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Pick Surprise

Artie Owl

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Probably one of the most annoying things is having a million picks around and never being able to find one, or, what's worse trying to find the 5 or 6 you really like (ultex 1.0 ftw) when all you can find are the freebies or ones you bought years ago.


Being guitar players here do you have any funny stores about strange places guitar picks seemed to pop up at, or do they drive your loved ones crazy finding them everywhere?

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Not a funny story but, I always keep a couple of picks in my pocket. You never know when you're going to run into a guitar that needs to be played. Sometimes they end up in the wash machine.


same here, and one time I found a pick in the refrigerator.

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Not a funny story but, I always keep a couple of picks in my pocket. You never know when you're going to run into a guitar that needs to be played. Sometimes they end up in the wash machine.

This. Anytime I take a load of change into my bank they end up bringing 6 or 7 picks up to the front that were mixed in...

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Looking for change at the store, nothing but picks. Looking for a pick at Practice, nothing but change.....What's that all about? [cursing]


And, just the other day, our drummers girlfriend had one of my picks stuck to the bottom of her foot. That's what happens when you walk around my house in bare feet.

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Tryin' to hold onto yer pick. Now there's a funny -




I so use Gorilla Snot! It stinks like gasoline, but I like it(not to sniff it- had to edit this b/c I felt all the replies to me being a "huffer", lol). I play without it too, but when it's really cold and I feel my pick is going to slide off my fingers, a little dab will do me. [biggrin]

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Same I carry them in the watch pocket in my levi's so usually there in the washer it's actually so bad my wife has a small decorative jar on top of the dryer and she put's all the picks in there so if I need a pick I go to the jar.


I also have the small leather case thing on my key's so it's usually full also.




HEY! THAT'S COOL! Where'd you get it?

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empty Rx bottle, clearly marked "PICKS" and I try to keep them in there when I'm done. I recently discovered V-Picks and due to their price, I hold onto them like grim death.

v-picks are clear, my carpet is DARK green, so if/when I drop one, it's more a game of trying to feel for it than find it by sight [cursing]

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the little leather case i have was from Brossard pics. Ive seen them a lot of places but the quality was lower this is really heavy nice leather with a good snap etc. I have had it 3-4 years now and it's just getting better with age.


I'm pretty careful with expensive or old pics and store them in cases like the one below. Ive been playing for 30 years and love pics so I'd hate to guess how many pics I really have.




I can't let a pic post go by without another request to Gibson to remake the tri-pick there still the best!



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I was always partial to this keychain. It holds about 4 picks very securely, and it has a led light. I need to get another one, since the part of the plastic that goes on the metal loop broke. But it lasted me about 5 years brutally abused. [biggrin]


Oh, and for me, I just seem to lose and never find my good picks. That's why I've bought bunches...



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