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Have you ever met anyone from the forums here?

Silenced Fred

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Nope never met anyone in person.


And as a side note that Poutine stuff look nasty. I thought biscuits and gravy was probably the unhealthiest food on earth, you Canadian guys win at least biscuits aren't deep fried or covered in cheese. [sad]


Just read today that the life expectancy of Canadians is about 6 years or so longer than that of the USA.

Hmmm. Are poutine and beavertails the majic elixir?

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Nope never met anyone in person.

Retro and I have never met, but we've scent-marked a lot of the same trees in the Phoenix area. [woot]


Rdwivedi is one guy who's been scarce of late, but we've met for lunch a few times and email back and forth.


He has the sister to my SG 61 RI with the Maestro.

Also bought the PRS with a one piece flame top that Mrs. Neo told me to buy.

(Didn't have the cash, R beat me to it...)


Am I missing somebody?

Oh yeah, Silverbursted.

He hasn't been here much lately either.

Must be the shame of selling his silverburst Les Paul... [rolleyes]

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Here's me and NeoConMan just outside of Bizarre Guitar & Drum in Phoenix.

I'll let you figure out who is who...



RM, I forgot about that pic!

What was your dentist buddy's name who snapped that?


(Got anymore pics I should remember???) [biggrin]

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And of course Canadian beer



Actually Ive spent quite a bit of time up in Montreal at the festival and other events even spent almost a month there many years ago. The beer was pretty good and Montreal was a pretty city but the woman are what stood out to me gorgeous little dark haired tattooed old style hippies. Thats what kept me there for a month in my misspent youth. [thumbup]

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As Matt mentioned a couple of pages back we've met on a few occasions but not nearly often enough! We don't live too far from each other and I hope he, Simon (flight959) and I can all get together for a muck-about.

Matt's musical abilities are so varied that I'm sure there would be a niche we could find where we can all end up playing the same sort of stuff!


Flight959 and I meet up every week or two - depending on our work schedules. Sometimes during the day for a wee jam; sometimes in the evening for a chat over a few beers. Occasionally both.

He's recently bought a few very nice things so hopefully next week he'll be able to bring at least some of them round to my house so I can have a go.


There are a couple of 'occasional' contributors here that I meet regularly - one of them (a fellow snapper) very often indeed. In fact we've been working together for the last two days.


RogerGLewis has, as Matt mentioned, moved to Sweden which is a bit of a shame from the Brits viewpoint. A nicer, more genuine guy you couldn't wish to meet. We're still in touch on a daily basis on another guitar forum.

We met up a few times before his relocation. He also hosted two of the greatest parties I've ever had the pleasure to attend. His 'Midsummer's Night' party will live long in the memory!

Matt was at one of these where he entertained us with his wonderful playing accompanied by his lovely wife on vocals - and what a singer she is.



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Hey.... [blink]


I've gotten lotsa compliments on my legs over the years. [thumbup]

Most muscled/toned part of my body - comes from carrying around my dynamic physique all those years.

Especially when running all those stairs in powerplants and refineries every day...



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