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LeBron's Heat Crime


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Anyone bothered by his decision? I'm a native New Yorker and would've loved him playing for the Knicks (Lord knows we could use the help) but hey, he's a grown man, right? He'll be lovin' Miami, that's for sure. As for Cleavland? Kinda sucks for them. I understand their hostility but all's fair in love and sports.



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Anyone bothered by his decision? I'm a native New Yorker and would've loved him playing for the Knicks (Lord knows we could use the help) but hey' date=' he's a grown man, right? He'll be lovin' Miami, that's for sure. As for Cleavland? Kinda sucks for them. I understand their hostility but dems da brakes. Hail to the King, baby!




Actually Kobe is KING!!![biggrin]


Kobe = 5

LeBron = 0

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Here is some more food for thought to


ESPN.com's Bill Simmons yesterday:


A few weeks after the 2008 Summer Olympics, Someone Who Knows Things told me the following rumor: LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and Chris Paul became such good friends during the 2007 Olympic trials, and then during their 2008 Olympics excursion in Beijing, that they actually made a pact in China to play together. You know, like one of those pacts in a chick flick where two friends agree to get married if both of them are single when they turn 40.

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I could see that "pact" being true...They were all drafted the same year, I think they were the 1st, 4th and 5th pick. All had the same contract of being free agents at the same time...so i could see them planing this ahead some years ago. I think some people are over reacting though. Burning his jersey.....[biggrin], Cavs owner sending a letter out ranting.. Come on now...lets all get long.

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As a native Clevelander, I am disgusted by how he handled it. People can talk about how he had to do what was best for his career, family, yadda-yadda-yadda. But the way he handled it was pathetic. He is coming from an area that supported him, loved him, worshiped him, and always had his back. We tried to ignore his enormous and ever-growing ego because he was one of our own. We had rallies to keep him here, and even offered him the most money. I am tired of people talking about the tax haven in Florida. Please. With the extra money he could have made in Cleveland, coupled with the lower cost of living here, it would have been a wash. And if it were not, he could have picked up another endorsement and called it even. Him staying in Cleveland would have made him even more likeable, and thus, marketable.


He decided to leave us. Okay, I get it. But really, the way he did it was the opposite of graceful. He never acknowledged Cleveland and the love and support he got here; instead, he got an hour-long special on ESPN, kicked us to the curb and went to South Beach to party with Bosh and Wade.


This column - written by an L.A. columnist, by the way - gets right to it:




Lebron is not my king.

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Well, we will all get to see how Lebron reactes to being the Scotty Pippen of the Heat. Because Dwayne Wade is already the Jordon. It's pretty funny that Lebron thinks his only chance of winning a title is if he is surrounded by Wade and Bosh. I mean if the guy is supposed to be the best player in the NBA (which I don't think he is) why does he need the 2nd/3rd (depending on your opinion) best, and probably 8th best players on his team? Seems kinda ridiculous.


In my opinion the King right now is Kobe, and until he retires, or Lebron wins 5+ titles, he will remain that. Personally I don't even think Lebron is #2, I would put him #3 behind Kobe and D-Wade.

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Wow don't really care but 80 million in Florida with his good friends or having to live in a **** hole like Cleveland where the fans say they love him but attack like rabid squirrels and talk smack as soon as he makes a decision they don't like . Bottom line he can't win in Cleveland and even if he could it's still Cleveland. I mean who would want to do anything in Cleveland let alone live there.


Sports is a job and jobs are for money you want him there pay him and get a team he wants to play with, if not say goodbye athletes play for money and themselves if you want unquestioning loyalty buy a dog.

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Wow don't really care but 80 million in Florida with his good friends or having to live in a **** hole like Cleveland where the fans say they love him but attack like rabid squirrels and talk smack as soon as he makes a decision they don't like . Bottom line he can't win in Cleveland and even if he could it's still Cleveland. I mean who would want to do anything in Cleveland let alone live there.


That was totally uncalled for. I live in Cleveland, and it's not a sh*thole; it's my home. The reason I am unhappy is the way Lebron handled it. I am so tired of people talking about how awful Cleveland is; grew up listening to that smack and still raises my blood pressure. I find that most people who pick on Cleveland have never lived here; some have never even been here. There are plenty of places in this country I would never want to live, but I don't openly insult those places; I think it's rude and obnoxious.


Retro, how would you like it if I went to your home and said, "Hey man, you live in a real sh*thole; what the hell is wrong with you?" Not cool. You don't like C-town? That is fine. You want to talk about what a sh8tole it is? Then come and live here for awhile and I'll show you what Cleveland has to offer.


Show some respect and class, man: it's my - and many others' - home. And we get tired of people p*ssing all over it.

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Hey I'm from Pittsburgh and there's no love lost between us and the "mistake on the lake" but here most everyone I know is sympathizing with Cleveland. The way he did it showed no class and ESPN can sink in the cesspool they call a sports network. You wanna leave ok you earned that right but show a little class towards the fans that paid your million dollar salary ya Putz.


Here's hopin' the Miami fans don't cry the blues when he quits on them during next years playoffs.


It just gives me another reason to hate the NBA.

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Hey I'm from Pittsburgh and there's no love lost between us and the "mistake on the lake" but here most everyone I know is sympathizing with Cleveland. The way he did it showed no class and ESPN can sink in the cesspool they call a sports network. You wanna leave ok you earned that right but show a little class towards the fans that paid your million dollar salary ya Putz.


Here's hopin' the Miami fans don't cry the blues when he quits on them during next years playoffs.


It just gives me another reason to hate the NBA.



Amen. And for the record, I love Pittsburgh; never got caught up in the whole Browns/Steelers thing. Cleveland could learn some things from Pittsburgh about regionalism and urban renewal. Plus...Church Brew Works!!

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I am not a cleveland or miami fan am looking at this objectively with no axe to grind either way. I don't blame him for leaving for more money and nicer climate and all but it sure seemed crappy the way he went about it. I can really understand how the fans in cleveland would feel bummed out about the deal.


Like it or not, it is done so now I guess The true test will be can miami make the new supertrio mesh together? They may pull it off but if I was laying down odds, I'd be betting there will be problems. Main problem being major tension between Wade and James mid season after the new wears off and they all settle in to their respective games ie. both will want to be the superstar. If the two of them can work that out, I'd say miami will be in a great position to go for rings next year.

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Also a native Clevelander. The winters are crappy, and the economic condition of the area is not great. However, I take serious issue with anyone ripping on the city. If you have not been there, or have not lived there, then honestly, just shut up. Most of it is wonderful, and the people are flat-out among the best that you will ever find.


I could forgive Lebron for leaving if he had done it with an ounce of class, but he didn't. And for that, I wish him nothing but the worst. I will now happily continue to root for the Cavs, as well as anyone who is playing the Heat.

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Also a native Clevelander. The winters are crappy' date=' and the economic condition of the area is not great. However, I take serious issue with anyone ripping on the city. If you have not been there, or have not lived there, then honestly, just shut up. Most of it is wonderful, and the people are flat-out among the best that you will ever find.


I could forgive Lebron for leaving if he had done it with an ounce of class, but he didn't. And for that, I wish him nothing but the worst. I will now happily continue to root for the Cavs, as well as anyone who is playing the Heat.






Thank you. Don't like Cleveland? I get it. Don't live here, are happy, and and want to piss on us? Eff you, and grow a pair...

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That was totally uncalled for. I live in Cleveland' date=' and it's not a sh*thole; it's my home. The reason I am unhappy is the way Lebron handled it. I am so tired of people talking about how awful Cleveland is; grew up listening to that smack and still raises my blood pressure. I find that most people who pick on Cleveland have never lived here; some have never even been here. There are plenty of places in this country I would never want to live, but I don't openly insult those places; I think it's rude and obnoxious.


Retro, how would you like it if I went to your home and said, "Hey man, you live in a real sh*thole; what the hell is wrong with you?" Not cool. You don't like C-town? That is fine. You want to talk about what a sh8tole it is? Then come and live here for awhile and I'll show you what Cleveland has to offer.


Show some respect and class, man: it's my - and many others' - home. And we get tired of people p*ssing all over it. [/quote']



Wow you sure put me in my place didn't you - and your right I don't live in Cleveland, but I got to spend the eight longest weeks of my working life in a hostage negotiation training class in Cleveland in the early 80's, so sorry but my vote stands. Guess that's why they call it an opinion because we all get to have one and they don't have to match. And you can feel free to hate Phoenix all you want too. I promise it won't bother me at all.

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Disclaimer: I am a Thunder fan.

I never jumped on the James bandwagon. They started calling him the King before he even took a shot in the NBA, said he is the next Jordan, and dubbed him the greatest of all time before he had even advanced to the finals. So great in fact, that he could book an hour on ESPN just to announce what team he is going to play for next year.

Some of my fav all time players, i.e. Reggie Miller, retired without winning a ring, but if you are the self-proclaimed "King" of basketball, you need to win rings. And not just one or two. It just seems like alot of big talk for a guy who is 0-4 in NBA Finals games.

Too much talent on a single team can be a bad thing. We cant forget the year Malone and Payton joined up with Kobe and Shaq for what could have been the most star studded Laker roster in franchise history. We all know how that ended up. One of those guys is going to have to give up shots, but who is going to give them up? Are you going to tell the best young PF in the NBA, the guard that has already won a ring for Miami, or King James that they are going to be the third option?

Relax Cleve fans, you have put together a solid squad. LJ cult members are the ones that should be sweating. Give Miami a year or two to hash it out, and James pretty much needs to win a title every 2 years for the rest of his career before he'll be on the same level as MJ and Kobe.

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Looks like I'm not alone in my Cleveland feelings either a quick check of Cleveland's popularity shows two major honors this year looks like Cleveland was rated The worst city in America in 2010 and Forbe's named it America's most miserable city.



America's Most Miserable Cities 2010

Kurt Badenhausen, Forbes.com

Feb 18, 2010


This year Cleveland takes the top spot in our third annual ranking of America's Most Miserable Cities. Cleveland secured the position thanks to its high unemployment, high taxes, lousy weather, corruption by public officials and crummy sports teams (Cavaliers of the NBA excepted).


Quick facts


The city of Cleveland has had a colorful history. The Cuyahoga River, which runs through the city, famously caught fire in 1969 thanks to rampant pollution, and it wasn't the first time. In 1978 it became the first U.S. city to default on its debts since the Great Depression. Cleveland sports fans have had to endure more anguish than those in any other city. The city has been dubbed with a less than endearing nickname: the Mistake by the Lake.

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