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Everything posted by mihcmac

  1. mihcmac


    I have had a couple of Epi's that the volume pots shut off suddenly, like they had gotten too hot during assembly, I replaced mine with CST. I was curious what the P90 Pro's would sound like on your SG Classic, my 2011 61 SG Special came with P90 Classics that are brighter than the P90 Pro's in my 56 LP. The neck pickup of the Fralin set normally has a reverse coil for hum-cancelling. Anyway sounds like you have built yourself a killer SG, enjoy... My 61....
  2. CDC shows daily new cases for the US have been hovering around 30k a day for several weeks. https://www.cdc.gov/TemplatePackage/contrib/widgets/cdcCharts/iframe.html?chost=www.cdc.gov&cpath=/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html&csearch=&chash=&ctitle=Cases in the U.S. | CDC&wn=cdcCharts&wf=/TemplatePackage/contrib/widgets/cdcCharts/&wid=cdcCharts3&mMode=widget&mPage=&mChannel=&host=www.cdc.gov&displayMode=wcms&configUrl=/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/new_cases_by_day.json&dataUrl=/coronavirus/2019-ncov/json/new-cases-chart-data.json&class=mb-3
  3. mihcmac


    So Bill, how did your upgrade go?
  4. I believe there is no resolution to this, but I am glad you speak your minds and that we are not under a totalitarian form of control, yet.
  5. Breaking in a new tube amp, my SR-15, at close range has been very enticing. It seems to just keep sounding better as the tubes burn in. The Gain, Volume, Tone, Bass, Middle and Treble controls provide a wide tonal range of sound tweaking. I find that I like to use the full power setting for all volume levels and the 5w setting as kind of a standby. The spring reverb sounds pretty decent and finding I shut off my external digital reverb more often. My P90's in all of my guitars just love this amp.. I am getting lots of good home entertainment sitting with one hand on the amp and one on the guitar, easily finding the lows and highs I'm looking for. So my playing at home time is increasing. 👍
  6. State wide .... 620 positive 16 Deaths 541 Recovered
  7. Since I experienced all of the Beatles albums as they were released, they were each possibly the best of their time. But overall my favorite song is this one with the true 5th Beatle.. By contrast for, some reason, Badge is one of my favorite Cream songs...
  8. Donations work for me, my AVT stack went to a young struggling group a while ago. Since I restore electrics, just to keep busy, I am always selling and giving them away. Maybe earmark the rest of my stuff to go to a church that does live music.
  9. The original mixes were quite good for their time, mixed to be listened to on mono clock radios or pocket radios to entice you to purchase a 45 for your record player. Imagine having to mix your songs so everything could be heard over a 2" speaker..
  10. Removing a LP neck is very difficult, but with the right tools not impossible. Aftermarket LP necks can be found Google LP neck search.... https://www.google.com/search?q=les+paul+neck&sxsrf=ALeKk01Cz9Z1G0PdCf2hxRkz10s7ko_rfA:1588286432088&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_5teEnJHpAhWIvZ4KHeA1BYIQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1280&bih=668
  11. mihcmac


    I have used GFS humbucker sized P90's on several guitars. My Franken-Splorer below I tried a few Dream 90's on and settled on the Mean 90's. The Franken-Splorer was a DIY kit was a left handed Trem experiment. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend this mod, but the left handed Trem works really well.
  12. I'm sitting here looking at my hot rodded G400 an new tube amp with some new effects. I'm about to have a great time..
  13. mihcmac


    I found this used G400 in a local music store and couldn't stop playing it, so for a $180 I had to take it home. Then I added the GFS Mean 90's and it just screamed. So in addition I added a Les Trem II and a Roller Bridge. Even though I have others that are much higher end, this is one of my favorite go-to guitars, also it is very light weight. Great Ray Gun for chasing off the Menehune....
  14. This was done back in the day when it was common to put on an LP and let it play through. Wizard was Todd by himself in his studio playing all instruments and the album was non stop, every song flowing into the next. Not part of a band at the time, when he performed it was a one man show, with him live playing pre-recorded tracks, his next band was Utopia.
  15. Its the space in-between that give the notes meaning.
  16. The news today was talking about the Oxford Vaccine that is in production and may be ready in September if it checks out.
  17. Hmmmmm, Cyrus the virus..... Nice...
  18. mihcmac


    These GFS Mean 90's are one my favorite "humbucker sized P90's" for sound, quality and price including a silver plated chassis that may have something to do with its unusually low noise. they come in chrome, nickel and gold.. I have them in one of my SG's and about to order another set for a project guitar. https://www.guitarfetish.com/Mean-90-True-Alnico-P90-Pickup-in-Humbucker-Case-Our-FATTEST-Mean-90-Chrome_p_21844.html There are many other manufacturers of "humbucker sized P90's" in a wide range of prices.. google search..... https://www.google.com/search?q=humbucker+sized+P90's&client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk01C4_J5boDir9o87NWXUdQUDnrkkw:1588100927604&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwir0KD96IvpAhUJvJ4KHXM5CGYQ_AUoAXoECBAQAw P90's are good at keeping the bad aliens away..
  19. If you are living in a land your country took by force, you are an alien.... Might is Right..
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