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Five most overrated players


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Rob... I think we're showing our age. <chortle>


And not just because we're "older."


The splintering of music genres is such today that I doubt that were I 30 I'd have known more about Jack White than I picked up today. That genre is just not my schtick and frankly I don't think I know anyone in the 15-35 age group around here that would know. The "rock" kids I've seen/heard have been more like the band vids Twiz did.





Milo, I've come across players I GREATLY appreciate in my later years, Mark Knopfler, for instance, who I never paid any attention to in my misspent youth.


But much of the 'music' I hear today is, quite simply, not my cup-o-tea.

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Actually I liked what I heard of Knopfler long before I knew "who" he was and what he could do just because I liked the guitar on the radio version of "Sultans of Swing."


There is a lotta talent out there today, perhaps more than 50 years ago or so, but I think there are a number of things mitigating against fame and - I hate to say this - mitigating also against tasteful music.


The reason I say the latter is rather simply that we're so splintered in genres that groups tend to have their sound - and technique - genre-ified to the point it's rather difficult to determine if they're "good" or not.



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Seriously, it is your life and knowing Jack White's music is about as important as knowing the color of my socks.

The difference is....I can foresee some instances where I might actually CARE about the color of your socks.


Black socks never need washing.



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The best thing about opinion based arguments is that you cant be wrong, but you can still get in a good fight about it. VH1 Classic built a whole show around it. In That Metal Show they are all arguing about who is the best this and the best that and all state their case as fact. It's an almost genius show concept because I have been in hundreds of those conversations, and I am always right. [flapper]


Edward Scissorhands can trim shrubs way better than Ynwie. Also Jack White is great, and he sucks. [razz]

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1378919907[/url]' post='1424036']

LOL...The Edge...


How can he be overrated?


He himself will tell you he is not a great guitarist, he will tell you how limited his skills are.


He is not really a guitar idol in the same plane as others, yet the guy has written great songs and developed a style and signature sound around his limited skills and has been very successful at it. From that perspective I could relate more to him than any of my own guitar idols.


Yet, every time his name comes up "real" guitars players shred him to pieces. Laughable really.


I agree, he never claimed to be a great player. Like I said before, I consider him more of a synth player then a guitar player. His playing fits into the music of his band so who cares?I wonder how well the author do the article plays?

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I hate these threads.


I hate it when people compare things that move other people and then judge the people who are moved by these things that "suck". People take the comments personal because they are emotionally attached to songs or sounds emitted by these idols.


If it moves that person, who cares if its a stupid little riff or a bad *** solo or some contrived multi-pedal illusion?


My mother hates Jimmy Hendrix and thinks BB King is overrated. She owns Johnny Winter Albums and Jeff Beck albums and danced flamenco for years. I mean, who is going to prove anything about anything to her. Is one more skillful, is one too heavy for her taste? Is her ear ruined by years of dance training with flamenco guitarists?


"I'm more sophisticated than you because I like (insert)"


"Well, you're just stuck in the past/ don't appreciate the present."


Silly. Just silly. So what if I like Buckethead, people? *dodges tomatoes

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This is really just another "what is it that determines quality, or what is good?" thread in disguise. What makes this different is that some of us, including myself, are naming names. But I think we've been pretty civil. Kaleb could have responded to my dissing his heroes, but he didn't. It's all in fun.

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Funny thing, I was thinking along the same lines.


I think it's kinda like the rhythm guitarist of any genre tends to get no respect whatsoever on most "guitar" forums - and yet a good rhythm guitar player whether mariachi or bluegrass is worth his or her weight in gold - just ask a quality band that loses one and has to try to find a replacement.


Flamenco guitar in its essence traditionally was "rhythm guitar." The fancier stuff... it's relatively new.


Listen to the playing of a good gypsy jazz rhythm player. Without that, regardless the quality of a lead guitarist or fiddler, whatever, it wouldn't swing nearly as well.


In the swing era the big archtop was played by a rhythm player that joined bass and drums - often almost unperceived in their effect - to put the swing into the style itself. The "lead guitar" was more of a dream than reality for ages.


Etc., etc. whether we're talking rock or blues or 1930s waltzes or... bluegrass, jazz or...





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I too, never really cared for, or about these kinds of "rating" threads. :rolleyes:

We (individually) like/love, who we love...regardless! No one is

going to change MY mind, about who I admire, nor do I feel the need

to "justify" that admiration, to anyone. And, I'm quite sure that

(probably) applies to most of us, here. So..what does it (really)

matter, who's "overrated, underrated, or even "rated" at all. To me,

it's just contentious non-sense, proposed to illicit some "heat," now

and then.


But, as always, that's only MY opinon...humble, or otherwise. To each,

his or her, own! :rolleyes:



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...And to say a less technical guitarist who can pierce your guts with one note is overrated seems naive to me...

John Lee Hooker is a case in point, as is B.B. King.


It could be argued that both are over-rated as guitarists. After all, JLH had a very basic style and almost rudimentary ability and BBK claims he can't play a chord to save his life.

But if they were 'better' guitarists - i.e. more technically proficient - would they be 'Better' guitarists?


Yet I could listen to either player until the cows came home.



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I hate these threads...


It's the innernetz, Iz. You can't possibly take this crap seriously. Something I Like Is Better Than Something You Like has been a conversation starter at parties since parties began, it just starts conversation is all. It's way better than religion, politics, and salary, those three things we were taught to avoid as kids.


Go widdit. It's fun. Buckethead is a tool. See? Fun!



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It's the innernetz, Iz. You can't possibly take this crap seriously. Something I Like Is Better Than Something You Like has been a conversation starter at parties since parties began, it just starts conversation is all. It's way better than religion, politics, and salary, those three things we were taught to avoid as kids.


Go widdit. It's fun. Buckethead is a tool. See? Fun!





I'm with you, rct, (if you were my elder, would have I have call you RCT?).


I never look at anything on the internet, or in this forum as earth-shaking.


It should be a tension release, not a tension builder!

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What a great way to lose customers.


Dude should get fired.




Customers that get all butt hurt because someone doesn't like who they like usually aren't allowed to use their moms credit card to buy them guys stuff.



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Buckethead is a tool. See? Fun!



But remember, in my real life I have no idea who Buckethead even is. I've seen pictures of him, and if it weren't for Axl Rose and his illfated attempts to not work at a drivethrough in Indiana for the rest of his days, I wouldn't know anything more about Buckethead.


So if I freely admit I have no idea who some of these people even are, and I freely admit I take none of them seriously, it isn't possible to take me or anyone else poking at these characters on the internet seriously.


I think.



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But remember, in my real life I have no idea who Buckethead even is. I've seen pictures of him, and if it weren't for Axl Rose and his illfated attempts to not work at a drivethrough in Indiana for the rest of his days, I wouldn't know anything more about Buckethead.


So if I freely admit I have no idea who some of these people even are, and I freely admit I take none of them seriously, it isn't possible to take me or anyone else poking at these characters on the internet seriously.


I think.





LMAO.........just spit coffee on the screen........brilliant.


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This is really just another "what is it that determines quality, or what is good?" thread in disguise. What makes this different is that some of us, including myself, are naming names. But I think we've been pretty civil. Kaleb could have responded to my dissing his heroes, but he didn't. It's all in fun.


I was gonna start a thread like this but I was too late!


Yes, you dissed my heroes but I don't give a ****.


...Although I have never seen Paul Stanley get a lot of notoriety for his guitar playing, unless he's sharing with Ace. Usually his only notoriety is as a singer and frontman. Just pointing that out.

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