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OK so after doing a neck blank yesterday my jig saw had better days and died.OK so while were at my grandma's house me and my dad check my grandpa's shed he isn't using them, well its been about 6 years he's passed away now.But were look and looking, and my dad grabs a tackle box up in the shaft in the ceiling part of the shed he opens it and theres a paper bag in it. my dad grabs it, and a huge vibrator falls out.My dad says **** puts in the box and puts it back up there my and my cousin are on the ground dieing laughing, my dad is hunched over the lawn mower dieing laughing and I will never know my grandma the way I did 2 days ago lol

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My cousin which is now 19 found one in his moms closet when he was about 7, and asked what it was and she told him it was a back scratcher lol my family is so messed up while most of the woman side is.


get my dads family together and you have about the most hilarious and crazy bunch of people in the world lol

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It was in the shed??


Don't tell me .........it was gas powered! msp_lol.gif


You are sick...hilarious, but sick.

I wouldn't think the shed would be the most comfortable place for a hmmmm back sctatch.

I know I'm mixing up two different posts but it just seemed appropriate.


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about a year after my dad passed, i was looking at what was in some boxes it was too hard for mom to do. WELL to my surprise i found a battery pack with a cord attatched, he was a ham radio nut so i pulled on the cord and [scared] there was a chrome sex bullet on the other end. its been 5yrs scene he passed, i still have a hard time looking my mom in the eye.


sorry to high jack your thread..

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lol thanks and come to find out its not my grandmas we looked at the tape around the plastic box and its about 40 years old, back when my grandpa werent married to my grandma a girl he was datingi guess were into toys lol


But if anyone of you have seen the movie naked gun you will probably know the video im about to put up but this part is the most hilarious part in the movie-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTzVW82FaRs&feature=related


And bonfire thanks for asking but the neck blank is warped, so im gonna have to do some fixing right now but so far its going good so far talk to you later.

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Mature Women RAWK


The best part about them is no games; you know exactly what they want and they don't change the rules mid-stream.

I was doing the "cougar" thing years before that phrase was coined.

Starting in high school.

By the time I was 19, I was avoiding stupid, giggly girls like the plague.


Dated many women who were many years older than me - up until I met Mrs. Neo.

(She's 4 years younger)

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