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On 11/16/2023 at 4:49 PM, Ceptorman said:

Now that's impressive. I'll take you on in checkers😄

Haha. Never was interested in that game.  I've taught lots of people to play chess though. Funny, A friend of mine hired on to Burlington Northern RR and he played a coworker. Ken got beat 5 out of 5 games. He called me up and told me how that guy opened up. I told him he had a bad opening and created lots of weakness in his pawn structures. I told Ken how to beat him and he went back to work and lost again.  Ken called me up again and I asked him what he did? He told me and I told him he didn't do what I said. Ken went back and played the 3rd day and won like 4 games in a row.  From then on the tables were turned around. Now here's the funny part.  I hired on to BNRR and Dave kept ASKING ME TO TEACH HIM. So I did for several months. He lived in Lincoln. This guy really paid attention to what I taught. He improved so much, I talked him into entering a Chess tournament in Lincoln.  So I entered Top rated category and Dave entered unrated category. I was so proud f him. Dave took top trophy in Unrated while I won top class. It only went up to A rated.  Anyway, not bragging.  Just Chess and Art are the two things I do well. 

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9 hours ago, kidblast said:

that is impressive.  I taught my granddaughter to play, my wife knows the game, and my son as well  it's definitely something that requires the right frame of mind when you sit down to play a match

-- it occurs to me I've not played in a while now.  I think it's time to get those matches going again.


Thanks. I grew up loving the game. My uncle actualy taught me wrong, Iv'e learned mostly on my own.  I got so good at it I was beating the crap out of the Nebraska state champion and then had such a splitting headache, I couldn't concentrate.  I thought I beat him but at the time, I didn't understand the clock rules. His flag dropped but he called the tournament director over who saw we both completed the 1hr and 45 moves so he reset the clock and we played for 3 hours. I didn't think that was right. Thought it was an Hour Robin game. Anyway, I didn't know it back then but that splitting headache was my Brain Tumor cancer.  So I wanted to get the game over and lost on purpose. Then The tumor had me all messed up and I lost everything. I used to be able to think in my head 13 moves ahead in 3 different variations. So could set up traps not many could see. Thats how I beat the Experts. But the tumor had me all messed up so I went to Russian Chess and learned from the masters at first and now I'm learning from the GrandMasters. I don't play anyone anymore. Just want to be able to beat my Master Kasparov computer is all. 

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9 hours ago, kidblast said:

consider that as a common problem with the changing climates/humidity etc over a 30 year span

the question is, with something like that, it probably needs both a bridge set and a probably neck reset.  it would have to have some very high sentimental value to put that kind of repair money down.  These were entry level acoustics, wrt cost/$investement$

That answers it. Not worth it. Yeah no sentimental value. my wife bought it for me after we married and we just celebrated our 44th Anniversary  today.  It was only worth $300.00 new.  Thanks. 

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12 hours ago, Retired said:

That answers it. Not worth it. Yeah no sentimental value. my wife bought it for me after we married and we just celebrated our 44th Anniversary  today.  It was only worth $300.00 new.  Thanks. 

right!  I figured as much.  to work it as a DIY / learning project to restore is one idea.  depends on your desire to do that.

The last reply on the chess match and tumor,  geeze, you've had your share of challenges my friend.  


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  • 4 weeks later...

Something happened when I pulled out my swamp ash tele from my previous post, I was going to work on it but I got sick right after. Wonder if it had some covid in it.. This last bought kicked  my assss pretty good.

Anyway I re-did the wiring on this one below and its functioning properly again.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

My Acoustics, (with my old Carl Ronisch Piano):



A couple of my amps:

Dual Showman Amp (lives in the office)


My Dad's old Princton Reverb Amp:


Champ Amp (color to match living room where it lives behind the piano):



An OLD photo of all my gear..... the Ovation 12-String has been replaced with the Hummingbird 12-String)....still have most everything here:



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