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saw the greatest bumper sticker today


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I've collected bumper stickers for years.

Most of them would get me banned here - and it's not for profanity.


A couple years ago I bought some magnetic sign material and stuck them all to it.

Now they are all magnetic, to be mixed/matched or removed depending where my truck may be parked.


I have enough to completely cover the back doors on my Suburban, the tailgate of my pickup, and have a few left over.


Anytime I drive into Phoenix, I make sure I have all the best ones on.

Probably a dozen times I've had people stop me to take pics.


Stimulates socio-political dialogue... =D>

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One of the unwritten laws you learn doing police work - There is usually a inverse relationship between IQ and the number of bumper stickers covering a car.


Yeah - like the guy who used to jam with us and had magic mushroom tattoos and had a bumper sticker with "Got Mushroom?" on it.



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I know what you guys mean some people need to get a humour for crying out loud, I saw a shirt this guy was wearing but you will understand why I say this , this guy was like 500 pounds he had the biggest gut ive ever seen but his shirt said it sticks out longer than my stomach, rude but I swear it was hilarious if you ever get as big as a house you will know what shirt to wear now!!!

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For 10 years, my old work truck had but one bumper sticker on it - in Texas.




Yeah, I've always liked Visualize Whirled Peas.

Lately it's been replaced with the COEXIST photo in my avatar.




One of the unwritten laws you learn doing police work -

Show me a police officer who has seen EVERYTHING...




There is usually a inverse relationship between IQ and the number of bumper stickers covering a car.

That's why all mine are magnetic - they come right off. smart, EH?


Same as the t-shirts I wear almost every day I go into town, separates Right from Left in a hurry.


As a side note RS, I've been told by countless cops that they LOVE my stickers - they didn't have to say anything...




I most enjoy it when my ideological foe uses similar knee-jerks to "misunderestimate" me.

I've been confronted how many times by somebody who feels THEY are the one to teach me a lesson?

(Including this very forum.)


I don't know if it really is the elitist mindset that they have that makes them think I must be a dipsh!t...

But 90% of the time the conversation is over when they are furious or bordering on tears - and I'm trying not to laugh.

(Would be impolite ya know) [sneaky]



I've been waging war on empty-headed ideologues from BOTH sides since 1980.

It's their strategies and idiocies that forced me to incrementally up the ante.

I'll stop when I die.



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An interesting one I recently saw wasn't so much humorous but very interesting. It was a Kennedy/Johnson sticker from the 1960 presidential campaign but it looked brand new.

It is funny to see NeoConMan's long, rambling response about his large number of bumper stickers and how he is not like the usual whacko with a car covered with bumper stickers. Relax pal, no one thinks YOU are a whacko or the have a low IQ.

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