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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Yep. Texas was one of the two. I think,”complaining” because no one asked…
  2. 2 year d Elixer PB12s give me the sound I feel most comfortable with.
  3. Thanks for the advice. If YOU would like to initiate a 'convo between two people' usually here the first step is "PM me".
  4. Yep. I had a really nice, genuine horn scales Case lock back - parents bought me when I joined the USN in '68 (everyone had Bucks). Gave it to my oldest son a few decades later. Some terd broke into his p/u truck one night and stole it.
  5. Strap - adjusted so the guitar is high enough she can fret with her left hand without stretching or stressing the wrist. Forget those silly photos of guys that have their guitar down below their belt buckle. Adjusted so it supports the guitar when she is seated too. Oh ... and she'll need a decent amp to plug in to. A simple one to start. As noted - lessons will give her a jump start. Otherwise, she'll likely wind up like the 75% of people who take up guitar and quit after a year. Forgoing a lifetime of the unique kind of joy you get from creating your own music !
  6. My mamma use to tell us - "Don't ask that kid how much he paid for his bike, it's not polite." After three attempts, here's hoping you let it go. If you can't - I've heard the IRS is hiring.
  7. I like Open G for that reason. On my banjo !
  8. Yep - definitely a 'Guitar Rescue' story, Murf. Could have wound up in the hands of another crazed hippy. who would have done irredeemable damage to it in the name of "Whirled Peas" Juan Carlos - nice to see you checking in !
  9. Inspiring, humbling, amazing ! It occurs to me - in the audience, you appreciate a performance like this 100x more if you know a little about how hard it is to play the guitar.
  10. That one can eat all the cookies in bed she wants !
  11. There are 35 species of 'spruce'. I'm guessing a lot of them look similar and that within those - you can find some that look identical. I guess Ghost's point was that if you were looking for a 2nd opinion on 'social media' - you'd get more than one. More. potentially than 35 !. I'm pretty sure you'd have to do a DNA test at an internationally specialized lab to get the definitive answer. No human ear - not even a dog's - could differentiate between the 35 species. And, though you don't suggest it - I don't think any human ear could state one sounded 'better' than the other. I have a J45 Custom. bought new from a 5 star dealer. Spec sheet says Fretboard and bridge are RW. I am 99% certain they are ebony. But I'm not going to ask Gibson, because I know, in the bowels of their manufacturing process - the raw material sheet said something was RW, regardless of whether it was, or whether the worker pulled a different piece. Like the poet said - "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
  12. I hate it when I go to a dessert island and there's nothing there.
  13. When I heard it - it was 'hare lip' not 'hair lip'. (Get it - Homophone Humor: "Which witch will fill up the whole hole ?')
  14. Reminds me of an old joke - Girl in a bar with a home made prosthetic eye asks a guy if he'd like to ....? He foolishly blurts out "Wood Eye ? Wood Eye?" She leaves in a huff.
  15. "The cure is worse than the disease." is why Doctors are taught "First, do no harm." Some times 'we' go in to fix one problem and create another bigger one. Introduce an invasive species to manage or eradicate a natural one that's gotten out of hand - and the new one takes over! I think science tries very hard to do the right thing. Prescribed Burns to get rid of forest floor fuel that would burn off the canopies and kill the century old trees, etc. But, sometimes one of those managed burns will get out of hand and someone will demand we stop doing them. I think it's when the bureaucrats over-rule the doctors, naturalists and brain sturgeons that things go haywire. Train Wrecks included.
  16. Throwing capos around ... bouncing off the walls and floors. I keep my Thalia in a cotton ball lined box wrapped in shrink wrap. Good tip though - press on the hi strings with the heel of your hand to un-stretch the stretch after placing on the capo.
  17. Yep, Thanks BK777, got ahead of myself: Burnett. Important fix - thanks ! Yeah, "Nashville' became ridiculously 'soapy'. Sappy at the ending of the series.
  18. Great Link - thanks BK7... There was a TV series "Nashville' that ran maybe 7 seasons. It frequently filmed in The Bluebird, gave it lots of indirect praise. Co-incidentally, produced by T Bone Walker - Gibson acoustic guitars were far more used than any other.
  19. "Veni, Vidi, Vici." Or, as Dr.Seuss said, after the Roman Language died "Oh, The Places You'll See..."
  20. Some question whether Ben Franklin was the first to discover electricity. My contention is - he's the first to do it without getting electrocuted.
  21. It is my understanding that the True Vintage Line - which included several models (H'Bird, SJ200) did NOT come with any installed electronics, in a tip of the hat to the fact that the models that inspired them - did not Coming from the pre-PU era. If you have seen TVs with electronics on board, chances are they were installed after market - like you're thinking of doing. Regardless, the TVs are a very good choice. The Vintage line, which followed is also well-regarded. Main difference being a baked (torrified) top.
  22. Back to East Palestine ... Seems everything living in the water has died. Fish, frogs, salamanders... I'm assuming because of a blanket of chemical smoke falling on the creeks and ponds. Wonder, when it rains, if all the chemical smoke that settled on the land will runoff into the water table. Some people there get their water from wells. Sometimes, it seems the approach on these things is to just wait until 'nature' mitigates the effect. Stall. Deflect. Somewhere in OH - one 'official' said 'the fish will come back'. Yep.
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