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i DO NOT like jimi hendrix...

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It's pretty obvious his first post was intentionally inflammatory to provoke knee-jerk reactions from the forum community. He did a good job at it, it provoked a response from me pretty quickly. Stating someone is only famous because they are dead is one of the most ignorant things I think I've ever heard. If he doesn't like Jimi, no love lost. He may not appreciate what Hendrix did, but that original post was extremely bad form.

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I've read that he didn't like his own guitar playing by 1970 either. So here we have the moment of synthesis in Steve's thread, where we realize that Steve and Hendrix are in fact at one with each other: neither of them liked Jimi Hendrix.


Not so fast. I'm not giving Steve that satisfaction. [biggrin] What I understand is that Jimi was ready to go in other directions. He was tired of playing the same thing over and over for fans that didn't share the desire to see him move on.


An artist who stagnates is dead. You see it in all the one and two hit wonders. An artist who progresses stays fresh in his own mind and in those who appreciate and understand his work. This is one reason I take exception to milod's point of view about Hendrix catching the right time. Like any artist who remains relevant, I think Hendrix could have progressed and been progressive. But we will never know.

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Not so fast. I'm not giving Steve that satisfaction. [biggrin] What I understand is that Jimi was ready to go in other directions. He was tired of playing the same thing over and over for fans that didn't share the desire to see him move on.


An artist who stagnates is dead. You see it in all the one and two hit wonders. An artist who progresses stays fresh in his own mind and in those who appreciate and understand his work. This is one reason I take exception to milod's point of view about Hendrix catching the right time. Like any artist who remains relevant, I think Hendrix could have progressed and been progressive. But we will never know.

Clapton being a good example of that. He reinvented himself ever few years, and ever time he took a slightly different tact the press said he was Dead and his fans said he sold out. But either retained his popularity or expanded it every time he came out with a new sound or even a new look.


My Fiance discovered Clapton in his unplugged "Tears in Heaven" period, so she thinks of him as a really mellow, almost elevator music sort of guy. Then she hears stuff from Journeyman, or she realizes he was in Derek and the Dominoes, or sees him doing "Tulsa Time" with Sheryl Crow and she starts seeing the many facets of the whole artist. I think Jimi would have been one of those Multifaceted artist had he lived beyond his "First Real Thang."

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i totally agree with u. i think that jimi hendrix is way over rated and that he is not this so called guitar legend that people say he is and its nice to know other people reconise this.


How does one RECONISE anything???????????? I myself RECOGNIZE a lot, but have never heard the term RECONISE; What does it mean ???? It's nice to know that others RECONISE your view...or is it veeeeew ???

wow, welcome to the forums :rolleyes:


lemme guess, you also don't like Gibsons?


Perhaps never even seen one...

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Oh, quit being so diplomatic Cameron!! Take a stand and tick somebody off!

Haha! I'm trying NOT to tick people off [flapper] But if I must, I take the "Pro-Hendrix side." I think he paved the road of rock and roll for many generations and still to come. He was one of the first [thumbup]

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...In my opinion he was at his best playing other people's music, particularly electric blues. (Red House, Killing Floor, etc.)


"...other people's music, particularly electric blues. (Red House, Killing Floor, etc.)"?


Jimi Hendrix wrote "Red House".

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Well the 50's, 60's,70's and 80's were years of learning and changing of all music as far as Soul,Country, and Rock go. There were a lot of changes in playing and singing. If you didn't live it you can't understand what the real feelings for the music was coming from. It's like I play in the Folk genere But the way I play is only enjoyed by a few people who got into music being played in the raw state. I love most of the music I hear but It's lost It's real soul because It's totaly computerized. I enjoy the old fashion way of playing and singing. A bunch of people getting together and just doing what they like to do. [thumbup]

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I was brought up and began pickin' in the same era - but worse. I got to know some of the 20s and 30s (a couple yet older) folks who played barn dances and grange halls and later on the radio - the same station, btw, that really gave Lawrence Welk a good start. Great folks, some excellent musicians, some medium who loved playing and had decent followings.


The thing that bothered me about the "folk scene" is that if a type of musical tradition didn't fit the mold of what a few self-proclaimed gurus said and did, it wasn't any good and you were a fool for playing or liking it. That kinda added a sweet and sour touch both to my folkie days and the later era when I worked with a lotta "old time fiddlers."


But what has that to do with Hendrix?


Lots, I think. Frankly I don't care for Hendrix and didn't in the old days. But I never said he didn't have appeal to a segment of the population nor that he was "wrong" or that people who liked his stuff were stupid.


I do think he played electric guitar and used various electronics in ways others hadn't gone so far with and that such a thing at the right time and place gathered a lotta interest and copycats.


On the other hand... not my schtick.



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Haven't gone through all nine pages here but imagine Hendrix with all the modern tech toys we now have . . .


Something I get pleasure from even imagining much less hearing. [thumbup]


Though not my favorite, he innovated, he inspired, he changed music for the better.


Nuff said.

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Thats what I was saying Milod, Different strokes for different folks. As long as you like what your listening to, what does it matter what other people think? Just enjoy what makes you yourself happy. Thats the way I live my life. Whatever other people enjoy, I'm happy for them as long they don't try to force there opinion on me. Now if they want my opinion on something they enjoy. I'll tell them what I think hopeing their not expecting a lie to save their feeling's. I just wasn't brought up that way. Usually if you ask, I'll tell you what I think. [biggrin]

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