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People Who Leave Shopping Carts Up Against Your Car in Car Parks

Mr. Robot

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This is perhaps my no. 1 pet hate.


You go shopping, and come back to find that some SOB has been too lazy to take their cart back to the rack, and instead has left it up against the duco of your car - because they think they are more important than you and that your car is not important.


I've got dents, scratches and more from these ***$%les - if I added it up, it would cost me at least a grand to fix it.


If I caught someone in the act of doing this, I dont know what I might do.

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Things like this tell a lot about a person. It goes way beyond just leaving a loose shopping cart, it's a sign of the person's true nature. How you treat the waitress, what condition you leave the hotel room, whether or not you take the time to pick up the paper clips and staples off your office floor instead of just leaving them for the cleaning crew to pick up something you're too lazy to pick up...


We have people at work who refuse to wash the dishes and silverware they use. I don't say anything, I just wash them along with mine. If they're that ignorant and inconsiderate to begin with, they won't respond to a friendly reminder and if I (or anyone) jumped in their face about it, I would be the bad guy. Much easier to just take an extra 48 seconds and wipe their butts for them. Someday someone will call them on their actions, it just isn't going to be me. I don't see that as a sign of weakness on my part. I'm not cleaning their mess as a favor to them, I'm doing it as a favor to the next person who may want to use that plate or bowl.


I seldom have any problems with shopping carts though; I drive a 28 year old pickup that was painted with a brush. Stray shopping carts are reserved for newer cars.


My wife cleans hotel rooms and has told me some pretty awful stories. You can bet when I leave a hotel room it won't take the girl making seven bucks an hour long to clean up after me.


Edit: I would have voted for Bolton, but wouldn't that end up having a Pavlovian effect? Every time a Michael Bolton song came on the radio they would scramble around looking for loose shopping carts to neaten up.

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I usually accomodate them for about 2 weeks after politely asking them to provide their own cleaning services. After that I bag up loose uniforms at the station, dirty dishes, etc, etc, bag them up and put them out for the garbage service.

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What KSDaddy said! Particularly his example with the paperclips at the office, is my everyday routine thing. The mess is around the photocopy machines. Each time I visit it, I spend those 30 seconds to clear it of the paperclips before using it... So true...



I liked the ''Angus' Marshall on 11'' thing...[blink]

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Things like this tell a lot about a person...


This really is true. To be courteous requires that one can anticipate the needs of others and that one even cares enough to even try. Anticipating someone's needs also requires a certain amount of intelligence, plus it requires getting one's head outta one's arse long enough to think even about it. All this assumes that the idiot isn't simply being a jackass.


Forcing them to listen to Michael Bolton may be like throwing Br'er Rabbit into the briar patch.

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Terriffic comments guys.


Jokes aside about what I might feel like doing, I guess I was making a broader comment about human decency and respect - you guys hit the nail on the head.


Whether its the shopping trolley, letting someone into the traffic (or thanking someone who lets you in), holding a door open for someone (man or woman), or letting someone out of the train before you barge in......


I think it is called human decency and manners.


Some jerks just dont have them and never will.[lol]


One thing is for sure - it is getting worse and society does not value it enough.

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Terriffic comments guys.


Jokes aside about what I might feel like doing' date=' I guess I was making a broader comment about human decency and respect - you guys hit the nail on the head.


Whether its the shopping trolley, letting someone into the traffic (or thanking someone who lets you in), holding a door open for someone (man or woman), or letting someone out of the train before you barge in......


I think it is called human decency and manners.


Some jerks just dont have them and never will.[lol


One thing is for sure - it is getting worse and society does not value it enough.






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I have a habit of holding a door open for anyone, and if a woman is involved I will take the extra few seconds to wait for them so that I can hold the door open. Old fashioned, yeah, but screw it.


One time a women glared at me as I held the door open for her and asked "You're not holding that door open for me because I'm a woman, are you?"


"No," I replied, "I'm holding it open for you because I'm a gentleman."


I get all sorts of reaction. Some are a little shocked at the gesture and thank me (not needed but a courtesy as well!) and others breeze past me with their nose up in the air as if to say, "Where's the red carpet?" I just smile and imagine myself writing the word '*****' across her forehead with a sharpie. But I keep holding doors open just the same.

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I have a habit of holding a door open for anyone' date=' and if a woman is involved I will take the extra few seconds to wait for them so that I [i']can[/i] hold the door open. Old fashioned, yeah, but screw it.



I do this too....its the best when you hold it open for an old lady and she smiles all big and thanks you. Its weird that they are surprised when people do something nice like this....it shouldn't be that way.

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Like KSDaddy says, it really just tells a lot about what kind of person they are. Very selfish.


It's like my pet peeve, when some people drive like they are more important than you. I'm not in a race to get down the road and to me it's not a contest to be in front of as many people as possible. But, it's very insulting when some jerk feels the need to change lanes from behind you, pass and then squeeze back in front of you just to be one more care ahead. Half the time they're just getting off the next exit anyway. It's just like sending a signal they think they are better than you and need to be where they are going more than you need to be where you're going.

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They should make a reality with them, one in which they send them to iraq to leave shopping carts up against car in car parks.


It should go something like if they are lucky the shoping cart has a bomb inside and they get to live after it has detonated blowing up a nursing home or a school full of children killing all of them mass destruction weapon builders inside.


If they arent as lucky the shoping cart is empty and they get to be killed by satanic nuclear weapon dealer children from bagdad



Would be the funniest tv show to ever be aired and ratings would be the best ever.

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"No," I replied, "I'm holding it open for you because I'm a gentleman."


Nice Reply.


I always hold doors also.


On the original subject: One time I had to get my Saturn car door panel replaced because someone ran a shopping cart into it. Left no note, just a crack in my new car.

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You can't win for lose. Remember my story? Taking the cart to the rack and

the guy gets all parking lot raged up and thinks I'm taking to long because he

wanted my spot then when I go to put the cart in the rack he attacks me. I'd do it again

the cart goes in the rack when your done. If they don't like it Boom, Boom out

go the lights.



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I saw this topic after I logged out. Forgive the caps but I HATE IT, I'll actually take the carts and put them out of harms way because the poor stupid kid they pay minimum wage to do it is off doing nothing. This morning I found THREE, goddamn carts in the middle of the parking lot, so I sumarily, pushed them together, rolled them to the curb, lined them up sideways, and kicked all three of them over sideways onto the Grocery store side lawn. FRIG.

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This is perhaps my no. 1 pet hate.


You go shopping' date=' and come back to find that some SOB has been too lazy to take their cart back to the rack, and instead has left it up against the duco of your car - because they think they are more important than you and that your car is not important.


I've got dents, scratches and more from these ***$%les - if I added it up, it would cost me at least a grand to fix it.


If I caught someone in the act of doing this, I dont know what I might do.[/quote']


Just an idea if your car is damaged. About six months ago, our local paper's police blotter contained an entry that indicated they had ticketed a person who had left a cart to roll aimlessly across a parking lot, crashing into the side of someone else's car. The local police used the store's parking lot camera tape to identify the negligent party. I suspect the owner of the car can now use this police report in a civil case against the lazy shopper.


Have you ever counted the parking lot cameras on top of your local WalMerts? There must be a dozen of them on my local big box. [blink]


If you catch someone shoving a cart against anothers' car, take down their license plate number and report it.


The big box stores have cart corral's for a reason. It mitigates the store's responsibility for wayward carts causing damage.

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If I don't return a cart to the "corral" I will at least hook the front wheels over a curb out of the way.

MY cart won't be rolling off and dinging somebody's car.


I had a really nice Chevy truck street rod for years, drove it to lotsa cruises and drag raced it now and then.

Always garage kept, and pristine - except for a single dent just ahead of the left tail light.

Got it from a wayward shopping cart - though I was parked in BFE for that very reason.


I would have set the offender's car ablaze.




I ALWAYS open the door for Mrs. Neo, even when getting into the truck.

We haven't been married long enough for me to decide to stop.

Her friends, family and co-workers notice too...


Now and then I get the Look Of Annoyance from a woman when I hold the door for her.

Like KSDaddy, she can be a b!tch all she wants to, I'll just smile and turn away.




Oh, a trick I'll share to exact vengeance on parking lot *** holes.

Not so easy now, most cars have remotes for unlocking doors.

But if it requires a key to unlock the door, shove a toothpick in the lock and break it off.

Use your key to shove it in as deep as possible.


It'll have to go to a body shop to remove the lock - they'll think it simply broke until they find the wood.


I have others, but I gotta be careful here....



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Not really on topic, but I remember when I was young, I was with my dad at a store. Some woman opened her car door into my dads' 1970 beater Ford pickup. She didn't even say sorry or acknowledge what she did. My dad said hold on and opened the door of his truck slightly, put his foot against the inside of the door, and kicked the truck door against her car. It left a mark.

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