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Alex Lifeson Les Paul

Dustoff 04

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$3000 for Alex Lifeson's signature on a Les Paul: Ok, admittedly, I'm not a RUSH fan. but hey GIBSON, WAKE UP are you kidding me? $3000? Maybe you didn't notice but the rest of us are in a recession. Really, Really, REALLY Bad timing to sell a ten thousand dollar guitar. (ok, $9100).

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$3000 for Alex Lifeson's signature on a Les Paul: Ok, admittedly, I'm not a RUSH fan. but hey GIBSON, WAKE UP are you kidding me? $3000? Maybe you didn't notice but the rest of us are in a recession. Really, Really, REALLY Bad timing to sell a ten thousand dollar guitar. (ok, $9100).


If you're not a Rush fan then why is this bothering you out of all the other models Gibson sells?

Its not like its new that they charge a lot extra for signed models.


+1 Dem00n.

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The Les Paul custom orginal price in 1957 is $375, i put that into a time moeny converter and it says its around $3000 if we compare to todays money. . See?


You get wiser and cooler each day.....and, yes, the math is about right.........


As far as the sig goes, the sig guitar is really awesome.........Sure, it's crazy to charge $3000.00 for a signed guitar,


but, hey, whatever......Not many Canadians give autographs these days, so, it IS worth a lot !!! Just sayin'....:unsure: ...

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Is it $3,000 or $9,100? That is a big difference. And, is that retail or street price?


And, just a sidenote, I went to Guitar Center the other day after not going for years, and I was surprised to see how much Gibby's have come down. And, how many really cool cheaper guitars they had available.


The prices for the Other brands, especially fender, were up and the quality was way down. Made me proud to be an American.


American made rocks. (so does Canadian and German, just in case you think I am prejudiced).

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You haven't been paying attention for some years now.


Henry's been mining the signed sig pot of gold for years now. And being quite successful at it. I'm not into sigs myself, but they're certainly a viable product and a money maker - which, BTW is Gibson's primary objective: making money.


Have you seen the John Lennon 70th Anniversary j-160e series - http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Acoustic-Instruments/Round-Shoulder/Gibson-Acoustic/70th-Anniversary-John-Lennon-J-160E.aspx


They go from $4728 to $15,048 (MSRP) - - - - hows that for sticker shock?

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another +1 to dem00n. plus, MSRP on the site doesnt mean thats what the price is in real life.

not a rush fan eh? thats why they have LP axcess' that arent sig models.

Gibson needs to make money, they wont do that it they sell all their guitars for 800 bucks...

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On a serious note, everyone is right but every month or so someone has to pop in and day Gibson is rippin off America


Anyways, I still say that guitar has too much damn plastic on the back

I would have thought you would be the first guy to be all over that.



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Its really this simple - Dont want it? Dont buy it! Cant afford it? Dont buy it!

Gibson offer a wide range of models at a wide range of prices. They also sell cheaper licenced copies in the Epiphone range for those who want a quality instrument but cant stretch to the luxury brands. (I know there are those who knock Epi but for a lot of people that is thier sensible price point and they represent good value for the money).


At the end of the day, the item on offer with the signature models is the signature, not the guitar. If you want the guitar to play, just buy the relevant non-signature model. Not your personal guitar hero - then stop losing sleep over how much his signature is worth. It may be worthless to you but there is someone out there who worships that man and is happy to pay.

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I went into a store recently and I couldn't believe the amount of Strat models. It's stupid.



I then went into another store and there wasn't a decent guitar in there...

Perhaps it was because it was a butchers shop?

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What company would make a product that they didn't think would sell? Alex Lifeson and Rush have FINALLY gained the fame they deserved 30 years ago, even though they still do it their way after all these years.


Alex Lifeson is extremely popular now. The guitar will sell and Gibson will make a profit. I'd buy it in a heartbeat but I need to take it easy after my PRS and Geddy Lee Fender Jazz Bass purchases (besides I'm thinking about a Tele next).

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