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threads being deleted all the time...

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Are you sure it got deleted? Where's the last place you saw it? Have you looked under the bed?


haha, two from me a few days ago and one from dem00n today oh and farnsbarns too, starting to get a bit silly now [bored]

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My cats delete my threads all the time....When they're from my good T-shirts, it bugs me.....



Sometimes they move my threads elsewhere, but thats OK.....


Sometimes they hide my threads in area 51.......hmmmm......


( dem00n is a guest mod; he deletes his own threads before his mom makes him...)..[crying] ..

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Treadlocks, lol..... Yeah a few got zapped for sure the I hate Sammy Hager and play better guitar and I'm far more deserving of a signature LP than he does and only old guys listen to him thread got zapped also.


Never said I play better, or that I am more deserving of a sig LP. I did say I'm not a fan of Hagar (correct spelling for the fanb00yz...) and mainly old guys listen to him.


edited by admin

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I'm sure Gibson will survive without a lounge. If the people at the top actually checked out the B.S. that makes up the lounge, I would bet it would cease to exist.




Because there will still be the Trading Post and Acoustic sections.

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Treadlocks, lol..... Yeah a few got zapped for sure the I hate Sammy Hager and play better guitar and I'm far more deserving of a signature LP than he does and only old guys listen to him thread got zapped also.



That thread got deleted while I was in the middle of reading it. Maybe I didn't get far enough into the thread, but I never saw anything in there that warranted deleting it. All I can think, is it must have gotten really nasty somewhere after page 2 of the thread.


Personally, I don't like Hagar that much either, but if someone is giving him a signature model, or in this case 2; he's gotta be doing something right. I just find it funny considering Chickenfoot is the project he's most recently known for and he's not even their guitarist... or if he even plays guitar with them, no mention has been made of it - he tends to be overshadowed by the iconic guitarists he associates himself with when he's not doing the solo artist thing.


That's just my point of view on that thread, please don't make such a stink over it that this thread gets deleted too. lol

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When threads move in the direction of name calling (hint hint Fred), the thread is destine for Area51..... Or about urinating all over public toilet seats, I'm thinking most of you can put 2 and 2 together.


Just because we have a lounge, doesn't mean we can post whatever lands in front of our brains at that moment..... Also the "whoa is me" threads aren't gonna live long either (hint hint STEVE).

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Guest Farnsbarns Wunterslausche

I think what Steve is getting at is that until very recently, if someone's post broke the rules it'd be deleted but there seems to have been a shift and now a single post breaking the rules, or even a few, leads to the entire thread being deleted.


If that is a change in policy then it's fair enough. It's Gibson's forum to run as they see fit, but, on the other hand, a change of policy like that is bound to surprise the established users.


My own opinion on the policy is that it doesn't help because no one gets called out if shown to have broken the rules and there is uncertainty for everyone, especially the op, over whether they broke the rules. And if the entire thread gets deleted and the users who were enjoying a pleasant thread suddenly find there conversation has ended, it is akin to chatting at the pub, someone shouts an obscenity from the back of the pub and suddenly you find yourself at home, alone and you are no longer chatting. It's a little disconcerting.


As I say, that's just my opiniin, Gibson can run their forum however they like.


Also, someone recently called Steve out for alcohol related posts and mentioned "drugs and alcohol" , I see nothing about alcohol in the rules. Nor anything on drugs(chrime, but not drugs) remember, not all areas of the world have draconian, fascist laws, perhaps drugs ought to be singled out in the rules if it is an unwanted subject. I would agree with that although I don't recall any threads centered on drugs but a couple of posts making jokes about them.


That's all. Just my thoughts. BTW my thread, that got deleted was about my in law's new cat, in was entirely within the rules, one participant broke the rules in one post, it wasn't one of the "stupid" threads of late which really, if I am honest, perhaps should be deleted.

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So guitarist gets to spout off about random stuff and I get my post deleted? Good ole boys club I guess


And yeah, I was wrong for name calling, but I wasn't the only one that felt that way, he had a ton of negative votes, but I guess you can get that fixed right?

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