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Hoping for a black out.


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Down here there are energy cuts of up to 9 hours a day every day. Beat that.


Before you ask, that's our commie govt at work... they spend thousands of millions in advertising how they are changing the country for good and how everyone is happy and safe now that they have come to save us from... whatever it is they are suposed to be saving us from; but they can't get the f-ckin' power plants to work. They even go as far as blaming energy shortage on past governments (the last 5 govts here lasted 1 year or less... this pseudo dictator has been in charge for 5 years now... and all the time all he's done is: get from utterly poor to filthy rich, steal from the people, create insane taxes, allow thieves to steal and make it legal, prevent us from hiring guards and sporting guns, and ... well you get the idea).


Bunch of fascist ignorant comunist scumbags. Stealing from the rich AND the poor, and keeping the poor poor and ignorant so they will follow them blindly because they give them 20 bucks a month for free.







Sorry... I'm in a bad mood and just hate this people down here, 90% of them are useless idiots that vote for the same imbecile time and again...



Luckily both my home and office have generators [biggrin]

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Emergency services are stretched to the max during that sort of thing, resulting in economic burdens when communities least need them. And people die. Hardly worth the fun you might have yourself. Howzbout just crawling into the deep freeze and shutting the door for awhile? Leave a note somewhere just in case. [cool]

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We've not infrequently the past number of years had folks out of "power" for weeks at a time - and last spring many ranchers were unable even to get away from the house unless on horseback to see if they could rescue livestock.


As has been said, it ain't fun. Knowing how things go here, I'm almost certain that the millions of dollars in livestock losses never truly will be reported.


In most of America north of the Rio Grande on the Northern Plains of Canada and the U.S., I think it's "easier" here than in urban areas since folks tend to prepare for it, and mostly expect it. Homes are a bit better prepared for it too, but most important is the mental preparation.


In fact, over the past year several times I've had to attempt to explain to big shot tv folks on both coasts why I couldn't get them a picture of folks stranded by blizzards.


"Can you get me a photo and interview with that family stranded on Highway 212 in Montana?" "No. I can't get out of the office right now because of snowdrifts." "Well, who can?" "You might be able to charter a plane with skis on it when the storm's over, but they won't fly until the wind goes down." "Well, I'm sorry you don't care about those poor people."


I just hadda laugh. I felt a little bit sorry for the stranded folks, not at all for the TV people. Some hours later I did dig out of the office building. It took over a half hour to get some 50 yards or so from the back door to the front; even 40 years ago it would have taken me nearly that long through chest and roof high snow. The main street wasn't too bad, but the police chief passing by in a big frontend loader told me not even to try to move my illegally parked Jeep. He was out looking for livestock that strayed over drifted fences into town. I couldn't get home in my Jeep for four days and it's only about eight blocks away. The stranded folks were some 40-50 miles away.


The people who were stranded basically were there because they weren't willing to admit the storms were well beyond their capability to handle. It took around two days to dig a few miles through tall hard-packed drifts. A snowmobiler took his life in his hands to go see how many people actually were stranded.


I had one idiot tell me that in civilized parts of the country they would have highways plowed for travel 24-7.


It's not as bad as TG has it on a daily basis or with the background concerns of a repressive government.


But Demoon... really, don't wish for it. 20 degree weather cold? You've gotta be kidding. It's not really cold until it's -20. You can freeze solid overnight very easily at that temp. Believe me. Even at 20 with snow and a 30-50 mph wind you can die very easily or almost worse, lose body parts like ears, fingers and toes.



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I love outages. Get out the candles and stoke up the fireplace. Popcorn on the propane burner. The battery powered tv doesn't work now that the broadcasts went digital. You can still use the radio though. When I lived out in the boonies, we would lose our water pump. Bottled water was no problem, but having to bucket water out of the lake for the toilet got a little old.

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Down here there are energy cuts of up to 9 hours a day every day. Beat that.


Before you ask' date=' that's our commie govt at work... they spend thousands of millions in advertising how they are changing the country for good and how everyone is happy and safe now that they have come to save us from... whatever it is they are suposed to be saving us from; but they can't get the f-ckin' power plants to work. They even go as far as blaming energy shortage on past governments (the last 5 govts here lasted 1 year or less... this pseudo dictator has been in charge for 5 years now... and all the time all he's done is: get from utterly poor to filthy rich, steal from the people, create insane taxes, allow thieves to steal and make it legal, prevent us from hiring guards and sporting guns, and ... well you get the idea).


Bunch of fascist ignorant comunist scumbags. Stealing from the rich AND the poor, and keeping the poor poor and ignorant so they will follow them blindly because they give them 20 bucks a month for free.







Sorry... I'm in a bad mood and just hate this people down here, 90% of them are useless idiots that vote for the same imbecile time and again...



Luckily both my home and office have generators [biggrin

Damn TG, never realized how bad it was. Do you have the ability to get out?

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