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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. The concept of "Authorized Dealer" isn't new, nor is it meant to be unfair. It's not like Walmart coming to your town and putting Mom&Pops out of business by lowering prices. It's simply a way to make sure, given they can only produce a limited number of guitars, that the place that sell them for them - have a decent selection. And, that they have some semblance of a 'Guitar Tech' person who can make sure they are in good shape - and when someone wants the truss rod tweaked - turns it in the right direction, using the proper tool, without voiding the warranty. We have a 'music store' here - (in addition to three that sell Gibsons) - they sell mostly band instruments and a few guitars - all low end stuff. It would be ridiculous for them to try to sell Gibson Acoustics. And, there are enough small stores like this = several would try. And give Gibson a black eye over 'quality' and 'customer service'. How many people come here because they can't decide if they should contact Bozeman, Nashville, or the store they bought their guitar from ?
  2. WOWSERS !!!! Sorry I missed this comment . So, this guitar comes with a case-full of great memories too. (Did your Mom key the belt buckle guy's car ??) šŸ˜€
  3. Agree to disagree. Countless studies have found movies do affect some peopleā€™s behavior. Of course, TV advertising must or there wouldnā€™t be any.!
  4. Sheepdog - THAT said it all. Thank you for sharing it. People who have never had the opportunity/desire to fire a gun never realize the bullet thingys usually go through the paper target, glass window, sheetrock, door, etc. Hollywood, like computer gaming, is part of the Entertainment Industry - and they religiously break every single one of those Four Laws of Gun Safety. So, sadly, for many- MOVIES are the source of their 'training'. Ironically - there are several 'movie starts' who are rabidly anti-gun, but have made millions in movies where they carry one. Or two or three.... Resulting in things like yesterday - in the news - a video of a gunfight on a Charlotte city bus - between the driver and a passenger.
  5. We 'had' a pool in a home we rented for a year when we first moved here from Houston. They had a big old Crepe Myrtle right next to it. I would have chopped that sucker down if it weren't the owners! But it was fantastic to get to experience having a pool in the backyard !
  6. My wife bought me one of the early (Casio?) watches that had an alarm, because I was alway late picking her up. Cut my lateness times in half !!! She also bought me a "Clapper". You attach it to your keys and clap your hands to find them. Once the battery dies - they are more an annoyance than anything: a bracelet and a key fob!
  7. Yeppers. My son gave me one like that. A nice, plain, arabic numeral black and white Movado. Costs $70 to get a new battery - jewelers have to send it to "The Factory". Sits in the drawer 99% of the time, but I have to wear it now and then, so I have to keep it running. Sort of like a Trojan Horse.
  8. Yep. Sort of like a 21st Century version of "Bread and Circuses". Gladiators, Lions, etc. in the Colosseum.
  9. Yeah. That might help us tell is if's laminate or veneer. Though, it could be both....
  10. I grew uneasy when they took liquor and cigarette ads off TV. More uneasy when we started seeing lawyer ads on TV. We have one here who advertises hourly. Ostentatious ads with him being chauffeured in a limo to a private jet. And self-gratuitously thanking himself for "Thirty Years of Service". As if he wore a uniform. BUT NOW - we have ads on TV for Computer Games !!! I think Candy Crush is one. I appreciate there are people who are addicted to electronic devices and computer games. It seems to start younger and younger. Seems like a drug to some - stealing their lives away, one hour at a time. They could be playing the guitar !!!
  11. I was speechless ... until you stole the words right out of my mouth ! "What were they thinking?" Came up next, but then I realized - they don't. Think, that is.
  12. I was going to write "$2,500 ! It'll sell fast." Then saw it already had! I'm guessing the Custom Shop and limited quantity of 50 is the clue. Some Five Star Dealer wanted to get a batch of these to market as 'rare' IE. Limited Edition, and only made a minor tweak - maybe the rosette like you noted. "If you've seen one Gibson, you've seen one Gibson."
  13. The one that got away - I had a pair of black Levis Mrs.40 made me donate to Salvation Army. They were indestructible, comfortable -bought them 30 years ago... Closest thing I can find now are the standard Wranglers. Double the weight of the the Levis they make now, in Mexico I believe. I read somewhere to wash jeans less frequently and turn them inside out - to improve comfort and wear.
  14. I think it's buying 'mojo'. "Look how hard I've played and worked - this guitar has been by my side for decades." Like wearing a TeeShirt that says "Ironman" because you have the Casio Watch.
  15. In South Texas - we get smoked in once a year: - Mexican farmers burning the left over stalks, etc. after their harvests. Enough smoke to cause respiratory alerts, but not enough to smoke brisket outdoors.
  16. I'd settle for things just Calming Up ...
  17. 2nd year at a small college in rural NC, two friends and I went in on a '54 Chevy that one of the faculty was selling. 12 years old. After a few months, it needed engine work and one of us (not me) was a Shade Tree Mechanic. We jacked it up and had it on a couple of cinder blocks under each side of the front frame. The cinder blocks crumbled and the car slowly fell - pinning him. We were able to lift it up enough for him to squirm out - 3 or 4 inches. After that, I had IMMENSE respect for properly securing jacks and supports.
  18. Saw him in Hartford, CT in the '80s. Memorable.
  19. PatMacD - First, WELCOME ABOARD ! Second - Give a listen to a song by Guy Clark - "The Guitar". It'll peel away a few layers.
  20. Really. I can't remember what I had for breakfast ... some mornings - if I even HAD breakfast.
  21. Well, the "Vintage" came after the True Vintage. I believe the only difference was a 'baked' top. Possibly different species of spruce. I have orange labels of both - the H'bird TV and a standard SJ200 built a year of 2 before the TV line rolled out. I've read that Bozeman had basically upgraded the standards to 'TV' specs and decided to take credit for it by carving them out as an upgrade and creating a different version for the standard. They are obviously very different. I would probably agree - If you can afford both - you 'need' both ! If my house were on fire, I'd be standing there trying to figure which one to rescue as the three of us got 'baked tops'.
  22. Simply great. Greatly simple ! Perfect interpretation of a fantastic old song ! Thanks !
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