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TS9 Tubescreamer


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Im curious.

Ive heard alot of good things about the Ibanez TS9 Tubescreamer. Some guys have said they cant play without one.

I really try and get into a SRV vein when I play my Stratocaster....( Im not saying I acheive it, but I try )

I know Stevie used one.


You guys here at the forum that use one....whats your thoughts?

What do you like/dislike about the pedal?

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I like the new reissue version better than the other flavors: original, new, 80s, and all the clones (including boss, mxr, visual sound and EH pseudo t-screamers out there)... but... I like my bulldog better (not intended for the same thing, but can sound prety much the same, and then some more... which I like and use).


The tube screamer is a very good pedal, the thing I like most is that even when you use it with a solid state amp (clean settings) it makes your guitar's dynamics "shine", yes, even with a clean solid state amp... it just shines, don't know how else to put it.

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Great little pedal with a good sound. I had two different flavors, one stock and one with the Keeley mod. Other than having a brighter LED with the Keeley mod I can't really say it was worth the extra money. Any sound improvements were slight. Great tho for pushing an amp over the edge.

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What surfpup said. Les Paul has PLENTY of midrange already.


But, you're talking about a Strat. IMO, there are so many variables involved with tone that I don't believe that there is any magic bullet to getting close to somebody else's tone. If I were you, I'd analyze my tone and really think about it - What sounds right? What don't I like? What is missing? Is it some particular frequency range or the way the amp is distorting? Then, do some research into what might get you there and then go test drive some gear using your own gear or a liberal return policy.

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  • 6 months later...

I used a TS10 since I was 17. I had one before I had an Amp. But a about a year ago, I traded a friend of mine for a TS9, I like it so much better, it has a lot more punch, and it "Sings" more. The TS10 was a little more of a distortion pedal.


My TS9 get a lot of use. For Stevie-esque sound, I'll run one Clean and one Overdriven amp with the TS 9 driving both amps (thanks to a Stereo Chorus pedal).


I run Both Amps Clean, the run myTS9 into a MXR Distortion+ for a heavier Pantera-like Metal Sound. I'll just run the MXR for that '80s Metal sound.


I use it for a Lead Boost in most applications. I find I use one Clean amp and one Overdriven amp for most Rock rhythm, and when I kick in my TS9, it bring the clean channel into play, with a little drive, and the overdriven channel steps up a bit. The lead sound is cutting without being harsh or brash.

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Ooo' date=' Really? How does it compare to the TS9? I've never had a chance to try an 808.[/quote']


The TS808 is supposed to be like a reissue. It has the original chip in it and it's supposed to be smoother and sweeter sounding...My ears can't really tell the difference...The 808 is $169 retail.

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My only beef with the 808 was that its not true bypass.

I sent it to Analogman. They made it true bypass, smoothed out the "midrange hump" that Ibanez tubescreamers

were known for, and I also had them convert it to 12volts instead of the standard 9volt.


On a clean channel of a good tube amp its got such sweet overdrive. Keeps the tone of your guitars, but gives it a nice bite thats not too heavy, and not too subtle....just nice!

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I use a Maxon OD808 (they made the Ibanez pedals in the 70s, like the original TS808) and it is the only pedal I cannot live without. Are there better OD pedals out there? Probably, but I am very comfortable with this one. The touch sensitivity is sooo nice. I can have the pedal on & strum lightly for that subdued, almost breaking up sound or I can hit the strings for full on dirt. The pedal is the closest thing to cranking my no-master-volume amp. It also coaxes some tasty feedback out of my Sheraton.


Some people like to use these as a boost. I never have. My OD808 is at the beginning of my chain, right after my tuner and before my fuzz box.

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