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BBG xmas pressie


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Congratulations BBG!


I have the cutaway electrified version, 000c-15e, great guitar. I haven't played it much since I got my 'origin of the species' type of all mahogany 1944 Martin 0-17. Which is the same tone but fuller and well, older! The 15 sounds new next to the 17, even though it is nearly 10 years old.

It could probably get sold, but it really isn't worth much now to sell and it has the Fishman pickup and I have a great sound image for it in my Fishman Aura box!


So I am guessing we are about to hear some blues picking? Otherwise, it is hard to justify getting a relatively 'budget' guitar while you have those other beauties of yours....... [flapper]


Make sure it is setup nicely and away you will go!




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I'm told they record well, but I couldn't bond with any of the three or four loaners I've borrowed over the years. All felt square-ish and un-cozy in my lap, so I could never muster any interest. Can't wait to hear it in your capable hands, though. Congrats on the new kid!

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The j29 has gone to another home

Was a nice guitar but was basically a lesser of my j45. Too similar

Had Martin dreads and they were a bit like having a Porsche to nip to the shops


Am enjoying this little one a great deal.

Don't feel much difference in the nut , the profile is lesser but am liking it so far


The strings feel like 10's so there's fun to be had with a new set of 11's or 12's


Can be heard on the Neil young thread


Thanks for the well wishes

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Nothing to do with anything except you are Irish, BBG....


Watching the TV while having dinner and the shows we normally watch have been replaced by a show on Irish Customs Stop Search and Seize.


So I can tell them from experience that the labrador search dog is not fed enough and is not 'indicating' dope resulting in full body and gear searches of a couple of hapless travellers, but of course has found food items in their bags!



They probably need a beagle.





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