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Happy Birthday, TaylorPlayer!


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Thanks everyone......


I just got back in front of my computer from a trip that may go down as the best B-day present I ever gave Myself!


I just sold my Taylor GSMC to a guy through Craigslist and went straight out and purchased the 1964 LG1 that has been haunting me ever since the guy put it on our local Craigslist.


I am back at my office and can't shoot any photos or even play the thing right now, but I went to his house and auditioned it for almost an hour and then walked out with her (In an old beat up Martin hardshell case!) got in my car and blasted back to the office so I can get my work done and go home for a nice 4 day weekend playing my new/old Gibby!!! Woo Hoo!!! It's a good day to turn 48 and play a 45 year old guitar!!!!!


Someone quick tell me the best strings to put on this new little beast! I typically use Elixir Phospher Bronze Nano 12-53's on my Taylor and Gibson AJ.... Good choice for the LG1??????

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Happy Bithday my friend.


If the Elixirs work well for you on other guitars it would be a good starting point fo the LG. Who kows, you may end up with something completely different but it's a good place to start.

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First song was a blues number I learned from the TV Show "Scrubs" called "My Tuscaloosa Heart". It was on one of the shows and I loved the little blusey riff that Dr. Bob Kelso was playing on his 000 Martin in that scene so I youtubed it and found a decent version, learned it and now it is almost always the first song I play on any guitar I pick up.


Pic's will be forthcoming after I clean her up, put on new strings and set it down long enough to take some photos.

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Sorry to hear you had to part with one of your beloved Taylor guitars - though I can see it went to a worthy cause.


48 ain't so bad. Have a cold one' date=' and by saying that I don't mean someone's ex wife.[/quote']


At least you didn't say "Dead" wife..... lol that would be very cold!!!!!


I plan on getting home as soon as I can sneak out of here, grab a Leinenkugle Honey Weiss and start cleaning, restringing and playing the night away!

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Congratulations on the new guitar, Paul! What a great birthday present! Are you going to start with the Elixirs? I love Elixirs..... I treat myself to them on a regular basis.


I have just one question tho'..... what on earth is a Leinenkugle Honey Weiss?

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Thanks for all of the well wishes for my birthday yesterday. What a fun day it was! I wish I could turn 48 every day! lol


Answers to a couple questions:


Yes, I put the Elixir PB Nano 12-53's on her after cleaning 45 years of gunk off of it. They sound just like I thought... Perfect!


Karen (GG) - Honey Weiss is a beer made by Leininkugle out of Eau Claire Wisconsin.... I love it with a lemon cut up or I like there Sunset Wheat which is like a Blue Moon/Belgin Witt beer with an orange slice in it. If you ever get a chance to try a Leinenkugle, make sure to do it!


LiveSoundGuy... LOL on the grey hair, I started turning grey around 21 years old. It did help me in the business world when I was young as people did think I was older and more experianced than I really was.


I have to say that after I started playing my new LG1, my wife came in my music room and said that boy does that sound different than your Taylor did! I told her that it was the tone I had been looking for. It is certainly not a "Pretty" tone like every Taylor has... it is more of a woody, boxy, growl that is perfect for the type of fingerstyle music I have been playing as of late. After listening to a few songs, she got up and started to leave. Then she looked at me and said, Congratulations, I think you finally found a guitar that is "All You". That guitar just looks and sounds right when you play it. =D>

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