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What's your tradition?


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Just curious how others celebrate the holiday. I recall seeing Matt Sear mention how he and his wife pass New years eve... but I was wondering about Christmas, or Hanukka , or Kwansaa... whatever you celebrate :)



Our family heads up to the In-Laws on Christmas Eve, where we exchange gifts with her family. They always have a bunch of munchie food set out for us to graze on... My Mother In law makes the best fudge!


We then head back home where my daughter and her husband come over and we exchange gifts between family members. We make an order to Swiss Colony each year, and have a nice spread of delectables set out to snack and munch on... pettitefors, cheese cake, Bon Bons. Mmmm!


Christmas morning around here is for the kids. Our tradition has been for Santa to come during the night and fill the stockings and leave gifts for the kids. Yeah... even though they are 19 and 20, as long as they stay here for the night on Christmas Eve, Santa will bring them stuff in the morning. :D


In all the years we've been doing this, Santa has never once been caught in the act :).


All day Christmas our door is open to any who would stop by and break bread with us. There will be food on the table, and a warm welcome. Christmas night is our traditional Family dinner... which has kind of been centered around 2" thick T-Bones on the grill for the last several years. We let everyone pick what they want though, so there is usually a fairly wide variety!





For New Years, we stay home. We do not wish to drive on amateur night..... A nice table full of munchies, a little champagne at midnight and then off to bed.





So.... what do you folks do??

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My wife and I go to my folks house for Christmas Eve and usually have a nice dinner and then watch an animated movie together...


In the morning we have bacon and eggs and then wait for my bro and his wife to come over. We open gifts around noon with coffee and stuff and then we hang out and clean up and have a big *** Christmas Dinner that evening!


I wouldn't change a thing....its nice not to have to split Christmas with the wife's family as they are Jewish...no issues there! We do Hannukah with them and it's all good!

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We're just establishing them now since we're newlyweds. My kids came out this thanksgiving so they'll spend Christmas with their mother. This year, since I like to cook, I'll cook us a big breakfast Christmas morning with the inlaws here. Then we're going to Tahoe to ski and also see Steely Dan and then Jackie Green. Skiing and concerts, now that's a tradition I hope to keep going! [thumbup]

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Our family heads up to the In-Laws on Christmas Eve, where we exchange gifts with her family. They always have a bunch of munchie food set out for us to graze on... My Mother In law makes the best fudge!


We then head back home where my daughter and her husband come over and we exchange gifts between family members. We make an order to Swiss Colony each year, and have a nice spread of delectables set out to snack and munch on... pettitefors, cheese cake, Bon Bons. Mmmm!


Christmas morning around here is for the kids. Our tradition has been for Santa to come during the night and fill the stockings and leave gifts for the kids. Yeah... even though they are 19 and 20, as long as they stay here for the night on Christmas Eve, Santa will bring them stuff in the morning. :D


In all the years we've been doing this, Santa has never once been caught in the act :).


All day Christmas our door is open to any who would stop by and break bread with us. There will be food on the table, and a warm welcome. Christmas night is our traditional Family dinner... which has kind of been centered around 2" thick T-Bones on the grill for the last several years. We let everyone pick what they want though, so there is usually a fairly wide variety!





For New Years, we stay home. We do not wish to drive on amateur night..... A nice table full of munchies, a little champagne at midnight and then off to bed.





So.... what do you folks do??


Sounds like a wonderful time!


We do pretty much the same thing, but we also go to my parents on Christmas eve and my whole family and their families have a feast and exchange gifts. We do the munchie things mostly other than the Christmas meal which is always Christmas evening.


The last couple of New Year's eves we've went to a friends house which is only about a mile away. We have a huge fireworks finale before turning in for the evening.

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Usually work holidays.


Then... Brother and I were talking this morning. He's maybe 90 minutes away, his younger son is another 45 minutes farther, older son is a half hour from here. His daughter's almost a day's worth of flying and driving. He's going to the older son's for Christmas, but as he said, when there are a batch little kids and toys, Grandpa kinda is an afterthought.


We'll have a get together some Saturday or Sunday after my Mom gets back from Texas with my little sis and her brood.



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For years Christmas eve was a huge event at my Uncle Sal's house. The entire family would gather there to see my Grandfather who was like the Don Corleone of our town. Everyone knew and respected my GF and the house would be full of relatives and friends.


This tradition carried on even after my GF passed away up until 2 years ago when my Uncle's son died after a long battle with cancer. He said he didn't feel like celebrating much.


So now the wife and I have our parents, our kids and anyone else that wants come over for Christmas eve.


Christmas morning is brunch over at the in-laws place (father in law makes a mean batch of biscuits and gravy). Then entire family exchanges gifts.


Later that day it's over to my parents place for traditional dinner. Although this year with Dad in the hospital Mom is making a huge batch of lasagna and everyones gonna go there and eat with Dad.

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Chan, our holiday traditions sound suspiciously similar! We do one of my sets of parents on Christmas eve, there's food, friends family and presents.


This will be Leyna and I's second Christmas together in the apartment, and we plan on getting special breakfast food like a kilogram of extra thick cut bacon, eggs the lot.

We spend the rest of the day with both our sets of parents at different times throughout the day.



Our New Years tradition is Chinese take out, tv shows on dvd and drinking games related to the tv show.



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umm? Well, everybody shows up at about 6pm and we eat. after, we chill: dads/uncles/grandfathers around the table drinking beer and eating peanuts,

the young guns either playing scrabble or COD Black Ops on the PS3 [flapper] then theres the mothers/aunts/grandmothers (so basically all the females)

talking about the problems and/or funny stories about their christmas shopping or whatever. then we hit the church for a midnight celebration, come back

and open gifts, go to sleep (either go home and sleep or sleep at my house) then come back in the morning to eat and unwrap more gifts! then eat some more [flapper]

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The tree goes up about 2 weeks before Christmas. We turn on the lights every night, and every couple of days we'll watch a Christmas movie or listen to some Christmas music to get into the mood. Every year around a week before Christmas a friend of ours throws a party, where we all drink "Feuerzangenbowle", which is basically a big flaming bowl of wine with rum and sugar. On Christmas Eve we cook something extravagant -- my girlfriend is a really good cook -- and then we watch "A Christmas Carol". Presents are exchanged on Christmas morning, and then we usually entertain a few guests for dinner. New Year's Eve varies, depending on our moods, sometimes party, sometimes quite.


And this year we'll have snow on the ground!!! [thumbup]


Have a great Christmas, ChanMan!

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My family never travels for Christmas. We have a tradition of being "home for the holidays." Usually we don't do much on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning my little brother wakes up at like 5 in the morning (just like I used to do msp_flapper.gif) and runs down stairs to make my parents get up. Last year he came in my room and threw pillows at me till I got out of bed. Then everybody goes down stairs and we open all of our presents. Then mom makes some huge breakfast for us. After that everyone likes to spend the rest of the morning playing with their new toys and gadgets. In the afternoon we either go to see family at their house or they come to ours and then we eat some gigantic meal at like 3 in the afternoon and call that dinner. No need for lunch on Christmas day. msp_thumbup.gif

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All day Christmas our door is open to any who would stop by and break bread with us. There will be food on the table, and a warm welcome.



That is really nice msp_thumbup.gif


We spend it on our own- the day involves a lunchtime trip to the pub, a Christmas pizza and an afternoon of DVDs and playing guitar!





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This year we're going to start something new, since the kids are gone......the wife and I are going to cook a couple of lobsters in the pot with some Old Bay - corn on the cob - cole slaw and some drink to wash it all down.


Then I'll break out the Les Paul and try to play something. [thumbup]


Merry Christmas to all & a Happy New Year.



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Christmas eve we spend with my wife's parents who just so happen to be some of my favorite people and live right next door.

Big breakfast Christmas morning for my inlaws and my daughter and her boyfriend. Open presents and just hang out for a better part of the day.

We have our bigger celebration on boxing day with the family over at our place. Usually between 16 and twenty people and a couple of turkeys with all the trimmings.

Christmas day meal this year will be just a friend of ours, my wife and myself. Either Lobsters or a big mess of ribs.

New years witl be at a friends place for a pretty large gathering.

Between Christmas and new years, we host a big bonfire, cook a big batch of chili and park our lawn chairs in the snow around the fire and have a party. Anywhere from 20 to 50 people can show up throughout the day.

Gotta love the holidays.

Best wishes to all.



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Mine are too old and too busy anymore, but when the kids were younger, we did the '12 Days of Christmas'. Starting on the 14th of December, we did a Christmas related activity with the kids every night until Christmas. We would watch a Christmas movie, drive and look at the Christmas lights, make a Gingerbread house, etc. The kids enjoyed the activities and looked forward to it as much as any part of the holiday. It made great memories.

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Very cool stuff!!


Freak- I found a new favorite "Christmas Carol"... used to be Mr. MaGoo, but I watched the one with Patrick Stewart last night... incredible!


Tman the Younger- we have the same policy on Christmas Day... no travelling (unless, apparently, the Cowboys are playing the Titans....)


I've got a friend who has a cool tradition. he has a little stuffed Christmas elf. He "hides" it every night in a different place so his kids can find it... he calls it "Elf on a Shelf". His kids get so excited they scream when they find it :).



Loving the traditions... I was thinking about Lobsters this year, too, milwmade! I was overruled in favor of..... Steaks! And shrimp kebabs and bacon wrapped scallops /chuckle



Davidl- you, sir, are a party animal. The bonfire in the snow sounds like a blast!



Sorry you gotta work on Christmas Steven. I've had to before... it sucks, but it gave me chance to spread, and share in, the joy of the season!




Thanks for taking the time to share your traditions folks! I'm enjoying the thread... and getting some good ideas for what our Christmas will be like when all the kids have moved on to their own celebrations.



Anyone here play Santa for the Mrs.? I was thinking about sneaking in and filling her stocking and putting gifts under the tree for her....

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We spend a few days staying with my wife's family. Since we do turkey and ham for Thanksgiving, we go Italian

for Christmas. I spend Christmas Eve day making sauce. My wife and mother in law turn that into a huge lasagna.

The only slightly odd thing we do is make what we call the "bowl of meat". It's basically a beef roast cooked

until it's fork tender in a vat of marinara sauce. It's beefy and delicious.

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We spend a few days staying with my wife's family. Since we do turkey and ham for Thanksgiving, we go Italian

for Christmas. I spend Christmas Eve day making sauce. My wife and mother in law turn that into a huge lasagna.

The only slightly odd thing we do is make what we call the "bowl of meat". It's basically a beef roast cooked

until it's fork tender in a vat of marinara sauce. It's beefy and delicious.




Bowl of MEAT!!!

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Christmas, Just me and the missus exchange gifts on Christmas Day, we'll watch some movies and talk. She likes to talk. Also, we will have Christmas Crunch for breakfast. It started when the kids were little. About a month before Christmas, the makers of Captain Crunch make a version with little Christmas trees and stars. The kids love it. The first time she sees the boxes displayed, she buys up enough for us and all our grown-up kids so they can have it on Christmas morning. Odd what sticks with your kids.


Festivus? No, just a made-up holiday.. it's a JOKE folks, get over it.


Kwanzaa. I don't celebrate holidays, established by murders and thieves. (see article on SLA, United Slaves, Ron Karenga and Kwanzaa, then compare)


New Years, again home with the missus. Will watch a movie, eat Chicken In A Bisket (My favorite), cheeze, and sliced beef log (my wife's favorite). Will likely turn in after mid-night.

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