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Change in landscape

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest farnsbarns

First off, I'm sorry if this causes any offence, I'm just being honest.


Just lately it feels like the lounge is a never ending stream of threads asking which guitar should I get, what Pedal is best between A and B, do you like this band or that. What happened to the great long rambling threads which one could really get one's teeth into. People like Matt, Andy, Milo and others used to have great conversations which I really used to learn from. I know these people are still about but where have all the good threads gone.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the "ask a question on a totally subjective issue" threads. I'd just like to see some more of the juicyer topics back again too.

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I think it runs in cycles. Sometimes people run out of real good topic ideas and you get a lot of silly posts out of boredom. Then someone has a really interesting, thought provoking question or idea and it seems to spawn more quality posts. I sometimes enjoy just reading the lite stuff where it doesn't require me to write a whole, over-thoughtout paragraph if I want to respond.


BTW, I get the feeling the Gibson site is ready for it's quarterly outage......just sayin :-k

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Forums have been doing this since there were forums. HCGF was five, 6 years of insanity before it tanked. Tele page WAS a hoot long time ago. GearPage, GuitarTalk, crap man, can't even remember all the forums that have come and gone for the very same reasons. Hell, usenet was a lunatic asylum for ten years of some of the best guitar talk you ever saw, and it tanked prolly...5 years ago now.


They all do this. Just doesn't take as long as it used to. Forums also didn't used to be almost, almost I said, all wearing the brand name of this company or that company. They were just wild west towns where you could say, do, be, anyone or anything you wanted. I have been rct, with minor changes to my email, through it all, here in internet forums and over on usenet where I still sometimes write something.


The long rambling experiences of people are not, for the most part, what new people want to hear. They want to be assured that yes, with that pedal you will sound just like that guy. Or yes, you bought a guitar that will be worth a friggin fortune in 3.7 years provided you keep the original pickups sealed in a baggie. They don't care that I have picks that I've been using longer than most of them have been alive, or that I played at the bar their parents were at the nght they conceived them in the back of a maroon Corsica.


It's a weird world is all I'm sayin yo.



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First off, I'm sorry if this causes any offence, I'm just being honest.


Just lately it feels like the lounge is a never ending stream of threads asking which guitar should I get, what Pedal is best between A and B, do you like this band or that. What happened to the great long rambling threads which one could really get one's teeth into. People like Matt, Andy, Milo and others used to have great conversations which I really used to learn from. I know these people are still about but where have all the good threads gone.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the "ask a question on a totally subjective issue" threads. I'd just like to see some more of the juicyer topics back again too.


Start one.

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Yup to things going in cycles too...


Another point is that I think the Epi Lounge is getting some of what you're talking about. It's also got a lot of do it yourself info that's awfully valuable. It's a bit of a different bunch, a lot of guys from Oz for example, and price tags combined with inclinations toward DIY brings a different perspective.


I know when I have a little extra time I also get into some of the different sub-forums like acoustic, SG, hollow/semi, etc.


I've a hunch we're at the time of year when a lot of "us" are checking in stores or on line for gear to crank up in the fall - or at least those getting active here at this point in time are getting active in various aspects of gear.


And let's face it, there actually are some potentially interesting discussions even on "what strings should I put on my new SG." It's the "why" that I find interesting. Why does a younger guy want super-heavies detuned when I'm perfectly happy playing with 8-38 on my ancient Guild SG clone, even playing jazz stuff on it?


Deeper philosophy... Yeah, I think if there's a bunch more interested in getting to play more, some of the more far-flung stuff may fade a while.


It'll return.



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Guest farnsbarns

And let's face it, there actually are some potentially interesting discussions even on "what strings should I put on my new SG." It's the "why" that I find interesting. Why does a younger guy want super-heavies detuned when I'm perfectly happy playing with 8-38 on my ancient Guild SG clone, even playing jazz stuff on


Oh yeah, I totally agree, those threads are fine and I get involved. I'd just like to see some of the really juicy threads again.


Having only joined up in the winter it hadn't occured to me that summer might be something to do with it either.


I've been over to the epi side a couple a times and it does seem to be different. Maybe I'll look in more often.

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I think a lot of "us" in the US at least tend to be on here more during seasons other than summer when it's kind of like Parisian summer where there's nobody around. <grin> All kidding aside, I was invited to be a fellow on an English-language French philosophy site - but was told it will crank up only this fall because the French do nothing serious in the summer. And that came from a Parisian.




The Antipodeans, OTOH, are currently in their season opposite yours and mine regardless of distances involved, so...



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Just lately it feels like the lounge is a never ending stream of threads asking which guitar should I get, [etc] .... What happened to the great long rambling threads which one could really get one's teeth into. ..... Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the "ask a question on a totally subjective issue" threads. I'd just like to see some more of the juicyer topics back again too.


You've got to have someone start a thread like that - which can be difficult. And sometimes those threads come out of nowhere, getting starting on a topic that had little to do with where the discussion/thread ended up going.


So . . . as Grampa said - - - - - Start one.

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Guest farnsbarns

Leave then.

You wouldnt of been the first anyways. [rolleyes]

Go to MLP, mabye the poltical topics will keep you busy.


That's very aggressive. Who mentioned leaving. I wasn't even negative.

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Guest farnsbarns

Well i am an aggressive person, you get tired of people complaining.


Well, do you want me to leave?


I don't remember complaining particularly.

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I can say from my perspective that it gets to be a bummer spending hours working on a thread and trying to have a thought provoking topic even about guitar subjects and only have 2 or 3 people actually participate and maybe a few people pop in with a wise crack... I worked my butt off on the Theory thread and you see how that went.... Topic on the components of tone ( insert crickets chirping here).... and so on.... [wink]




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People love things. Guitars, beads, golf clubs, barbie dolls. Don't matter what it is, everybody has their guitar.


The over analysis of guitars, amps, the sounds, all of it, that over analysis is only even mildly entertaining to people that don't play the guitar. When Les died, my 34 year old niece and her mate were treated to an hour and a half of guitar history, because they knew I had all these things, knew I used them all of my life, but didn't know the signifigance of him or that guitar.


Outside of that, who am I going to wax poetic at guitars about? My beautiful Mrs of 31 years this year, that I've been dating since 1977? She pretty much knows more about guitars via osmosis than most 10 year guitar players.


A guitar forum full of people that know as much about guitars as me, or more? Not really. I can help them not make mistakes I've made, and that isn't even easy. I can correct history, which is really why I hang around in these places. I can correct legends that were never close to true. But I can't lecture vast and deep on the insignifigance of the number of pieces that back of yer Les Paul is, or the relative merits of three screw plus Tilt-A-Whirl 70's Fedner neck adjusting. You goofballs either already know this stuff or would depants me on some dumba ss factoid I overlook, much as I would do to you.



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People love things. Guitars, beads, golf clubs, barbie dolls. Don't matter what it is, everybody has their guitar.


The over analysis of guitars, amps, the sounds, all of it, that over analysis is only even mildly entertaining to people that don't play the guitar. When Les died, my 34 year old niece and her mate were treated to an hour and a half of guitar history, because they knew I had all these things, knew I used them all of my life, but didn't know the signifigance of him or that guitar.


Outside of that, who am I going to wax poetic at guitars about? My beautiful Mrs of 31 years this year, that I've been dating since 1977? She pretty much knows more about guitars via osmosis than most 10 year guitar players.


A guitar forum full of people that know as much about guitars as me, or more? Not really. I can help them not make mistakes I've made, and that isn't even easy. I can correct history, which is really why I hang around in these places. I can correct legends that were never close to true. But I can't lecture vast and deep on the insignifigance of the number of pieces that back of yer Les Paul is, or the relative merits of three screw plus Tilt-A-Whirl 70's Fedner neck adjusting. You goofballs either already know this stuff or would depants me on some dumba ss factoid I overlook, much as I would do to you.




Maybe I had a misconception but it seemed to me that there were members here with different levels of experience/wisdom in different areas of music/guitars/amps etc... I enjoy discussing and learning from everyone from the noob to the Grand Poo-bah of all things musical. When I stop seeking to learn or trying to be better I stop being good. [crying]

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I think Andy hit some interesting points.


Also, communication on subjects musical are important. How do we even talk about this or that. I had a good friend who could rebuild the body of almost any vehicle - but hadda talk on the phone or buy parts in person because he froze when it came to writing a note to a supplier or customer.


"We" as musicians can learn from that sort of thing.


I think also that any communication skills will aid "us" in performance skills.



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