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Teen's Bottom Spray-Painted as Graffiti Punishment

Associated Press

Mar. 4, 2010


MEXICO CITY - A mayor in central Mexico says he has fired one of his town officials for spray-painting

the buttocks of a teenage boy as punishment for graffiti tagging.


The mayor of San Juan del Rio in Queretaro state says police caught the 13-year-old tagging a wall last

week and turned him over to the official. The official's job is to impose penalties for petty crime.


Mayor Gustavo Nieto said Thursday that he fired the official because he should have notified the boy's parents

so they could pay for the damage, and not punish the teen personally. He did not identify the employee.




Old favorite of mine;

There was a story in Texas years ago about a home-owner who caught two kids spray painting his property.

He chased them, caught one of them while his wife called the cops.


When he caught the kid, he took the can away from him and sprayed the kid's hair with it.

Figured the little fxcker could wear the evidence of his crime or shave his head.

Either way, the peer pressure and ridicule was not what the kid had in mind for school on Monday....


When the cops showed up, they all had a good laugh.

If I recall, they didn't have the heart to handcuff the poor little vandal - he looked so pathetic.



Anyhow, they hauled him to the station and called his parents.

While this was going on, they saw his eyes were a bit red and irritated - from some of the paint.

They decided to play it safe and take him to the hospital, even the kid's parents weren't upset about it.

Hey, the kid got caught being a ****** - nothing they can do to help him.


Well, wouldn't ya know it....

Some fxcking bleeding-heart buttinski at the hospital decided to get CPS involved.


The parents were now on the hot seat.

The cops were under investigation.

And the home-owner? The victim of the crime?

He was arrested.


Cops had no choice.


This made the news, and people were calling in to the radio and TV stations OUTRAGED!!!

People offered to pay the guy's legal costs, paint his place, all kinds of benevolence.



Moral to the story;

One under-age sh!t head learned a good lesson and probably would have never painted anything ever again.

But then he became a superstar, supported by bureaucracy that is financed with tax dollars.


Bet your *** no tax dollars were used to repaint the guy's house....



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There's countless stories all over just like this. What about the jewellery thief who scaled a shop, attempted to break in through the roof, roof collapsed, he sued the shop owner and won!


It's no better up here, in fact, it's worse I think. Not too long ago a truck driver here in Calgary, driving a cement truck, had numerous previous driving infractions (drunk), drove right through a red light and KILLED A FAMILY OF FIVE. Flattened their car in an instant. The police found a half empty mickey of vodka in his truck, he refused a breathalizer and claimed he thought the vodka was water. He got 5 years in jail. Absolutely pathetic.


Neo, I think hospital staff are probably legally obligated to report stuff like that painted kid.

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A legal professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before,

but had once failed an entire class.


That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked & that no one would be poor & no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged & everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail & no one would receive an A...


After the first test, the grades were averaged & everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset & the students who studied little were happy.


As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less & the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D!


No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame & name-calling all resulted in hard feelings & no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, & the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.


Wait... didn't I read this elsewhere tonight?

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A legal professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before' date='

but had once failed an entire class.


That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked & that no one would be poor & no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged & everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail & no one would receive an A...


After the first test, the grades were averaged & everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset & the students who studied little were happy.


As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less & the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D!


No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame & name-calling all resulted in hard feelings & no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, & the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.


Wait... didn't I read this elsewhere tonight?




Where can I vote for this guy.

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an then a student produced an automatic aardvark that ate the teacher and validated my parking after I vacuumed the students minds.


Now that's funny! [biggrin] I've never used another Forum members quote in my Sig., but this is tempting

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Ah yes the great US law system...

It's not just the US, bleeding hearts are EVERYWHERE. I saw videos of a inmate riot in an Aussie prison, and the GUARDS were under goddamn investigation for subduing them. They had some jackass human rights advocate reviewing the tape on the news saying how "they used too much force" and that some of their actions were un-necessary. (the riot was planned, they had inmates hiding behind the doors for sneak attacks when the officers came in.)


Goddamn am I the only person who thinks prisoners who are in jail for violent offenses give up their rights as a human being? At least as a law abiding one.


There was one story, don't know how true it is, from my neighbourhood when I was growing up of a burgular who broke into a home near my grandparents house and the guard dog killed the intruder, because it's a guard dog, and he was intruding, and I think they were trying to charge the home-owner with manslaughter and they wanted to put the dog down, I don't think the charges went through on the poor man, but I think they put the dog down.


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Neo - What exactly was it that your father did to you that makes you hate so many people?


That's uncalled for. You may not appreciate or agree with his posts but he's willing to hear your side of anything with which you take issue. Your comment and insinuation are beneath contempt and would likely earn a very quick retaliation in close quarters. And that, as an example, is the kind of liberty that the anonymity of the 'net allows. Would you actually say that to someone in conversation and expect them to answer you in a reasonable manner? Trust me, here it would get you a quick shot to the jaw at the very least.

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Thanks Cruzn.

You said it better than I would have....





Neo - What exactly was it that your father did to you that makes you hate so many people?


I don't hate anyone.

And if I did, you can blame lotsa people and entities, but not my father.


I'm a product of my environment.

When I see people like what I posted originally, I'm offended that I have to share an atmosphere with them.

Feel free to join them.




And as far as hate goes (since you used that as your opening gambit) tell me what you know about it.

Then explain how you've linked ME to hating anyone.



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Neo' date=' I think hospital staff are probably legally obligated to report stuff like that painted kid.[/quote']

Okay, I might give you that one....

But report it to whom?


The cops were THERE - they hauled him in!


Whoever it was, they felt some compelling desire to subvert the authority of law enforcement.

They also felt the need to kick the parents in the teeth, who were also there.

The parents were doing everything they could up to that point.

They were ready to take their kid home when the cops sprung him, and deal with the matter privately.

When the kid got his day in court - or just shamefully paid his fines after earning the cash - it was a done deal.

But NOOooooooo......


What hospital employee has the obligation, let alone the right, to make a call beyond those present?

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Neo -


There are lots of good therepies these days that can make life easier for you and everyone around you.


You could also try going back to college so you won't be so insecure about yourself and your station in life. Maybe mentor a kid so you can see that the world is much better when you start thinking about helping other people instead of constantly obsessing about yourself. Smart and well spoken people like you deserve to feel good about themselves, and you will when you find whatever it is that you need.


If you became a professional person, you wouldn't have to prove to everybody how smart you are; you will have already proved it to everybody who makes a difference. Ever see many architects or lawyers going around criticizing everybody they engage and trying to look like a smarty pants all the time? No. They have real stuff to worry about.


You can go volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and meet some of the unfortunate people who have these houses built for them. You might see others' problems from their perspective, rather than only from your own.


I'm sorry that I am calling you out, but you're like a guy standing in front of the airport shouting at everybody who goes in, trying to jam your pamphlet down their throat. Everybody who goes in has to listen to you and your little hate and intolerance pamphlet. People can't go on the Gibson Forum without you standing in front, shouting stuff that nobody cares about. You may have a first amendment right to blather on about stuff, but after awhile, everybody just mumbles "shutup" under their breath.


Do us a favor and either go get yourself some therapy or just operate strictly by the golden rule. Either way will work.

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I don't know much about Habitat For Humanity. But, I remember a couple years ago the local news made a big feel-good story about this "needy" family who was getting a house built for them through HFH. Fast forward about 2 years and they went back to see how this appreciative family was making out in their new home.


Well, lets just say the home wasn't being taken care of very well [thumbup]

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Well, now aren't we mighty presumptive - not to mention big for our britches?

I'll assume first off that you are completely devoid of humor, so I'll skip that approach.


Anyway, here we go with one more pompous, arrogant attempt to fix somebody else....




There are lots of good therepies these days that can make life easier for you and everyone around you.

Therapy is for weaklings' date=' as is the medications so entrusted with "fixing" the problems.

Do I believe that absolutely?

No, but it is my default judgment until I find reason to believe differently.

I have kids of my own, I have parents too, and I live in the same country you do.

How I approach my daily challenges is all that's different.





You could also try going back to college so you won't be so insecure about yourself and your station in life.





No, no, no....

It's the confidence, the core convictions, the knowledge (not just the belief) that I'm RIGHT.

That really gets under the skin of the self-righteous Liberal-leaning types.

Shades of gray in your world, eh?

Don't have to take a firm stand on anything.

When asked or expected to, you'll defer with a meek "Well, that all depends...."


While we're here, state you level of education for the benefit of all please.





Maybe mentor a kid so you can see that the world is much better when you start thinking about helping other people instead of constantly obsessing about yourself.

Why would you assume I don't?

You seem to miss an aspect of the whole concept behind mentoring - I might be actively engaged

in programs you either have no idea of' date=' interest in, or stomach for.

Some of it's within the church (I'm assuming you wouldn't go near one) and some is not.

A couple are with the National Rifle Association.

Junior Achievement.

A few faith-based charities.

I read for the blind and dyslexic, go to a studio and use my radio DJ voice to put books on tape.

Few of the programs I participate in use public funding.

Bet that's what you LIVE for - the gubmint cuttin' all those checks from MY contributions, eh?




Smart and well spoken people like you deserve to feel good about themselves' date=' and you will when you find whatever it is that you need.[/quote']

Thank you for the compliment, and as far as feeling good about myself - Oh, I do!

My income is comfortable, my wife is a winner, my kids are intelligent, and I live where I want to.

I have plenty of hobbies to occupy my time, and plenty of accomplishments to brag about if I want.


How about you? [lol]




If you became a professional person' date=' you wouldn't have to prove to everybody how smart you are; you will have already proved it to everybody who makes a difference. Ever see many architects or lawyers going around criticizing everybody they engage and trying to look like a smarty pants all the time? No. They have real stuff to worry about.[/quote']


Okay, first explain to me the details of your chosen profession.

Then we'll see how it compares to nuclear power.

The group of people I work with are pretty well educated, so my peer group isn't exactly Taco Bell.


As far as proving how smart I am, you've missed the point.

My crusade is to make sure stupid people fully realize that they are, same with people who are wrong.




One good point you made, I actually considered going to law school.

I know many attornies, and had dealings with many over the years. I could do a job like that...


I've met plenty of starving architects with dreams in their head and an empty bank account.

Raising a family making school teacher wages? No thanks.





You can go volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and meet some of the unfortunate people who have these houses built for them. You might see others' problems from their perspective' date=' rather than only from your own. [/quote']

Two friends of mine work with HfH, done so for 20 years.

Not my cup of tea.

The people involved in it (from Jimmy Carter on down) are not the crowd I care to join.

Nor am I so romantically taken with the notion of selecting one person to give a house to.

I presume you're an active participant putting in plenty of hours yourself?

Or is this simply something you thought would be "good for me" to grow in ways you approve?


My dealings with "unfortunate" people is more focused on those in immediate need.

Those who NEED help, not wanting a nice, free house...





I'm sorry that I am calling you out

No you're not.

You've decided to pick up your Burden of Righteousness and correct me for the world's benefit.

We'll see how it goes.

I feel it's fair to let you know many have failed before you - I'm undefeated 30 years now...







but you're like a guy standing in front of the airport shouting at everybody who goes in' date=' trying to jam your pamphlet down their throat. Everybody who goes in has to listen to you and your little hate and intolerance pamphlet.[/quote']

You've really missed the boat on that one.

Of course this helps with your consistency.....

If I'm at the airport' date=' it's because I'm getting in a plane to go fly around.


I've never handed pamphlets out in my life.

And to call my speech "hate and intolerance" is insulting, and demands to be justified.

YOU are the people talking about hate, yet where's YOUR tolerance?

YOU are demanding that I behave in a manner that suits you.


Turn the tables for a minute - you gonna get your head out of whatever orifice you keep it in,

take a look at the world around you, and realize that YOU can do something yourself?

Don't need a gubmint program or a feel-good group of lemmings if you actually intend to do something.


And I invite you to any meetings I attend for city council, and any political functions I participate in.

There are many.




People can't go on the Gibson Forum without you standing in front' date=' shouting stuff that nobody cares about. You may have a first amendment right to blather on about stuff, but after awhile, everybody just mumbles "shutup" under their breath.[/quote']


The power is in your hands, you can do it!





Do us a favor and either go get yourself some therapy or just operate strictly by the golden rule. Either way will work.

Do yourself a favor' date=' go "fix" something within your means.

Got a leaking faucet, running toilet or such?

Is that within the scope of your ability, to control some drips of water?


I have my doubts.


Brings to mind something my Dad (a very effective father) said to me as a kid.


[i']"Do you know what an idealist is?

That's somebody who wants you to believe they have all the answers, they've done all the thinking,

they've done the mental heavy-lifting that the rest of us aren't capable of.

But what can they actually do?

Most of them can't grab their *** with both hands, and when you expose them, you're the bad guy."[/i]


In the 35 years since, I've found that to be proven out over and over again.


And if you really want an idea who those people are, go to my website.

Read the part on the title page that says "So, what is a NeoCon?"


It's a link in my signature, I'm sure you can find it.


Get back to me with your thoughts, suggestions, even your feelings.

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Well, said Neo. The unfortunate side effect of this thread is that it makes me want to launch an unprovoked verbal attack on someone at random....


And my opening salvo will be..... hmmmm something vague enough to encompass many without really clarifying anything.


Ok here goes... people who drive Red 1980 Ladas clearly had problems with thier fathers....


Feel free to " feel bad about calling me out "

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I am *not* calling to let the tagger off the hook. God knows with all of the tagging going on around Chicago, if I caught some little punk from the neighborhood next door spray painting my garage I'd want to go to berserker on his head, but what that home owner did was vigilantism.


Just wanted to make that point. Cannot comment on child protective services getting called.

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