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Extreme Parenting.. how far would you go


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I have three kids and they have done some stupid and disrespectful stuff when they were growing up as well. What this guy did is just abusive and wrong. He may have some valid points but that does not mean he should sink to the level of a 14 or 15 year old. Talk to her privately and let her know that what she did was wrong. He just validated her feelings towards him.

So she is going to need a laptop to do her homework and he just made it that much harder for her. In fact he will probably have to get her a new laptop so she can do her schoolwork. What a jerk.

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I hate to say it, but some kids need to be shocked. I'm not saying this is the right way to do so, but a lot of kids lack discipline. He was right to punish her, but he could have done something a lot less extreme, like make her earn it back somehow, or even send her to some kind of bootcamp or something.


Maybe even just take it, then rub it in by using it in front of her for a whole, or make her donate her electronics. That's what my mom made me do with some of my toys when I was a little ********. (probably about 6 y/o)

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No. I would never do this to my kids.


I've had to confiscate some toys, but it was temporary and they were aware of that. I treated them with respect and talked to them like the intelligent people they were. I used logic and humor. They responded well and have grown to be wonderful adults.


This is what worked for us and our kids. There is no one-size-fits-all parenting solution. Just take two commonly agreed upon axioms:


All people are different. No one argues that, and we have any number of euphemisms based on this simple fact.


But wait....



Kids are people, too. Another commonly agreed upon fact. So If all people are different, and kids are people, too, then all kids are different.


I'm thinking the trick to effective parenting is to figure your kid out and you'll know how to best help them achieve...... by whatever method that may be.

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A couple of points from a bit of study...


Basically regardless what else, a child's basic personality is formed by age 7 or so. I have a hunch yeah, this girl may end up in an unfortunate life, but it didn't start in her teens. If there's both a mother and stepmother involved here, the kid has apparently learned the parent-units can be played.


Papa made a point in a way a silly teen might understand, at least in the sense of a metaphor about computer use. I'd not do it myself because I hate damaging good stuff even to make a point. With a non-working version of the laptop? Yeah, probably.


OTOH, kids can cheat and have other access to their new facebook page, email, etc., other than that paid for by parents. Something is giving the kid positive feedback, in her own head at least, on her poor behavior.


Which takes us back, in ways, to point one: a child's basic personality is formed by age 7 or so.


Take from that what you will.



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When a family has issues that seem to be affecting them, I think that opinions really can't really be made that are of any use.


I can just hope that they can find a better way, learn a better way, and be able to forgive each other and support each other to be BETTER poeple and better to each other.


I don't have kids, but I am not perfect either.

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Did anybody else click on the link to the daughter's response? It seems like there were other issues involved that dad didn't bring up. And the daughter's response was was as extreme as her dad's (and pretty much the same one he outlined in his history).

Yea..I did. Unfortunate, eh?


I want to add I didn't mean to say for those that HAVE opinions that it was wrong to state them, just that they problably don't matter or apply to this family because whatever "issues" they have, we don't know them all or have any real way of helping them from just what we see of their "rants".

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Let's put it this way...


I'd hope not to live neighbors to any in that family.


Dad doesn't count his rounds and daughter has head problems regardless of the cause.


Problem with both is they're thinking short term. He'll be dead in 40 years and she'll be old and gone for 35 years by then.



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What he really meant:


1. "Y'all stay over at you'ns' trailer and I'll stay at mine."

2. "You all abuse your own kids the way you want to. And let me abuse my kids the way I want to."

3. "I hate myself and there's no reason that my kids shouldn't have the same opportunity."

4. "What? No, not me. I ain't no dang loser. You take that back. I oughta kick your behind. Nooo, don't touch me. You're hurting me..."


Not to mention that he's all hat and no cattle....

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Now thats what you call making a point.. Would you do something like that to your kid?







Yeeeee Haw! Gotta give him points for originality. I give it two thumbs up.



Based on his side of the story, I'd say he was COMPLETELY justified. Demeaning your parents on Facebook? WRONG. If you got nothing nice to say, don't say it. She could have chosen to positively recognize her father on her Facebook wall....maybe thanked him for the work he did on her computer, etc., but instead she basically stabbed him in the back.for her little circle to see.


Bottom line. It's his life, his daughter, his morals, and, his way of dealing with her disrespect..

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...and he wonders why his daughter is a retard.

If you dignify trash talk on facebook you're an idiot stooping.


He had the chance to parent her well, now he is reaping the rewards of lazy parenting.

Kids vent at that age, why take it seriously?

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They would be perfect for the show...except the daughter might post on facebook that he doesn't actually have a licence to practice.


If you are implying Dr. Phil is a condescending, self righteous tool, you are correct.

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