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People Talking During Concerts


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So last night, I saw the "Farewell" show of The Black Crowes at the House of Blues in Cleveland. Chris Robinson sounded great, and Rich's hollowbody riffing as they worked through their entire career's work was so very awesome. As a fan with them since '90, I really enjoyed the show.


What I didn't enjoy was the large amount of people who wanted to talk all through the effing show. Like most HOBs, it's a smaller place, it was sold out, and it's general admission. Translation: lots of people pressed together. Well, anytime The Crowes offered up one of their lesser-known gems, many people took this time to engage in social hour. And I mean a LOT of people. It got so bad that Chris Robinson - who I know is a bit of a diva - told "people who are talking to take ther $7.50 worth of alcohol and get the f%%% out...you are being obnoxious to the people who want to hear us play."


And he had a great point. I felt slightly gyped not by the performance, but by the knuckleheads who wouldn't shut up.


Have any of you ever experienced this before?

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Fortunately it doesn't happen too much over here during a concert/gig.


When it does I've absolutely no trouble in telling those responsible to "...kindly shut the f... up".


That always works, I've found.

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One time I told a couple people near me to please shut up at a Black Keys show - guys WAY bigger than me, unfortunately - and they told me if I talked to them again, they'd pound me into the ground.  I told security and they did nothing!


The trick is to say it in a very broad Scottish accent and look like a scary escaped lunatic on the run...think 'Begbie' in Trainspotting.


I find it comes natural to me!

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I had a slob that insisted on chatting with me through a whole Clapton show. I didn't matter how much I ignored him,he kept yapping. He was with his brother who was continuously on his Blackberry and sticking it in my view to take pictures. They wrecked the whole show for me.

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I can't believe no one has put one of these two huge pet peeves at a concert down yet

1.) Children

2.) Talking on Cell phones


1.) My fiancie and one of my best friends went to the AC/DC concert at Magnetic Hill in Moncton, and while I understand that AC/DC is not an adults only band, it IS a freaking rock concert that goes into the night, where the 0 to 12 years of age demographic have no buisness being dragged to. The spot we camped out on had 3 children in that age catergory, one of which insisted on falling around and play wrestling with his brother, often colliding with us. It's annoying, and hey parent of the year, what the hell? You don't do or say anything? Don't have kids.


2.) "OMG I'M AT THE CONCERT, IT IS SOOOO LOUD!!! ... WHAT? ... WHAT? ...I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" or, "Britnay is such a skank I can't believe she would try and sleep with Darren that's Brandii's man, oh man this concert is awesome there are so many guys here I just want to.."

GET THE HELL OFF YOUR CELL PHONES. Frig that's annoying when you're paying big money to see one of your favorite bands play you don't need the Jerry Springer Commentary from some b*tch who won't shut the hell up.


It's like when you take the bus and someone insists on talking on their cell phone very loudly about who's on parole now and who's pregnant or who has what STD and they don't seem to care who knows it, AND they talk the ENTIRE ride. No Class.

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It's rude, rude, rude.


Unwrapping candy is second.


Fortunately people around here are reminded to turn off their phones.


I generally only go to symphony concerts. I work on weekends when the big stars are in town, but fortunately, the traveling international orchestras usually come on Monday or Tuesday. And fortunately, there are no big brutes with a hair trigger temper who will threaten to pound me into the ground.


I go to a concert to hear the music, not somebody's conversation.


I remind them they are not at home watching TV and that some people actually came here to listen to the music.


I live in Fort Pierce Florida, but travel as far as Miami depending on the orchestra or the piece being played.


In West Palm Beach the audience is the rudest. They go to the concert to be seen


Fort Lauderdale is much better.


Miami crowds seem to be the quietest.


I'm sure that says something about the population, but I'm not sure what.


IMHO, People talking during the music part of the concert should be thrown out of the concert hall.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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Andres Segovia was the very touchy about noise of any kind during his performance. "No one will be seated once the show starts" and when I saw him in 1964 he had played about three notes when there was a creak from the back of the crowd, maybe a door, maybe a chair, and the master stopped and glared toward the sound with a look the could kill. We all held our breath waiting for him to walk off. He didn't but it was a close call.

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Kinda simular. Maynard from Tool once stopped in the middle of a song to tell my dumb blank brother to stop playing blanking hippie games (hacky sack) at a Tool show. LOL.


Greg Dulli is well known for telling talkers to shut up during his shows.

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When Robinson went into his tirade, the two guys right behind me who wouldn't shut up had an excuse: It wasn't the fault of the people talking; it was that the band wasn't playing loud enough. Uh...NO! The volume for the artist was absolutely fine; the volume of some of the spectators was the problem. I just can't believe how rude people can be, not only to the people trying to hear, but to the performers as well.

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One time I told a couple people near me to please shut up at a Black Keys show - guys WAY bigger than me, unfortunately - and they told me if I talked to them again, they'd pound me into the ground. I told security and they did nothing!



Yep that would pretty much suck but at 6'4" and 260 with a linebacker build and 20+ years of experience in Law Enforcement and the attitude to match that's not usually a issue. They usually pipe right down unless it's some mouthy girl that thinks she invincible. Had one of those a couple years back at a Foo Fighters concert she was dancing around standing in her chair singing badly at the top of her lungs, she was laughing and making all the guys around her catch her as she "accidently" lost her balance over and over then she would make a big deal about everyone groping her and laugh. Well sure enough she flung herself backwards towards me again and I just ignored her stepping back as she went clear to the floor after she crawled up covered in beer and floor grime rubbing her own butt she got pretty quiet and we could watch the show in peace. after the show she was trying to yell at me for not helping her and I just smiled and said sorry I was watching the show never even saw you. wasn't really much she could say after that.

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I just ignored her stepping back as she went clear to the floor after she crawled up covered in beer and floor grime rubbing her own butt she got pretty quiet and we could watch the show in peace. after the show she was trying to yell at me for not helping her and I just smiled and said sorry I was watching the show never even saw you. wasn't really much she could say after that.


LOL!! This exact situation happened to me too at an Alice in Chains show. My *** was sore for over a week.

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Concert are about seeing and hearing and anything that interrups that is not at the right place! People talking during concerts happens all the time in Belgium, unfortunately!

I wish there were more artists that were as assertive as Chris Robinson. I once saw a nice example of assertiveness, from Morrissey. A guy threw a bottle to him and after 3 seconds of reflection, Morrissey took off, just saying "Goodbye"! Great act!


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I went to the Iron Man 2 midnight premiere with a big group of my friends when that movie came out and wouldn't you know there are two teenage girls a couple rows ahead of us talking the whole time! And to make it worse they were talking about how cool the preview for the new twilight movie was! [cursing] Anyways, about thirty minutes into the movie the massively obese guy who was obviously one of those really nerdy, lives in his parents basement type of people stands in the row in front of us and says to the girls "HEY! SHUT YOUR ****S!!!"


It was the best part of the whole movie!! [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]

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Just a cupla comments....


Most "classical" music concerts I've attended have been very courteous and quiet. In fact, I can't recall one to the contrary. Ditto most country concerts, but not all.


Rock concerts were decent to attend years ago. I haven't gone to one in years. Audience lack of courtesy is the major reason rather than change in music styles.


Blues stuff - the old traditional stuff I've been at, electric or acoustic - usually have pretty decent audiences.


Most of the old folkie stuff in the olden days had pretty decent audiences.


This may sound terrible, I don't go to concert type things nowadays unless I'm paid to go.



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when i saw zakk wylde at a small venue 2,200 people, i couldn't hear anyone talk for two days after. saw ac\dc in 1988 couldn't hear people talking during the concert. took my daughter to a concert a few yrs back (band to remain name less) i would have rather heard people talking. you guys have some frickin good hearing

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