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Pretty Sky Photos


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One of the many weird things I like to do is take pictures of cloud formations, pretty sunsets, full moons etc.  Most are taken with my phone. I don't have any real knowledge or talent in photography. I just point and click. I figured I'd post a few here and maybe some others will want to post their own. 






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Pretty good result from that phone Saturn.  Moon shots with a 35mm are tricky.  Often for some reason,  a full moon that fills your viewfinder still results in a pic of the moon that looks smaller than a shirt button. 

As I don't own a digital camera, and refuse to take photos with a phone( since I still use an old small flip phone)  so I don't know if any of them have a "polarizing" option.  That would make the cloud formations "pop" in any of those shots.   [cool]


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8 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Pretty good result from that phone Saturn.  Moon shots with a 35mm are tricky.  Often for some reason,  a full moon that fills your viewfinder still results in a pic of the moon that looks smaller than a shirt button. 

As I don't own a digital camera, and refuse to take photos with a phone( since I still use an old small flip phone)  so I don't know if any of them have a "polarizing" option.  That would make the cloud formations "pop" in any of those shots.   [cool]


Yeah. I rarely have luck taking a photo of the moon.  Whether on my DSLR camera or phone.

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Nice shots everyone. Thanks for sharing!!!

This forum wouldn't let me upload from my site because it isn't https (it's http without the s) so... ... ...

Some I have on AdobeStock:

Woodstork in the Everglades


Australian Outback


Everglades Sunset:



Key West:



Czech Republic


Edited by Notes_Norton
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37 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Is that house on the left really that unlevel?   Or was this shot with some kind of "fisheye" option(or lens)? 



With non-rectilinear wide lenses, unless the plane of the lens is parallel to the horizon, distortion of this type results.


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9 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Is that house on the left really that unlevel?   Or was this shot with some kind of "fisheye" option(or lens)? 


I only had my phone with me and used the panoramic option where you move the phone to capture the entire width.

All houses are level.

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7 hours ago, saturn said:

I can't claim credit for this photo. It was taken a street over from our house by one of our neighbors and posted on FB. I just screen shotted it and cropped the FB stuff out.



When I was growing up in Arkansas, we would have called that a squall line. That would’ve meant a tornado was likely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This AM. Rare Southern California rain last night. Almost finished house. I'll take it as a sign hopefully of good things to come. 


Here's another. I was sleeping this AM and Vanessa came running in after putting the dogs in the pen screaming get up, get up, grab your camera!! I don't think I have ever seen a complete rainbow in So. California before.RpBZ223.jpg

Edited by Tman
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