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Veteran's Day


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I'll get it going early -


Remember to fly your flag, and give some thought to those that gave some or all for the rest of us.


Thankfully, my time in the service was about playing music and trying to bring cheer when things were so horrible in other parts of the world.


I'll not forget what my GrandDad, Dad and brother did, though, and in some small way, I feel that I did contribute.


Call your folks and tell them I said thanks.


Same to all of you who served.

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Its real simple..............


Freedom isn't FREE


I did my time, my son is doing his as a Marine and my Daughter is in the Air Force about to start her real service not ROTC.


+1 and thanks for your service. My Dad was an Air Force lifer.

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It's already been said, so I'll simply agree.




Lotsa military in my family, and Mrs. Neo's as well.



If you see a man in uniform at a restaurant, get his check and pay for his meal.

I do it all the time - small price for me to pay.

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I am a Veteran of more than a few combat deployments. I can still see the faces of the people I fought and bled with, I can still see the faces of the people I climbed mountains with, and I can no longer remember their names, or where they have gone. The only thing I have to remind me of my service save for the medals on the wall and a few pictures from the schools Ive attended are the scars on my body I carry everyday....


Every chance I get I tell a servicemember Thank you, some of them get it, and some of them look upon it as an annoyance.



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Today is Armistice Day in the UK when the fallen from all conflicts since WW1 are remembered. Church services will be held the length and breadth of the country on Sunday and a mass parade in central London. The Royal British Legion, a charity which looks after the welfare of ex-servicemen, exchange poppies for donations. The poppies are worn prominently by most of the population to show support.




We have Armed Forces Day in the UK which is held in June every year. It's commemorates the service of all who have served in the British Armed Forces. The first was in 2006 and its size grows every year.




Neither day is a public holiday.


It's all been said in previous posts so [thumbup] from this side of the pond.


Have a peaceful and thoughtful Veterans Day.

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If you see a man in uniform at a restaurant, get his check and pay for his meal.

I do it all the time - small price for me to pay.


Well I say God bless you for it Neo!


Right after boot camp I couldn't wait to get out and have nice steak at a nice restaurant. As me and my buddy were finishing our meal I ask the waiter for our bill only to be informed that a elderly gentleman and his wife had covered it. Obviously we were floored by the kind act and I ask the waiter who it was that had paid and I was told the couple had already left. I said that I wish he had came and told us so we could thank them and the waiter told me "if you're wanting to thank someone, there are 3 other people that have offered to pay your bill after the elderly couple".


Never in a million years will I forget that simple act of kindness and I try to pass it along anytime I see a member of our military out eating with their family.

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We call it Remembrance Day here in Canada, the sacrifices all men and women made during the wars and "peace keeping actions" should be known to the younger generations especially not just once a year, but on a basis where it reinforces why they're able to be who and what they are and who paid that price for them to enjoy it.


We wear poppies on over our hearts, and I'm sad to say that this year I never had an opportunity to get one, but I still observed a moment of silence; my fiancee and I are walking up to a retired fort today to pay our respects.

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