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Gibson Brands Forums

The Bashers Ball!

Andy R

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Well I actually started this out as a forum for evol to vent about Collective Soul but then I thought why not have a post dedicated entireley to just Bashing whatever you don't like. It's a take on the Get angry thread. Here you can bash pretty much anything (let's not get into bashing members or races etc..) you want and people can't ( shouldn't ) get mad at you. If they do they shouldn't have came here and looked!



( Not for the defensive or easily offended )


The Rules: (Yes I am proposing rules)

1. Please keep offensive language out so this doesn't get Shut Down. Be creative.

2. Absolutely no defending of something that has been bashed. We can create a Things I absolutely love post for that.

3. I would avoid Gibson bashing as this is their forum

4. if you just can't say something nice about something at least say and keep it here.

5. Instead of posting your Bash in someone's thread about something you just can't stand let it out here!





And to start us out Evol!


You cannot be serious. This band? Really? More tasteless butt rock riffs sandwiched into milquetoast singing and playing. Every time I hear that Shine or spit me out (the giving head song) song I am so offended. My sense of good taste is offended.

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I absolutely hate effects loops,I have yet to see one that isn't a tone robber.I have only 2 out of 11 amps with effects loops but I'd never use them.I find that plugging my effects chain directly into the instrument input gives me a much fuller tone.

I also absolutely loathe Lady Gag and Justa Beaver and most of the talentless hacks who have lucked their way into lucrative careers due to the marketing expertise of some crafty PR types.There is so much vacuous,insipid, bland, mass produced pablum being passed off as music these days I've become totally disgusted with the music industry and have come to regard the whole industry as a farce where pure talent takes a back seat to how someone looks.

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I don't hate anything.......smiley-signs045.gif ......smiley-signs053.gif .....well, maybesmiley-signs086.gif ..and perhapssmiley-signs105.gif ...and twice I hated thesmiley-transport003.gif ..and doingsmiley-chores011.gif ...and smiley-chores007.gif ..and of coursesmiley-chores012.gif , andsmiley-chores009.gif not to mentionsmiley-chores005.gif ...the only thing else I hate are smilies and emoticons...

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I can't stand people that Bash things just because they don't like it!. I don't mind if someone says I don't care much for this or that but when people just go over the top I find it to be offensive. I'm not against expressing your opinion but I think you can do it so that people who might actually like what your bashing don't feel belittled. Opinions are like Arse holes. We all got one and they all stink some more than others.


If you don't like robot guitars fine! Say ya don't like em and move on!

If ya don't like band ( Insert name here ) Cool say ya don't if ya must and move on.



That's about it! damb It!

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I don't like Carlos Santana. Don't like his guitar playing, and especially when I play something with Spanish flavor and get told I sound like him. I understand it's a compliment, but inside, I'm having convulsions, lol.

I don't like people talking in movie theaters... Many more things, but I'll stop here [rolleyes]

.. for now... maybe... Man!

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I don't like Carlos Santana. Don't like his guitar playing, and especially when I play something with Spanish flavor and get told I sound like him. I understand it's a compliment, but inside, I'm having convulsions, lol.

I don't like people talking in movie theaters... Many more things, but I'll stop here [rolleyes]

.. for now... maybe... Man!


I freakin' hate people who talk in movie theaters. Shut the hell up already!!! msp_thumbup.gif




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