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How about a 'Les Paul' Les Paul?


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he asked about a signature les paul les paul. they already made a les paul signature. and to posthumously make a signature guitar, is pretty lame because you don't have his input (ie Kurt Cobain sig)




D00d, what you posted IS NOT A Les Paul signature LES PAUL. It is a Les Paul signature hollowbody that looks like that weird fender from the 70s.


And you are right, releasing a guy's signature equipment after he's dead is lame. Just like all the dimebag darrell amps and fx pedals and guitars that came out after his death... turns out he'd been using them secretly for over 20 years to get his (solid state distortion) tone.

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I'd like to see a signature Les Paul for him. I'm surprised that there hasn't been one in memory since he died. The profit could go to teaching kids guitar.

Perhaps it could be a Les Paul recording model. He seemed to use it a lot. It could have his effects in it.


I think they should.......He WAS named after a famous guitar after all......

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Isn't every Les Paul a les Paul sig. I think it's amusing that so many artists have a sig model that is based on someone else's sig model which they chose to play, nothing wrong with it, it just amuses me. I know a lot of people feel that Les designed the Les Paul and that's the story Les Paul himself put about but according to McCarty Les had very little input and only had input after the prototype was shown to him, McCarty said that Les's input was limited to the trapeze design which he acknowledged Gibson got wrong in 52, Les called the 52 design unplayable.


I think the artists who have signature Les Pauls have all had more input on the design of their guitar than Les had on the original design.


Les' idea for a solid guitar was that it should be a piece of rail-road track with strings. He felt that tone wood, and indeed wood tone, was undesirable, he only wanted to hear the strings and the pickups.


They did a run of 52 re-issues LP tributes to mark his passing (Updated trapeze design), they made 564 of them, 6 for each year of his life with serial number a1915 b1915 c1915 and so on. I played several and was considering buying one but of the 5 or 6 I played they all stank, hence my R6.


This is the truth, and I wish people would stop jizzing themselves over how Les Paul "invented the modern solid-body electric guitar." He did no such thing. He was a fine guitarist to be sure, and definitely more worthy of a signature guitar than Slash or Chad Kroeger--and, in fact, he had a signature guitar well before any of them, it was called the Les Paul--but as far as "inventing" the solid-body electric guitar? Nope. Not really.


Also, Fred, I don't get why you're being so pissy, but maybe your blood sugar's low. Try taking a break from the forum, having a cookie and watching some TV or reading a magazine. Then come back when your head is clear.


I like Lashurst's idea--a signature "Les Paul" Les Paul Recording model, with his fixings and other neat stuff. It would probably cost a pretty penny to buy, though, because it has not one, but two Les Paul signatures on it. [biggrin]

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Although Les Paul has played many different models through out his career, the first one I think of in his mitts would be the recording model from the 70s. If Gibson reissued this as some sort of tribute sig, I doubt anyone would buy it. It had low impedance pickups, decade switches, phase switches, and individual treble and bass controls, among a bunch of other features that few modern players seek out.

In the early days he played a black custom with P-90s, but he has been seen playing gold tops, modern customs with humbuckers, and just about any other variation on the model that you can think of. Kind of comes back to the "all Les Pauls are Les Paul Les Pauls" argument.

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he asked about a signature les paul les paul. they already made a les paul signature. and to posthumously make a signature guitar, is pretty lame because you don't have his input (ie Kurt Cobain sig)

Whats worse is when a guitar company makes a sig based on an instrument that was stolen over 50 years before, and not seen since.....especially when the guy hasn't touched another Gibson in decades (ie, Clapton's Beano LP). At least with Cobain's Jaguar you still have the original to refer to. Its not like Kurt's guitar preferences have changed any.

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Guest farnsbarns

How about a Les Paul signature SG just to piss people off :)

(And yes, I know Les hated the SG, but face it, guy didn't have the best sense of style. Have you seen the Les Paul Recording he played?? Yuck!!)


SG's are also Les Paul sigs.

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Whats worse is when a guitar company makes a sig based on an instrument that was stolen over 50 years before, and not seen since.....


I'm surprised you didn't rattle Slash's cage over the sig based on a LP that didn't come out of a Gibson factory. . B)

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Guest farnsbarns

No they're not. Les demanded to have his name removed, (a bone-head move, IMO, but anyway) that's why it was renamed SG.


Not quite, his name was removed because he was trying to avoid giving Mary Ford half of the money from his endorsement deal because they were divorceing.

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