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Marshall solid state?


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First of all, the recordings were in no way a fair way to review anything. Second of all, just because you like solid state doesn't mean everyone has to. The music I play relies on dynamics from an amp, I have not heard of any solid state that reacts the same way with tubes


I'm not going to argue with you though, because it provide nothing. Have fun telling people that "solid state is just as tube" but nobody cares

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I give up, some of you should get current with the times; just because a amp has tubes does not make it better. On the flip side just because a amp is solid state doesn't make it a POS amp. Yeah I feel strong about he Tech21 because its a great amp and no way its in the same category as a JTM 100; although the opposite can be said also. When the last chip has fallen and come to rest the final person who this discussion matters is the individual who owns the amp. My purpose of this discussion is to say just because someone posted his amp was solid state everyone pounced and started the solid state sucks. Its the same discussion here every time; I still say 95% of you could not tell even in the same room let alone recording which most are wrong on that survey.


I had this exact discussion at a local studio and what happened was there was a dual rectro in the room and I had my 5150 and Line6. Well people are very protective of their gear and the guy started talking crap about my amp. I told the guy (Aaron was his name) he could not tell the difference between a modeled Mesa or the real thing since the real thing was there. I have a Rectro on my Pod going into my 5150. No one could see which amp was playing, I could not either. We both got it wrong and guessed the 5150 with the Pod Live X3 was the Mesa. That was in a controlled studio enviroment.


In conclusion rather than talk down about something give it a chance. The fact that tube amps are the end all be all used to be 100% correct yet most of you were not around or at least playing during that time period. Yeah give me a early 80's JCM800 over a Peavey or any other solid state amp for sure. Yet today so much money has been put into research that even sonically a ss output connected to a test equipment can not even tell the difference.


I rest my case; and enjoy playing anything you own from a 10 watt tube amp to a 300 watt solid state stack. Music is music.


Dont think anyone refered to SS as a POS.... I know I didnt [confused].... If you like SS, that's great... I for one prefer tube.... It's really as simple as that.

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1; 95% of you could not tell on a mp3 or even in person what type of amp is being used and the other 5% just got lucky.



I call bullshit on the "even in person" part of that statement.


I have been to my fair share of shows, especially smaller local acts. You can always tell when someone brings out a solid state amp soundwise. I'm not talking 15 watt bedroom amp, I mean 50-150 watt solid state amp. If you run a ton of effects, then the difference is greatly diminished, and so in that case, you are right. But straight amp sound, you can tell.

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There probably are some good SS amps out there. I just never really cared about looking for them. Why? Because as far as I know, those allegedly great solid state amps are going out of their ways to sound like tube amps. And during my 25 years or so of playing guitar I haven't noticed any real shortage of tube amps, used or new. So I never really cared about looking into something that tries its best to do something just as good as the real thing when I can just... use the real thing!


With the modelling boxes it's different. I have a few (Roland/Boss stuff, now quite old and probably horribly outdated) and tried others (Line6, like first generation pods or something) and they've done an ok job doing what I got them for. They are convenient. It's all in one box. I can go direct to a computer, or PA when that has been the easy solution. Or go into a guitar amp and have a ton of sounds and effects with minimal effort. I got them as "getting the job done" boxes, and they've done that and sounded good enough for it. If they sounded as exact replacements for any of my real amps or not isn't something I've really cared about. If I wanted or absolutely needed those exact sounds I could have just hauled the amps along.

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Throwing around made up statistics doesn't help to prove your point. There are good and bad SS amps, just the same as tubes. Calling people who disagree with you clueless (or sheep as you are inferring) doesn't help your argument one bit. Solid state amplification isn't exactly new tech anymore, if people don't embrace it that doesn't mean they are in an outdated mode of thinking. I prefer tubes, I have had plenty of experience and have played plenty of both, it is what I prefer because they appeal to my tastes. You're just looking like a kid throwing a temper tantrum because some people don't agree with you.

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SS amps make great practice amps, but the tone and bite starts to fade away after about 30 minutes, especially if the amp is turned up......... Also the solid state amps I've tried (Randall and Peavey) don't cut through at all, especially if you play in a band that plays loud.

Yes very true and also if you play outdoor gigs your ss will be MIA.

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Its OK everyone can have on their binders or pretend what they want it only closes your word to options that are out there because people believe something they heard rather than experience it themselves. Now everyone go back and read the entire thread and if you have problems understanding the point I am making then feel free to PM me like many I have gotten already. Never have I experienced so many closed minded people because someone else said something sucked. Quite a few of you are so inexperienced your not doing yourself any justice. I've said my peace and all I have tried to say is





LOL - Good comment, Ironic as hell but good comment.

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There is a funny thing about life we all are different. we have different tastes I would never buy a Taylor ever again over the experiences I have had but I love the sound of them. I dont like the sound of a solid state for me its missing something yet I boost my lead with a metal zone. I find my Martin bloody hard to play its neck is just freaky. Funnily enough I think my SWD is better than the SWS might be because I own it. People will always stick up for what they believe in and usually for what they have invested good money in. I just sold my FM212 DR it was an awesome amp but it didnt have that sound I wanted. Yet I miss it because of its range. Each item has its own merit cost being one of the major factors, weight and ruggedness. Anyone who has ever gigged with a Tube amp and toured will know how finicky they can be and temperamental. We all have our own opinions mine is as much as a tube amp is a pain in the *** to move around afford and maintain it has the sound I want.


FTR I have owned 26 different Solid States and all of them had their merits would I buy one again...................???????????????????????


no. sorry its just not for me. but if its for you great my friend likes thai hookers I prefer german :P just kidding lmao


everyone loves Thai [flapper]

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Man I could have happily lived my whole life without knowing any of this! [unsure]


I can hear it now......." Mom !!!!!!!!! I cut myself shaving !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a bandaid, wait, two bandaids !!!!!!!! "

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Tube vs Solid state aside, I think in this thread (and hundreds of others on this board), one of the best messages is yes! Go and try things for yourself and follow the sound you like the best. Forget what everyone else says is good...it is that simple [biggrin]



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Solid state amps are so much lighter to carry, they are tougher, they are cheaper, they are loud enough (I have played through Randalls louder than my Marshall plexi), and I have never experienced an output drop after half an hour or any length of time. I've never even heard of that. Greg Ginn of Black Flag played ONLY through solid state amps.


IMHO most people buy the gear that their idols played, and they aren't quite thinking for theirself.


Jazzers are tone snobs who play $10,000 guitars onstage. Through solid state amps.


Get whatever gear you want and don't let anybody throw you off your game telling you: A)some crap they read somewhere or B)what somebody else told them, or else 3)your gear isn't what their (probably boring and conventional) idol used. It does not matter whether it has tubes or a fancy logo. Use whatever gear pleases you and works best and don't ever doubt yourself.

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I'm not blindly following anything. I just didn't hear anything special in the clips you posted. They sounded pretty bad to me. I think it's pretty obvious that I like solid state and digital stuff. I like pedals. A lot.


Your resume does speak for itself. You play in a cover band. If that's not being a follower I don't know what is.


What can I say dude... I've heard what you sound like and I don't think anything you can type will impress me or whatever you're trying to do. I don't want to be a jerk but your playing is sloppy and your "tone" is far from enviable...


I'm no guitar god either but you don't hear me telling everyone how much experience I have and how my gear sounds better than theirs and they're just closed minded..


I'm not even sure if you're for reals or what man..

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Why because I don't blindly follow the masses like majority of those here? Or is it because I say publicly what many of you say in private? As for experience don't worry about my resume; it speaks for itself and I'm going out on a limb here but I would be willing to say I am the only one here that has placed Third in SAC and First in Far East Tops in Blues Competition and actually was asked to join the Far East Tour with Tops in Blues.


Its OK; everything will be OK dont worry about me I'm doing fine. I now the truth and I enjoy the "trash talk" here. I wish there was a way to prove my point that I have tried to suggest to the many tunnel visioned followers here.


Quit sniveling and trying to play the victim.


Sheesh. Grow up a little? Sorry d00d, just saying publicly what many of us would say in private.

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Don't know what all the fuss is about....LOL!!!


For me it's tube or nothing, for other it's SS, for others it's both...


I've been playing out of tube amps since 1979..... who cares really.... My long long resume of making noise doesn't make me an expert, but I know what I'm after in terms of tone, and for me SS don't do it...... and that's not a crime folks [biggrin]

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Don't know what all the fuss is about....LOL!!!



I agree,


When I am witnessing a guitar forum war, I often wonder if other instrumentalists argue so passionately about their instruments as us guitarists seem to; i.e on clarinet forums do they argue over which reeds produce the best tone etc? In Britian we have a saying 'horses for courses,' which means that some things are perfect in certain situations but not others. That is how I find some equipment including valve and solid state amps.



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