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Best records in the past 25 years


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Yeah i do, but the #1 is a record i never heard of...


You need to get wise to OK Computer. It is a master piece on so many levels.


btw that list is readers of British rock magazine Q votes. It's a music mag's readers' list.

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No metal records?

Please, Deaths Symoblic would be on that list if the magzine was more verstile.


And Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark and Pearl Jam's Ten and Sepultura's Roots and Pantera's Cowboys From Hell.


Radiohead's OK Computer is a great album, sure.

But Arctic Monkeys and Neutral Milk Hotel?? What?


It's getting depressing.

Clearly nobody ever heard of Opeth's Ghost Reveries or Paradise Lost's Icon (ok, maybe I'm pushing it here, but seriously...).

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...but the #1 is a record i never heard of...


Perhaps you should broaden your horizons. I admit I have never heard of #16

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel. But c'mon, you've never

even heard of OK Computer? Really?


Furthermore, the list is pretty solidly British (since the mag is published in England).

Are you really surprised that Death is not on there? There isn't even any British

metal on there!


I generally view there lists as silly, yes, but also as an opportunity to check out

some new music. You can bet I'll be investigating Neutral Milk Hotel since that's the

only one one there I am unaware of. To have charted at all with a stupid name like that

they must have something going for them.

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Being from Scotland I'm familiar with the magazine and all the bands except that neutral milk hotel one. However most of whats on there is nothing but a pile of pish. hot steaming cloudy pensioner pish in a bucket!! I cant put it any more graphic than that. The readers of "Q" tend to be students trying to be cool or mid 30's single guys who leave it lying on the coffee table, old acoustic guitar in the corner and try to look cool for dates coming back to the house. The magazine is a pretty over rated, under interesting pretentious bag of shite!

As far as oasis go, somebody... please... anybody... slap those @ssholes!!

coldplay is like musical suicide and chris martin comes accross a total tosser when interviewed. they have a couple of ok tracks but hardly worth the hype..

sorry I'm ranting and the blood is rising..

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So.... what did you score on the "what kind of boyfriend am I" quiz, dem00n?






Oh... this is in my catalogue now, Shred.



Most people only know radiohead from this one song and think that thats their only hit...In reality That song isnt even in my top 5 radiohead songs...I think most radiohead fans would agree with this.

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