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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. The original "Blues Project" title was a compilation of NYC folk (mostly) artist put together by Elektra. Kalb, Geof Muldaur (Even Dozen String Band), Dave Von Ronk (mentor to Dylan when he arrived in Greenwich Village. Mark Spoelstra and several more. They later morphed with different artists to form the band of the same name. Different labels, members coming and going - but that original album was probably the one I played most back in the day. Sad to see - reports like this coming up more and more frequently. Thanks, Zmbywf.
  2. I agree - Martin is losing it.
  3. Yep. That beautiful Koa is completely trashed by the comic book / travel poster 'art work'. Just because you can ...
  4. A couple of cups in a sock (don't borrow one from BigBill) heated a minute or 2 in a microwave makes a perfect warming pad to drape around your neck.
  5. Not bluetooth, which is your main point - but with the hearing aids I have - it took awhile for the audiologist to dial them in on their specific software so my acoustic didn't sound tiny with feedback. Had to bring the guitar to his office.
  6. When you finish paying at the grocery store for your box of cereal, loaf of bread and can of soup and the bagger asks if you want help out to your car ?
  7. Kitty Litter is good for temporarily storing dead bodies in your bathtub. From what I've read.
  8. eim, I agree. That's why I've been able to resist the temptation to get a beater. In my 70s. only having had the luxury of three top of the line guitars for the past 15 years or so - I am not going to waste my valuable playing time on something less enjoyable. If I played out, or had a lake house, etc. - I'd absolutely have an Epiphone. But I don't. Life is short - Play a Gibson !
  9. 60F is probably a sweet spot at this time of year, depending where you live, and assuming the opening doesn't occur in a room that is below zero, or above 100F - there should be no problem. What you need to worry about (if you want something to worry about) is whether the guitar, albeit in the shipping carton, was subject to any horrible changes in temperature by the shippers. So - leave it packed exactly how you got it, to avoid any confusion on the part of your friend if there is damage - as to where damage of any kind might have occurred.
  10. Lars, similar but different - for a few of the 4 years I gave guitar lessons to the daughter of a co-worker, I brought my H'Bird TV and she had a new Epi H'Bird. To plagiarize Jinder - mine was sweeter and had more depth. The difference was like between an MLB team and a double AA. Both used the same bats and balls and gloves - but the AA couldn't score. That said, I'm tempted every day to embark on a mission to find a good beater at a good price - like a MasterBuilt - to keep sitting in a corner where I can grab it, leaving my 3 MLB Gibsons in their music room. Errr, I mean MY music room.
  11. Three Dog Night had a similar discovery decades ago. I like to duct tape the grandkids to the garage door and let them each have a remote. Makes babysitting a breeze.
  12. Trying to confirm suspicion that lighter grains are les dense than darker grains , stumbled across this. Seems to confirm it, but I was more amazed by this variation within the different species. Also found it is the only wood that is so dense, it doesn't float. https://www.cookwoods.com/blogs/articles/ebony-week-wildly-variegated-black-white-ebony
  13. As I recall - Gibson stopped making banjos permanently after the 2010 Nashville flood destroyed their facility. This put the already existing demand for Mastertones into the stratosphere. "There not making them anymore." The Mastertone is copied regularly by hundreds of small 'shade tree enthusiasts'. Unlike guitars, Banjos are basically a conglomeration of parts: Wooden pots, resonators, metal tone rings, drum head, necks, bridges, tailpieces, brackets, 4 regular tuners and the 5th string one, etc. So - people will put different combinations together and claim they mimic the legendary classic Mastertone. Some people craft the metal tone ring - brass, bronze, steel, and make a living doing that. Some 'genuine' 'vintage' banjos are pieced out - the parts sometimes can be sold form more than the instrument. I don't believe there was a 'Norlin Era' glitch in the Mastertone lineage. But - I'm guessing Gibson's new "Lifestyle" CEO is moving more in the direction of investing in guitars and views banjos a relic like the buggy whip. More 20 year olds picking up the Mel Bay book than the Pete Seeger book.
  14. The past couple of days, I've been playing playlists I put together on Spotify. (have given up on iTunes) and suddenly realized half the artists I'm listening to are dead. Sort of flashes through my short term memory when you read an article that a 60's rock star passed away - but when you get reminded every 3 minutes when a new song comes up and the singer is long gone the cumulative effect sort of overwhelms you. Makes you stop and think. And decide it's better to NOT think. Just listen.
  15. GA ... Gibsons Anonymous .... I If the first step is admitting you have a problem ... we have a problem.
  16. Probably would be more helpful if you posted a picture of the case. Or a better description. Millions of cases out there.
  17. I also have no experience in the area and can't answer the question. Having said that ... I would change tuners only if functionality were an issue. I can see wanting to change them if you bought a guitar that someone stuck ugly ones on. But I'd not change out the originals on a guitar to try to replicate a different phase the Gibson Kaleidoscope went through decades earlier. Like my wife says - "Don't throw out that tie, it'll come back in style. Someday."
  18. Wow ! that gal can sure play the banjo - 3 finger pick AND frail ! And then she whips out that skin-headed contraption ! I'd never have identified the sound as coming from a banjo - even a 'prototype / forerunner' if I'd not seen the picture to go along with the sound !! Nice to see there are young prodigies selecting 'old timey music' over cRap. !
  19. I'm pretty sure the slick marketing dept, guided by "Lifestyle" guru JC Curleigh are not thinking of you as their target market. Or me for that matter.
  20. Interesting. I was guessing he was legit and in Europe somewhere so shipping, etc. would not be expensive and it's hard to find SJ200s. BUT ... his English is very good and it was his first and only post. So, could be someone from China setting up a Gibson knock-off factory in his garage who wanted to know what things would tip off a buyer. Good thing we didn't tell him to be sure the TRC should have 3 screws.
  21. It will be interesting to see, with the significant increase in capacity - what Bozeman starts producing. I'm guessing entry level, alternate woods to get new players engaged in the mystique.
  22. Only listened through the cowboy chords and fingerpicking... both sounded pretty nice. Especially for the price. But, different ears hear differently. Interesting the epi has a p/u and the Gee45 doesn't - but has a gig bag.
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