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Everything posted by Whitefang

  1. Yeah. And asphalt would be a lot rougher to land on than ice. A nephew of mine and a bunch of his buddies used to play hockey on roller blades in a place that serves as an ice skating rink in the winter only. But in spring and summer, when the place didn't ice the rink is when they'd go and have their games. Yep. That's usually all I bother watching during the all-star break. Whitefang
  2. I live a two to five minute drive from two long established music shops. The nearest GC to me is a 15 minute drive to a shopping center that had(it seems) it's store placement and roadways around in it designed by a spirograph No thanks. I did go there once to see what they were all about. And I wondered if it was possible to order a model of guitar you were interested in that hasn't been hanging on the wall by it's headstock for God knows how long.... Whitefang
  3. "Nashville Skyline Rag"--Bob Dylan Whitefang
  4. The Montel Williams show only ran from 1991 to 2008. Probably didn't last because he never got into the "who's the daddy"?, cheating spouses, domestic abuse topics like Springer, Wilkos and Maury do. Whitefang
  5. Don't remember any Tower Records out this way. Our big record outlets were Harmony House, Peaches and Dearborn Music(which is still in business). And too(not to), when still in business E.J. Korvette had a reputed record department. Much of my vinyl was purchased there(not their). Whitefang
  6. Head shops too. But, if you can remember head shops you probably didn't patronize them much anyway. Whitefang
  7. That's what I figured when watching that Montel show. But it seems Best Buy survived anyway, even if they did rise prices considerably after any successful thefts. Anyway, Montel arranged to get the guy a job at the now Practically defunct Circuit City store in his region. That show was first broadcast in the early '90's. Whitefang
  8. I liked the guy telling him to get out of the store, "right f**king now!" all the while keeping an armlock on the guy's neck. And by the way.... He WAS on his way out when the bearded guy pushed him to the floor. And yeah, the thief did grab that cheapie ax on his way out and the store employee(I'm assuming) thus saved the store from faring better claiming the stolen item as a tax write-off. But years ago I recall seeing a Montel Williams talk show that had a guest who was a Best Buy employee who was fired after he stopped a thief from leaving the store with a few thousand dollars worth of merchandise. I can't remember Best Buy's reason for the termination, but it did seem unfair. Whitefang
  9. "Take It To The Limit"--the Eagles Whitefang
  10. Or maybe if you remember saying ANY version of The Pledge Of allegiance in school. I remember my daughters telling me they never said it when they were in elementary school. And there's another "getting old" thing.... Remembering when we called elementary school "grade school". And "middle school" was "junior high". And it was called "Script", not "cursive" which I understand isn't being taught anymore. Whitefang
  11. "Soul Surprise"--Eric Johnson Whitefang
  12. In the movie MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID William Powell makes the comment: "50 years old. The old age of youth. The youth of old age." And of course the threshold of being "old" is "middle aged". And there's been a lot of speculation as to how someone knows they reached middle age. And I've said for years................ You know you've reached middle age when you wake up in the morning, and it's your BACK that's stiff! Whitefang
  13. "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses"--U2 Whitefang
  14. I don't consider Tupperware parties to be all that long ago. My ex was still going to them after our 2nd was born in 1975. I wouldn't try telling HER that those parties are as ancient as she is. Not without anything guarding your groin. But I do recall when my Mother was the neighborhood "Avon lady". She'd even have me and my brother make deliveries. Ack! Sometimes having to go several blocks farther than we were allowed to go when outside playing. Carrying those "stinky" perfumed little bags. Got so women we didn't know knew whose kids we were which extended my Mom's "network" so we couldn't get away with any mischief no matter how far we thought we were from our neighborhood. Anyone recall those parental "networks"? Someone who knew whose kid you were would give Mom a call and when you got home you'd be welcomed with an azz whipping because some lady some ten blocks away called your Mom and snitched. And since my Mom raised us with the motto(which she passed down and served me well also) "Never put ANYTHING past your kids!", we were usually guilty of the transgression we were getting our butts whipped for. Whitefang
  15. "My Gal Sal"--The Mills Brothers(and many others) Whitefang
  16. Yeah, as a kid me too, would often be sent to the store to get the folks a pack or two of Pall Malls. Whitefang
  17. I've never played or even held a PRS, But really, I thought the SOUL was supposed to come from the PLAYER. And it's all pretty much a personal thing. For me, the comparison would be between a Martin or any moderately priced dreadnought acoustic and any TAKAMINE guitar I've pick up and noodled with. Something about their necks seemed uncomfortable to me. Yet there are many who swear by them. And that doesn't necessarily mean they're no good. They seem well put together and solid in construction. I seen the same thing in photography. Idiotic arguments as to which is the better camera...? Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Minolta, or which? I used Canons mostly because My first SLR was a Canon which was a gift. And I had a few extra lenses I bought over a few years which wouldn't fit any other make of camera and switching to say, Nikon would require an expense I wasn't willing to go through. But you know what? I've borrowed other makes of 35mm SLRs and noticed NO DIFFERENCE in the quality of my photography. No improvement, nor decrease in quality. Just a slight adjustment to each camera's differing functions. Here's a little story involving that sort of thing that you may somehow make guitars fit in.... A professional photographer was invited to a dinner party held by some casual acquaintances. He was asked to bring a portfolio of his work. And before dinner the hostess was looking at the photos in the portfolio and said, "My, what beautiful pictures. You must have a wonderful camera." He just smiled and nodded his head. But a bit later, at dinner, he remarked to the hostess, "I must say, this is a very delicious meal. you must have a fantastic set of pots and pans." Whitefang
  18. "Unchain My Heart"--Ray Charles Whitefang
  19. Or had to use the "stick shift" on your Harley or Indian motorcycle to change gears. Whitefang
  20. I'm a retired auto worker. What good would it do me(or anybody else) not trained or educated in automotive engineering to know the specs used in the manufacture of those automobiles? The only "specs" about the car I buy that interests me is MPG, engine displacement and seating capacity and other mundane info. I'm not going to refuse to buy the car because they use a material for the seats I don't like or approve of. And as I recall, I've never been asked, when ordering a car new, what material I'd prefer the seats be covered with. And when buying audio components, the only worthwhile specs I took interest in were on certain performance levels. Watts per channel, signal to noise ratio, harmonic distortion rate etc. Same with loudspeaker specs. Where the rosewood came from that Bang & Olefsun used to use for their receiver, speaker and turntable components didn't matter as they were usually only cosmetic concerns. But I agree.... Those highly detailed niggling little factoid specification sheets should be available to those who request them so they can know whether or not they'll like the sound of their guitar or not. Whitefang
  21. "My Back Pages"--Bob Dylan Whitefang Note: Chuck Berry's tune is titled "School Day". Without the "s". But what the hey.....
  22. Good vibes on the way. Whitefang
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