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It's a girl!!!


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Late last year there was a thread about what 2011 would bring, I was hoping for this and now it's a reality. Thanks to those of you who had good wishes.


My wife and I had a little bit of trouble, it took us exactly 2 years but thank God we did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to conceive.


I am a huge Beatles fan and (by now) so is my wife so our daughters name will be Lucy.



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....the little lady and I have been trying for almost a year now...



Two words: ovulation kit. We tried for almost five months before getting a kit. Next month I hit the target (pun intended).

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Thanks guys, we are excited.


Yeah! Congrats man!! That's exciting. I get ya....the little lady and I have been trying for almost a year now...


Looks like it pays off to keep trying!! Lucy is a great name!


Don't know if you drink coffee but I got off caffeine and like an article said 3 months later once your system is clean bam!! coincidence? I don't know.



Lucy Michelle Julia Prudence Stiffhand.


I love it!!


Sounds almost Royal, except for the stiffhand part...



Congrats! Just don't give her the stiffhand name


Been thinking of retiring the name, the stiffness in my hand is getting worse so I don't find the moniker funny anymore, well, it never was really.

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Very exciting.


I have a bunch myself ... families are GREAT!


Just a word tho, my #4 was "probably a girl" on 3 separate ultrasounds....... and HIS name is Jacob ;-)




Have fun and enjoy the ride!


Congrats to all those of you expecting right now too, and blessings to your upcoming new additions.

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Two words: ovulation kit. We tried for almost five months before getting a kit. Next month I hit the target (pun intended).


Wifey's been using that for the last few months...her doc says not to get too worked up about it til its been about a year...


But I didn't know about the caffeine thing that Stiffhand said...i do drink coffee...perhaps I should stop for a while. I already stopped smoking the greens about 7 months ago to help speed the boys up and allow them to remember where they are going. ;)

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Congratulations! My wife and I are expecting too. Nov. is the date.


Ah congratulations, our date is first week of October.



Awesome! Congratulations. Yeah, skip the stiffhand middle name... and "Fer" too... [thumbup]


Lucy-Fer would be a be unpopular name in so many circles.



Congrats Stiffhand..........Is that a baby Gibby she's holding in the pic ???


That would make delivery complicated, I like how you can see the 5 fingers on her future picking hand.



Stiffhand shoots from the hips.


In this case yes, literally.







Maybe some day when I grow up. At my age that probably ain't likely.




I am 42 so I hope kids keep me young.



Congrats!! Have you decided which guitar to get her yet? [rolleyes][thumbup]=D>


I am looking for an SG at the moment that could be hers one day if she is interested.

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Wifey's been using that for the last few months...her doc says not to get too worked up about it til its been about a year...


But I didn't know about the caffeine thing that Stiffhand said...i do drink coffee...perhaps I should stop for a while. I already stopped smoking the greens about 7 months ago to help speed the boys up and allow them to remember where they are going. ;)


I can step in if you need some help. [wink]

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