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Everything posted by mihcmac

  1. I watched this a while back and it seemed to be very insightful on ZZ's evolution through showing Texas culture, including bringing livestock to concerts.
  2. You should post this question in the Acoustic Forum.. https://forum.gibson.com/forum/40-gibson-acoustic/
  3. Oh, the original OP seemed to be in the UK. Sweetwater has a few.. https://www.sweetwater.com/c595--Left_handed_Electric_Guitars?mrkgadid=984185334&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gdsa&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=generic&&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=39700048800210373&lid=39700048800210373&ds_s_kwgid=58700005371980880&device=c&network=g&matchtype=b&locationid=9032787&creative=388201626231&targetid=dsa-19959388920&campaignid=6730319002&gclsrc=aw.ds&&mrkgcl=28&mrkgadid=984185334&rkg_id=0&campaigntype=dsa&campaign=aaDSA&adgroup=984185334:DSA - All&placement=google&adpos=&creative=388201626231&device=c&matchtype=b&network=g&gclid=CjwKCAjwlZf3BRABEiwA8Q0qqwUki0AzHHVXnjXEC8nj1lqJVj-xKmN8jkE4RgB5SZPPYr_Ul3bb-hoCymAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds and so does Musicians Friend.. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/left-handed-electric-guitars lefties on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=left+handed+electric+guitar&i=mi&rh=n%3A11091801%2Cn%3A11971381%2Cp_n_theme_browse-bin%3A486288011&dc&crid=3GS1N20H02924&qid=1592175648&rnid=405901011&sprefix=left+handed+%2Cmi%2C250&ref=sr_nr_p_n_theme_browse-bin_1 Most dealers have a Lefthanded listing... Also Note: Harley Benton's and Firefly's are nothing to sneeze at, they compare quite well to Epiphones.
  4. Sorry but after hearing this one I had to add another Damian Salazar
  5. Lots of lefties at Thomann https://m.thomannmusic.com/lefthanded_guitars.html and Andertons https://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-dept/electric-guitars/left-handed-electric-guitars?#facet:&productBeginIndex:0&facetLimit:&orderBy:&pageView:grid&minPrice:&maxPrice:&pageSize:96&
  6. Cosby has been dealing with some legal problems lately..
  7. Glad to hear you have some security with your work, these times can be very trying and hard on people. Sometimes when I was in-between bands or just bored, I used take my rig and plug-in at one of the Ramada's in Papago Park an let out some self expression. I bought a few sets of strings recently, at one of the brick and mortar stores in my area, that has survived by doing call in orders. Quite a few shops here are suffering as they rely on tourist trade that is gone. Got to play my red Les Paul through some tubes in the open air, it was quite refreshing.
  8. My magic number is 7, but I don't count bass's or acoustics or lap steels. One of my guitars has some really hot Slick 90's in it, the sound is killer. In addition some Dream 90's and Mean 90's also from GFS.
  9. Most of the numbers they show don't mean a lot, what really matters is how many are Active Infections..
  10. It doesn't really matter what you use, as long as you can get what you want when you need them. I really like Rotosound, but if your not in the UK they can be hard to find, consistently.
  11. This site best guitar string lists Ernie Ball as #1 and D'Addario as #7 https://www.guitarworld.com/gear/best-electric-guitar-strings-you-can-buy-today
  12. Thats not what the manufacturers pay, everything goes to the lowest bidder and they don't even individually wrap each string.
  13. Yep cause they're cheap.
  14. Ernie Ball came out in 62.. when I first started playing Guitar.
  15. I was talking about Using Ernie Ball for the last 50 years. When ever I got a new guitar with D'Addario I immediately replaced them.
  16. Nope... I never liked D'Addrios, been using Ernie Ball for almost 50 years now... Balls are Best.... 🙂
  17. Probably the difference in how we play or maybe my string setting method. 🙂
  18. I like using Ernie Ball strings because they survive my string setting as I install them and because several of my guitars have tremolos. D'Addario strings, for me, seem break too easily and loose tone quickly. I do pick hard, play hard and use very stiff small Dunlap Jazz III sharp point picks and love to trash my trem. I had good luck for a while using Rotosound and Nashville Straights but Ernie Ball has been consistently easier to find.
  19. Hmmm. New video of the Tube 15 that runs exclusively on 230V..
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