have no idea on her being guilty or not. Seems like the jurors don't have either. Something was said a couple days ago that the "thought-to-be-blood" DNA on the knife was actually chemical traces from a piece of bread. Scary stuff if this is what they were using for evidence. Anyway, I hope that one day soon the truth is known and the dead girl's family can begin to move-forward with their lives. If Amanda is truly innocent (and I hope she is), I hope she can also begin moving-on.

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She would be smart to drop out of sight for awhile (like Casey Anthony has done) and never to return to Italy ever again.

I doubt she'd be allowed in as they upheld one charge with a 3-year jail sentence (she's out, of course , because she already served 4).


Whether she's guilty or not, like everyone else, I have no idea. I too feel for the Kercher family, who must feel they will never have the answers they so desperately seek. Let alone some sort of justice.


What does disturb me, is the media must now be queuing up to throw money at her for "exclusive" newspaper/TV/movie/book deals.... Very sad.

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All the hot ones are crazy. Not saying I know whether she did it or not, but she's probably crazy.



four years locked in a maximum security Italian penitentiary facing life for being convicted of a murder you did hot commit would certainly make you a little crazy. That case was a media circus brought on by an overzeolous prosecutor who manipulated and with held evidence, lied about the defendents, and sensationalized the trial for the media and country.


I'm glad she can finally come home. She's been through hell.

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IF she is, truly innocent, then all power to her, and best wishes.

IF, on the other hand, she's actually guilty, but "got away with it,"

she'll re-offend, at some other point. She won't be able to help it...

especially IF she did get away with it, this time.


I'm not saying either way, because I haven't got a clue. But...

"Tigers can't change their stripes"...



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IF she is, truly innocent, then all power to her, and best wishes.

IF, on the other hand, she's actually guilty, but "got aways with it,"

she'll re-offend, at some other point. She won't be able to help it...

especially IF she did get away with it, this time.


I'm not saying either way, because I haven't got a clue. But...

"Tigers can't change their stripes"...




My head agrees with you 100 percent, my heart thinks something in this is just not right...and it has nothing to do with the victim being from my country - and the former accused being from America, it also has nothing to do with me falling for 'tabloid spin' or for that matter anything else political. I think it is a gut instinct that this woman at the very least knew/knows much more about what happened than what has been painted. As I said over at MLP, I felt the same uneasy feeling about the British nanny Louise Woodward a few years back.


Like other guys have said in the thread, I think Mr and Mrs Kercher handled the whole thing with great dignity -poor souls losing their daughter and all the years of everyone like us looking in.



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