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I got married 18 months ago, and so far it's been great, one thing everyone asks us is "when are you going to have kids?" and most of the time we reply "not yet" but some people just won't take that for an answer... they demand us to have kids now or at least lie to them and say "tomorrow we'll have 5 of them" [biggrin]:rolleyes:


Anyway, I have this guitar that was my first guitar, I don't use it anymore and I always say "that's the guitar my kids will learn to play on" but the wife and I don't really think much about kids, we don't talk about it and don't really plan on having kids soon (at least in 3 years).


So... those of you who have kids and those who don't, did you make the decision or did you just let it happen? And, do you plan on teaching them to play guitar? I hope mine will want to learn to play, if they don't I won't force them into learning something they don't want.




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I won't pretend to have very much life experience in the kids department... but. Well I'm weird enough, we don't need DAS spawn running around burning things now do we?


I hear that sort of thing all the time TG, and I for one... find it ridiculous. I think the pressure itself, is an invasion of your privacy. It's all up to you, and let those who ask you know that. I for one would be perfectly content with a simple "I don't know"! It's a very personal thing (though, perhaps this is accounted for by cultural differences?). If you don't even have it in mind, then don't bother. I have to admit... I'd be openly insulted if I was in the "demand us to have kids now" situation. Perhaps I'm a bit too touchy :unsure: but I'd be rather ticked off.


Anyways, I figure.. in the case that I do have kids someday (I shudder at the thought in my youth), I'll do my best to encourage a love of music, and I'd love to teach them some if they want to [thumbup]

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I had children.........Quite a few....None are musicians [confused] ....Some do well in life, some don't.....


That era is in my past...............(mostly)......Grandkids are cool, gotta say that.............

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I'm of the "let it happen" school, TG. My oldest son will turn 14 next month. I bought him some baby/toy guitars for fun. When he began to show interest, I bought him a 3/4 sized Strat and a practice amp. He learned the chords to play Paradise City and hasn't played it since. However, he's an excellent saxophone player in his middle school band. Maybe he will pick up the guitar again, maybe not. I'm happy either way... happy to help him if he wants to pursue guitar and happy to support him in anything else he chooses to pursue instead of guitar.


While it would have been super killer if my dad had had a room full of guitars for me to choose to play or not to play, but it's up to him.


As for the two year old, he grabs my guitars all the time, but more destructively than constructively if you know what I mean? [scared]

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I have a son and a daughter (10 & 12 respectively), both of which were planned. We didn't spend a lot of time talking about kids.. other than mutually agreeing that we would both like to have a few. We had our daughter after about 3 years of being married. For us it just felt like the right time. I'd say just hang out a bit and see what happens.. one day you may feel really strongly that it's time.


My daughter plays and she loves it. She does take lessons because I am not so much a good teacher, but she does learn quite a bit on her own as well. I'm just amazed at how fast kids can pick things up.

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We were in the same boat, my friend. We had been married just over 2 years, thinking "We'll have kids a few years down the road." Weekends in Manhattan, Knicks tickets, nice restaurants, disposable income, trips to the beach, concerts in Boston....Then the Mrs. walked out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test.....

Chloe is a month old, and my little angel. I miss the freedom, but would not trade her for anything. Concerts and expensive wine are just going to have to wait a while:


Kids are great. Its your life man. Enjoy this time with your wife, and play some guitar. Just remember that if you wait for everything to be perfect before you have kids, you will never have them. Also, you will be kicking yourself every day if you are 77 and trying to teach your 16 year old how to drive [scared]

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I got married 18 months ago, and so far it's been great, one thing everyone asks us is "when are you going to have kids?" and most of the time we reply "not yet" but some people just won't take that for an answer... they demand us to have kids now or at least lie to them and say "tomorrow we'll have 5 of them" [biggrin]:rolleyes:


Anyway, I have this guitar that was my first guitar, I don't use it anymore and I always say "that's the guitar my kids will learn to play on" but the wife and I don't really think much about kids, we don't talk about it and don't really plan on having kids soon (at least in 3 years).


So... those of you who have kids and those who don't, did you make the decision or did you just let it happen? And, do you plan on teaching them to play guitar? I hope mine will want to learn to play, if they don't I won't force them into learning something they don't want.





I have three boys which includes a set of twins & a daughter,didn't plan none of them.As for teaching them I let them pick what they like sports,guitars ect...as for the people asking you when,tell them you haven't had sex yet

Welcome !!! [-X

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After my wife and I had been together for about five years we decided to get married and became engaged. We hadn't really discussed family-stuff in a serious way in all that time.


Six weeks after we got engaged, however, my wife discovered she was pregnant. We didn't plan anything - it just worked out that way.


We have a few friends that have been trying for many, many years with no result. There is a school of thought that says 'The harder you try, the less chance you'll have' because the stress you put upon yourself somehow reduces the likelihood of conception. I don't fully buy into the story but one couple who gave up after a ten-year 'schedule' finally had a child a year after they abandoned the 'regime' they had set for themselves. Weird....


As far as instruments go...


Chloe loved playing about with my father's old mandolin - as seen in my avatar - from about the age of four and she quite enjoyed plucking on a 1/2-size Classical guitar we gave her when she was 5 (she's now 7) but what she really loves most these days is playing piano. She started lessons three weeks ago - it's a 15 min session once a week at school in a 2 -1 with the instructor - and, after her first lesson, which she thought was 'fantastic', we bought her a Yamaha electric piano. She plays it pretty much constantly when she has free time and, somewhat to my surprise, is doing it the 'proper' way fingering-wise.


There's little point in forcing her to do something she dislikes.


Good luck with whatever suits you and the missus, TG!



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My wife and I are expecting our first any day now and yes, we did plan it. My belief is that you should take at least a year or two to enjoy the marriage before having a kid(s). I also advise planning it out as much as you can. Things do happen, but we are an advanced enough species to understand family planning. Be fruitful and reproduce is five thousand year old advice that doesn't apply today.


I hope my son likes music as much as his old man, but I won't force it on him. He has to make his own roads.


Just to warn you, your wife will most likely get the strong urge to procreate sometime in the next couple years and then it's do it or leave time.

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